Ecotrain QOTW: Why and how did Donald Trump rise to power and do you think his tenure can help the world if you ignore the obvious negatives?

in #qotw6 years ago (edited)

OK, many of us are wondering what on earthcan tell you is that it brought a huge grin to my face. Not just a smile...NO! A huge grin from ear to ear...Kinda like the Joker... Why? Well, you're going to have to find out by reading every single word. My thoughts on this might turn out to be completely different than the opinion of others...Or not.

How did Donald Trump rise to power?


This might be the first thing where my opinion differs from that of (most) others. Simply because I believe he didn't rise to power but he was put into power. Not by 'the people' however.
The thought that voting for a president would make any difference or even chose one to be in power is something that I laugh at. Those people who still believe that their vote actually counts and that the democracy of the US (or many other Western countries) is actually democracy will have to rethink this and they will have to do it quickly. The time of gently making people aware of what is truly going on is over, rude awakenings it is from now on. The US is as much a democracy as China and North Korea are, maybe even less so. The US is probably more communist than any of the 'real' communist countries combined. But because the people of the US (and the rest of us) have been programmed by TV and the media to believe that true communists are 'those' far away in China and what used to be the USSR and that the people of the US are actually free and live in a democratic country, they believe it to be the truth. It couldn't be further from it. Of course, you can have your own opinions, or truths, but I can tell you this: The people of the US did NOT vote Mr. Trump. It wouldn't have made a difference if more people had showed up to cast their votes. Nothing. The people who are truly in power, and I mean much more than just the US, those are the people who made sure Trump is where he is right now.

Democracy is an illusion that people have to wake up from. Period.

With that being said, I have always had the feeling that Trump isn't a complete puppet for the system. Somehow I think he serves his own agenda more than he does any other, however I haven't quite figured out what this agenda is exactly aside from the obvious and I am not sure if we want to find out...

Before I answer the question why Trump rose to power, I think we need to investigate his background a little bit.

Let's start with that shall we?

The CIA - Maffia/Mossad - Trump connection

There was once a little paint company called Mary Carter Paint Company. Set up in the 1950's, allegedly by CIA director Allen W. Dulles and his buddy New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey, this was no ordinary paint company. No, it was a front to launder money for the CIA.
By the way, Thomas Dewey was also a two time presidential candidate for the Republicans. He lost to Truman...Who also has a shady past.
Later, the Mary Carter Paint Company merged with the Crosby-Miller Corporation in which Dewey also had some interests.

OK, OK, so a money laundering paint company...but where does Trump fit into all this?

After the merger around 1957-58, the company was still laundering money for the CIA, which was used to arm anti-Castro exiles and the startups of a few gambling businesses in the Caribbean. Besides this, they were good buddies with Meyer Lanski. You want to google him if you don't know him.

Did I have your attention when I mentioned gambling? NO?

Alright. Let me explain in more detail.

In 1963, the company got bored of the paint business so they got rid of it. They decided to dedicate their time to a business that was the real money maker: Hotels and Casinos in Atlantic city and the Bahamas. They changed their name to Resorts International with 7 main investors:

• Meyer Lansky, the “chairman of the board” of the Jewish crime syndicate;

• David Rockefeller, who provided his family’s clout with the CIA and in global banking to assist;

• The Investors Overseas Service, then the world’s largest “flight-capital” conglomerate, headed by notorious Bernard Cornfeld who was no more than a frontman for two behind-the-scenes principals:

• Tibor Rosenbaum, the Mossad’s Swiss-based arms procurer, who headed the Banque De Credit Internationale of Geneva, the Lansky syndicate’s chief European money launderer;

• Baron Edmond de Rothschild of the infamous banking family and a personal business partner of Rosenbaum in many Mossad-related ventures; and

• William Mellon Hitchcock, an heir to the Mellon dynasty—one of America’s largest family fortunes which has collaborated closely with the CIA for years.

Nothing yet?

Before 1970, only Las Vegas, Nevada was a legal gambling paradise. But in 1970, this changed and Atlantic City became the sin city of the East Coast. Resorts International swooped in and took their share in the gambling business. Until 1987 RI’s nominal head was CIA front-man James Crosby. After his death, his shares were bought by no other than our dear Donald Trump.

At the end of the '80's, Donald Trump found his three casinos in Atlantic City and other assets, in financial trouble. It was only with assistance and assurance of Wilbur L. Ross Jr., senior managing director of Rothschild Inc. that Trump was allowed to keep the casinos and rebuild his empire.
Wilbur L. Ross...hmmm, where did we hear this name before?
Oh ya, wait: the current United States Secretary of Commerce. OOOOHHH, THAT Ross?
Yes, exactly...

Since I've mentioned Wilbur Ross, I might as well mention another key player in the Trump administration. Steven Mnuchin is now the United States Secretary of Treasury. But before his political career, he graduated from Yale University, subsequently worked for Goldman and Sachs for 17 years and also founded a company in the entertainment business. Dune Entertainment later became Rat-Pac Dune Entertainment. This same company has close ties to Warner Bros. a Time Warner company. What is also a Time Warner company? News channel CNN. You know, those with their fake news...(which is true by the way, but not because Trump says it).

Both men above studied at Yale, Harvard or both and Mnuchin is a known member of the Skull and Bones.

Then there is the fishy son-in-law. Jared Kutchner. There are rumours about ties to Mossad and if you read a little bit about him, it's not very hard to find. (I'm going to let you do some of the work...)

