My (brief) tale of two cities: From small town girl to big city cyclist
When I moved to Minneapolis to attend the University of Minnesota I was clueless about city culture. Growing up in North Dakota with six siblings did not prepare me for navigating the life of a single college girl, alone in a metropolis. The Twin Cities, Minneapolis and St Paul are many many times larger than any of the small rural towns I had lived in. I arrived green eyed, eternally hopeful, and way too cute for my own good (as they say). Naive was my middle name. Looking back, I sometimes marvel at how I thrived. Or at least, survived. Thankfully my positive energy attracted mostly good people and I'm creative enough to problem solve most unexpected situations.
As a child my nickname was Min, as in Minnie Mouse, because of my tiny size. Spoiler: I didn't outgrow it. (Hey, I just revealed the origin of my username, min in the city). Settling into my dorm room, I felt worlds away from small town life, both physically and emotionally. There I was, feeling independent and free, yet directionless. I knew I wanted something more, but what?
My family gave me very little direction and a hearty helping of unnecessary fear. I recall a conversation with my sister about getting around the sprawling campus alone. I said I felt safer on my bike than on foot. Her response was that biking instead of walking wouldn't keep me safer. A rapist could hide in the bushes, jab a pole into my wheel spokes as I passed, and attack me when I fell off my bike. Thanks for the pep talk, sis. I get it, sort of. None of my family members had lived alone in a city this size. How could I, the littlest? And why would I want to? All they saw here was too much traffic. But I saw opportunity. Stepping out of the little box I was raised in, beyond my comfort zone, growing.
After several years of living at Minneapolis addresses, this city was becoming an important part of my identity. When I accidentally moved to St Paul, it was weird realizing I'd become so attached. The University of Minnesota is immersed in the city and it's not obvious where the Minneapolis and St Paul campuses begin and end. When my future roommates and I chose our apartment I didn't realize it was just outside Minneapolis city limits. So, for one year, I had a St Paul address. I never connected, though. My heart is in MSP. My favorite city lakes and parks, bikes shops, restaurants, co-ops, and other local businesses are here. I never felt a strong sense of place as a child because we moved to different parts of North Dakota. Finally, I understand why people express pride in their home city.
Although I wasn't the passionate cyclist I am today, I loved experiencing city life on two wheels. No need for gas stations stops or parallel parking skills! After years of grinding on pavement with my mountain bike, I met a changemaker. This guy chased me down the Greenway bicycle path. I on rollerblades, he on bike, we introduced ourselves. Thankfully I said yes to meeting for a bike ride several days later. Now he's my favorite guy. And more to the point of this story, that ride motivated me to get a bike more suitable to riding on pavement. I sold my mountain bike and never looked back.
It seems obvious now, but I didn't know any cycling enthusiasts until I met him. I didn't get it. I thought there were bicycle riders like me, and cyclists who wore spandex, clipped their shoes to the pedals and showed up everywhere drenched in sweat. I was NOT a cyclist. I was a girl who rode bikes... I'm so grateful I started exploring various riding styles and began my journey to where I am today. Sometimes I am that cyclist clad in spandex, clipped in, and wiping sweat out of my eyes. Sometimes I commute and do errands by bicycle. Sometimes I go on joyrides to my favorite places. And approximately once per year I saddle up and ride a century (100 miles in a day) just because I can.
Thinking back to small town life when I wanted five children, or my college years when I studied Elementary Education, I never dreamed I'd become a cyclepreneur. Cycling entrepreneur. Sharing my love of cycling and sustainable transportation with the world is everything that girl never knew she wanted.
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That's a great story of your life @mininthecity. I hope you keep it up and look forward to hearing more about it soon. Regard
Thanks It's fun being back on Steemit and catching up on people's stories.
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Minneapolis seemed huge when I was young, going beyond the 494/694 loop was always an adventure.
I grew up in south Minneapolis, and rode my bike to school everyday, crossed lake Harriet over the ice in winter.
I don't miss Minnesota winter.
Summer weather was (still is?) fantastic, it cools off at night there, unlike here in Shanghai, where it stays above 30C with 80% humidity 24/7 for most of July and August.
This was back in the 1990's, bicycle infrastructure has improved a lot since then.
Cool! I've lived in S Mpls for quite a few years after living in various parts of the city. I've biked to, by, and around Lake Harriet countless times. I've xc skiied there when it was frozen, but didn't bike across the ice.
I don't blame you for not missing winter! Summer and Fall can be delightful though. Shanghai sounds too humid for me. I'm grateful that the infrastructure keeps improving here. Thanks for saying hi!
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Nice prose @mininthecity! My partner @stacyquast is from a rural ND town- Zap right outside Beaulah. Like you, she left and now explores the world with yours truly.
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Cool! It sounds familiar... Maybe you mentioned that your wife is from North Dakota. I'm glad she found an awesome partner to explore the world with!
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I was worried when you said a guy chased you down the road! (especially after the whole pole in the spokes paragraph :@ ) but glad you found a great guy, a great hobby and a great city....sounds like university was a great move for you :)
Hi @basilmarples! It's been a long time! I didn't realize I was adding a dramatic chase scene when I wrote it! ;) Thank you! I'm glad I chose this city, too.
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