Steps of Curriculum Development

in #busy6 years ago


In our lives, certainly can not be separated from education, whether it is formal education that has some level of education such as elementary school to university. In addition to formal education, there is also the name of non-formal education. Perhaps the non-formal education all matters not regulated and all the rules that apply not as detailed as regulations that exist in formal education.

Formal education, there is an important component grounding to achieve a good quality education, namely curriculum. The curriculum is one of the most important components of education. Without the curriculum, the educational process will not run smoothly. The curriculum is needed as a component in the hope of achieving goals in education.

From the second paragraph above, we can conclude that it is important for us to do curriculum planning. Without doing curriculum planning, the systematical sharing learning experiences will not run effectively and smoothly. So, it will not be interconnected and lead to the expected major objectives. So, what better way to plan and develop the curriculum so that the resulting quality of the education process to be good.

The cornerstone of Curriculum Development

Develop curriculum cannot be done arbitrarily, in preparing and developing the curriculum must be done as best as possible by including some strong foundation from the thoughts of experts who have carried out in-depth and thorough research?

In planning the curriculum must be based on some principles as follows.

  • cohesiveness
    Curriculum planning combines types and sources of all disciplines,
    school and community cohesion, internal cohesion and coherence in the delivery process.

  • Objectivity
    Curriculum planning has clear objectives and specifically based on national education goals, real input data according to the needs.

  • Benefits
    Curriculum planning provides and presents the knowledge and skills as input material for decision making and action, and useful as a strategic reference in the administration of education

  • Efficiency and Effectiveness
    Curriculum planning is based on the principle of efficiency funds, manpower, and time in achieving the goals and outcomes of education.


In addition to using the principles already written above, in curriculum development also must be based on certain principles. The purpose of the principles in the curriculum is certain rules that will animate the curriculum.

Here are some rules or principles in developing the curriculum.

  1. The principle of Flexibility.
    In curriculum development to it that is generated has a flexible nature, supple and flexible in its implementation, allows adjustments to occur based on the situation and the conditions of place and time are always evolving, and the ability and the student's background.

  2. The principle of continuity
    The continuity in the curriculum, either vertically, or horizontally. Learning experiences are provided in the curriculum must pay attention to sustainability, both inside the classroom level, between levels of education, and between levels of education and types of work.

  3. The principle of relevance
    Internally that the curriculum has relevance among the components of the curriculum (Objectives, materials, strategy, organization, and evaluation). While externally, these components have relevance to the demands of science and technology (epistemological relevance), demands and potential of students (Psychological relevance) as well as the demands and needs of the development of society (sociological relevance). [ source ]

Those are some important points that are often practiced by experts in planning and developing curriculum. I think it's important for all of us to understand the curriculum because the curriculum is a thing that accommodates all the material and learning material and also teaching procedures for educating students.

Then the curriculum must be well planned, so students become easy to learn, and also so that they can develop well become extraordinary people in the future.

References :

curriculum development
component in developing the curriculum
the principles of curriculum development
curriculum planning procedures

Thanks, regard @maulida