In society we face a number of problems. We face many different problems from ocean to ocean, but the problem that causes the most problems these days are DRUGS.
With drugs come many different problems. Drugs caused bad decision making, committing crime, and gets people very addicted to bad habits. Drugs in the present day are causing people to make bad choices and bad decisions. Drugs aren't necessarily making people to do things that aren't right, but make it so that people don't think straight. When people don't think straight they tend to make wrong choices.
People go simply crazy is awful and sometimes drugs are the reason for going crazy. If you have ever seen the show cops or anything like that most of the shows are filled with people going crazy and committing crimes that leads committing crimes. A lot of crimes like ROBBING, MURDER, SUICIDE, HOMICIDE and etc... all are horrible things people do while on drugs. If the world was to crack down on drugs there would be a lot less crime and murders. Less crime and so on the world would be a way better place. Bad habits are the worst thing about drugs. common bad habits of drugs are SKIPPING SCHOOL, SKIPPING WORK, NOT PAYING BILLS and these are the common habits cause of drugs
Imagine a world where there are no drugs at all. We wouldn't have to fear as much about crime.
No more worrying about what you choose to try because it wouldn't drugs in it. no more worries about what kids are dong when parents don't know where they are. The world would be a better place less crime, less bad decision making, less addicted people and less everything in our society. And that would be all THANK YOU :)
Good work my friend nice
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Thanks for the compliment and also for dropping by my blog..