So with all of the above in mind, you can say it's a coincidence that this man was in business with so many shady figures, or that the same guy who bailed him out is now Secretary of Commerce. We could also say that Ross started his own company after working for Rothschild Inc. for so many years, because he hated the big bankers and their work. Of course we could. Take the blue pill and bury your head in the sand.


Why did the Trumpster rise to power?

Well, first of all, it could have never been Hillary. Not just because that woman gives me the creeps. She was never meant to be in office, if anything: she was already there for 8 years pulling Bill's strings. We all know she's the smarter (and maybe even more evil) one of that union. But who needs more than 8 years of that? Besides this, Hillary had a lot more 'rumours' flying around than Trump had at the time, so it would have been a crazy thing to install her. It was never going to be her. She was just there to add to the craziness during the election circus. It was all one big farce from the beginning. And Hillary was the best candidate to add some oil to the fires.


So why Trump? Because he is the best person to fool just about anyone. He fooled those who voted for him as much as he fooled those who were against him.
And I have to repeat this until people understand it:
The President of the US is NOT elected!

But back to the question. The WHY.
During a lot of Trump's speeches, he seemed like he is anti-establishment. Like he hates the big bankers and the big pharma. And with that, he gained a lot of following, even among the truth seekers (or conspiracy theorists, as some like to call us). And to be honest, for a tiny moment, he almost fooled me too. But then I snapped back to reality. He didn't need the following for the votes, because as I stated before: Your vote doesn't count!
But he did need some sort of following to make it more legit. I mean, if one president candidate would be clearly much less popular than the other, they'd have a problem. So the trick is to create the illusion of choice and the illusion of a potentially great leader.

If someone yells often enough that news is fake news and the establishment is not acting in our best interests, the more chance there is that people who have been formerly awake, will now return to sleep and yell: YEAH! He's fuckin' right! That's the guy we need, he will make things right!

Those are the followers he needed, because it is important to put these people back to sleep. There aren't that many left.
But remember, he's a politician and politicians are not known for their capability to put their money where their mouth is. In fact, they are quite good at talking, not so good at acting out their promises.
I'm sure there are paedophiles who yell they would never hurt a child. Of course they would say that. So this is it, Trump said exactly what people needed to hear to back him. But so far, I haven't seen anything from him yet that proves that he means what he says.

Also, the Wall... That wall Trump is always yelling about. It's never going to become reality. At least not in the way we think: to keep Mexicans out. I'd say it's more like: to keep the US citizens in. But that being said, Trump knows how things work. He knows about Casinos, Las Vegas etc.
I lived in Las Vegas. And I am 100% certain when I say that they do not want to get rid of Mexicans in Las Vegas. Mexicans built the city. They still are. They work when no one else does (middle of the night, or during the heat of the day) and they do the jobs no one else wants to do.
So trust me when I say that Trump does not want the Mexicans to leave or be removed. It would cost too much of the cheap labour they provide...

If you read everything I wrote above, I think the answer to the question 'Why Trump?'
is easy to figure out. He serves the very same establishment he was yelling and warning about.

But what else?

Before, during and now still after the elections, the people of the US and the rest of the world couldn't be more divided. Trump created more hate, but he didn't do this alone. He did this with the help of Hillary Clinton and the establishment. Because that is what is needed to control 'we, the people'. It is not just the racists, bigots and homophones who are now stirring the pool and justifying it by saying: 'This is OUR president.' No, it is also the liberal/democratic crowd who add to this. Feminists aren't feminists anymore, they are mostly men-hating cunts.
And we're not even talking about groups like Anti-fa.
The USA couldn't be further from a united front than it is now. And THAT is exactly what the establishment wants: little groups of people who constantly enrage one or more other groups who in their turn enrage others. It was exactly what they wanted and it is exactly what they got. It wouldn't have been different with Hillary. Or Bernie. But people keep taking that blue pill and go to their deep deep sleeps and nothing will change. And it won't change. Not until every single person starts to understand that a truly united US is needed to overthrow the long standing power that is the US (shadow) government.

Can Trumps tenure help the world if you ignore the obvious negatives?

There are too many negatives to ignore. I just can't. In a way, but only because I try to always look at things from the bright side, it might help the world because the world needs to wake up.
Maybe he opened some eyes that were formerly closed. Maybe he continues to do so. But even then, it's not going to do much for anyone. Only for himself and his puppet masters.

@eco-alex had in mind when he came up with this question. Maybe it's the air or soil in India that makes people think up subjects like this one, or maybe he's truly hoping to find out the answer to the question. I am not sure just yet, but what I


I think you've nailed it and that graffiti picture pretty much says it all. Anybody in politics can't really be trusted, but Trump is so different it's enough to make you second guess.

Thank you @life-relearnt. Yes, I think that the second guessing was and is exactly what they were going for. He is so different compared to all others (on the surface) that he managed to get some following just because of that. The thing is, when this all comes out in the open, people won't know what hit them. Then the blame game will start: It's your fault, because you voted him in. When nothing could be further from the truth. If it would have been Hillary or even Bernie, the story would have been the same, just with different players.

really love this answer @misslasvegas, he is such a showman and he really is the best person to fool us all, he is certainly playing the game of politics very well indeed xx

Yes. I remember my dad laughing at how America was doomed when Ronald Reagan became president. How crazy this was, an actor in politics. But in a way they are all actors. It's Hollywood as far as the eye can see, from the entertainment business to media and politics.