in #education6 years ago (edited)

It’s a fun game in which the teacher has to try to trick students changing scenes from the book by others (the more outrageous the better) that come to mind. This is a bet: the teacher claims to be smarter than the class and be able to fool at least once, changing the action of the book.
You start in the competition and will gradually change to a fun dynamic.
This game can lead to an end or change history itself.
When the teacher changes something which must have realized that all Noooooo!., Then raise their hands and some of those who have risen says what really happens in the book.
In this game for review still has the rule of the four things you cannot do.
One possible variant is to make two teams. When you change something you raise your hand first answer. If successful given the team a point and if not, there is rebound to the opposing team.
To avoid excessive prominence of some alumni / ae is prohibited respond and respond twice without being asked. In these cases, the team is penalized two points.
Tip: To avoid embarullamientos and everyone talking at once and sweep from side to side of the class by asking everyone who has raised his hand. Note that does not turn back. If anyone comes up with an intervention when it has passed you must save it for next time.


The first is to hold back. Typical incidents should make provision of a participatory game in the classroom.

This is almost essential that we become (during the duration of the game) the accomplices of the group, some children do not watch out, GROUP -.


Four things cannot be made during the game:

  1. I, I, I, I…
  2. I? Me?
  3. Eeeeeeeehhhhhh …..
  4. Speaking softly.
    · The aim on the board (at least the first few times).
    · You have to be quick, this game requires alertness to avoid falling into boredom.
    · This is a question and answer game, a puzzle game, guessing at the questions we raised him and made them the answers. So do not find out the solution we give clues.
    · You cannot repeat the answers. If someone does call you attention with a sound not worth repeating answers!. And if it recurs, then collect the support of the whole class and say it all at once.
    · The questions that we formulated the students (and write on the board) are: _ Who is the author? (Of course, they cannot have the book below) _ Why is it important to know who is the author of a book or have read? To buy more of it if we liked and did not buy any other if we did not like. _ What other things in the book out, help us to know what can be better, whether by ordering a book from a known author provide several differently? (Now if they can have the book in front, the smaller should look for the book out). Title, Summary, collection, carried out or drawings, and editions. _ what are all these things?
    · The answers and / or tracks have to give them in the form of stories or anecdotes so that the student is to discover the whys. He retained much better if you find them if we tell ourselves.
    Other suggestions:
  • Depending on the age of the children, organize a visit to a printing press.
  • An exhibition of running a desktop publishing program (if the school has computers) can be tremendously clarifying the process of manufacturing a book.
  • You can write one or more stories in class and then bind them making multiple copies. Children can take one each and the school to keep some in return.
  • Of course, bring to the classroom storytellers, illustrators or an author of books (in the latter case, the book read).