Grettings brothers!
First of all, I urge you to make prayers, prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, for all men; by the kings and by all those who are in eminence, so that we may live quietly and peacefully in all piety and honesty. For this is good and acceptable before God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
1 Timothy 2: 1-4
Believe that God wants everyone to come to the knowledge of the truth.
When we are very young, we all start dreaming and doing projects. The truth is that a large part is never realized: lack of means, faith, discouragement and how many times lack of health to reach the end.
But the truth is that God is not limited, if we are faithful, regardless of the circumstances, to grant us the necessary faith to realize our dreams.
When we observe Abraham, we realize that he had faith and believed in the invisible. He listened and obeyed the command that God had come to give him:
"Take now your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah; and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you." Genesis 22: 2
God knew that Abraham loved his son. That only had that. Abraham probably had many projects for a happy family future! But now, would he have to give up his dreams?
Of course, no. He did everything that God commanded him. In his heart there was faith, great faith. He had not lost sight of the promise that God had given him:
"When he was told: In Isaac his descendants will be called, he considered that God was able to resurrect even from the dead". Hebrews 11:19.
How many times loved, God has made us understand that he wants the best? It proves us, but it continues on our side to win. Many centuries later, Jesus affirmed:
"If someone wants to come after me, renounce himself, take his cross and follow me". Gospel of Matthew 16:24.
The world lives in anguish. Disillusions, dreams and projects that will never happen: and all for lack of faith or disobedience to His Word. But he promised:
"And the Lord said: You saw it well, because I hide my word to fulfill it". Jeremiah 1:12
Paul wrote to the Romans:
"He is the father of many nations, before whom he believed, namely, God, who gives life to the dead and calls the things that are not as if they were already". Romans 4:17.
We have the precious Word of God to assure us that the victory is already ours, through the blood of Jesus. The apostle encouraged the Corinthians:
"And thanks to God, who always makes us triumph in Christ and, through us, manifests everywhere the smell of his knowledge". II to the Corinthians 2:14.
Even if our soul despairs or loses confidence, we cling with courage to the powerful hand of God. Even if our spirit is dejected, let us remember David's prayer:
"When my spirit was distressed in me, then you knew my way". In the way I walked, they hid a knot, I looked to my right and saw: but there was no one who knew me: there was no shelter, no one took care of my soul. To you, Lord, I cried and said: You are my refuge and my portion in the land of the living. "Psalm 143: 3-4-5.
He will always be in control of the lives of those who love him and trust him, no matter the circumstances. What we learn from this sublime text is that, even when we are abandoned by our best friends, however, while we are in His will, He will not abandon us:
"Let your habits be without greed, happy with what you have, because he said: I will not leave you, nor forsake you." Hebrews 13: 5
Let us thank God for the faith he has given us. I think if given the opportunity to so many men, women and even children, to testify of what God has done in their lives, the earth would manifest itself with tears of joy and glory.
God is so perfect, he knows exactly what we need to become better people. And to live His will, sometimes, it will be necessary to renounce our comfort, in short, to renounce our wills.
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SteemChurch Community
Beautiful friendly subject, thank you for sharing it. There is no doubt that the Lord knows what is best for us.
Greetings bertha that you are well. God bless you.
@lorennys thank you for sharing this powerful word
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Amen @imaluv54 thank you for taking the time to read. God bless you
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