Today, I'll be leading the stream on a journey to my season high(2150)! Currently resting at a mild 2037, but we're looking to spice things up!
I have won 19-15 games thus far, this season, and none of my Heroes are under 50% win rate after 7 hours of gameplay. I'm not saying that to brag, I just feel you probably want to know some of my stats before you view.
Typically, these streams would feature me, being the most badass mei you've ever seen, but I've turned over a new leaf and started to...flex. Supports and Rein, with Mei as my trump card!
- The Mei With The Golden Gun

Blockchain Powered Esports Funding
Tonight's stream will be hosted by MMG Smurf, and the proceeds of this stream will go toward funding of MMG's Codename: Kawaii Online Overwatch Events, where we let our audiences on social media determine the rules of the event. Currently MMG is in a process of recruiting more Overwatch players to our discord community. If you play Overwatch on PC and want to join a competitive online community, hit the link to the Money Match Gaming discord server at the bottom of this post.
Overwatch Event Funding
Each MMG stream here on @moneymatchgaming as well admin accounts @theinfinite @mainos1234 and @ukuleletutorials, in the month of July will go toward the funding of MMG's second month of Overwatch Events.

MMG's Codename Kawaii(Competitive Online Overwatch Events) will be conducted as a social experiment across all MMG social media channels. Our audience will be given the power to determine, how often and how much these events take place based on their engagement with specific MMG social media posts and polls.
Prize Pool Update - July 13th 2018
As of today, the Total Prize Pool for Codename: Kawaii is sitting at $358 USD. 30% of this total will be used for month 1's end of the month event. The first ever Codename: Kawaii based event held by MMG.
Another 10% of the Total Prize Pool collected each month, will be used to host free to play events and giveaways for the MMG Overwatch community.
Since Binance is currently undergoing maintenance on Steem wallets, the funds collected will go to strengthening MMG's vote bot(which will one day be used strictly for our events), until maintenance has ended.
If you would like to donate to this campaign, please send your donations to an MMG admin listed above, and not directly to @MoneyMatchGaming, as it will be returned as an invalid bid. While our main goal is to cater to gamers we find that having a vote bid bot helps us keep afloat. Thank you, ahead of time.
The easiest and quickest way to get a hold of an MMG admin is via discord. Send us a dm or @ us directly (@TheInfinite @mainos1234 and smurf[MMG]). We will of course, also reply to any comments made to this post or any other MMG posts on Steemit and Dlive.
Today, I'll be leading the stream on a journey to my season high! Currently resting at a mild 2037, but we're looking to spice things up!
I have won 19-15 games thus far, this season, and none of my Heroes are under 50% win rate after 7 hours of gameplay. I'm not saying that to brag, I just feel you probably want to know some of my stats before you view.
Typically, these streams would feature me, being the most badass mei you've ever seen, but I've turned over a new leaf and started to...flex. Supports and Rein, with Mei as my trump card!
- The Mei With The Golden Gun

Blockchain Powered Esports Funding
Tonight's stream will be hosted by MMG Smurf, and the proceeds of this stream will go toward funding of MMG's Codename: Kawaii Online Overwatch Events, where we let our audiences on social media determine the rules of the event. Currently MMG is in a process of recruiting more Overwatch players to our discord community. If you play Overwatch on PC and want to join a competitive online community, hit the link to the Money Match Gaming discord server at the bottom of this post.
Overwatch Event Funding
Each MMG stream here on @moneymatchgaming as well admin accounts @theinfinite @mainos1234 and @ukuleletutorials, in the month of July will go toward the funding of MMG's second month of Overwatch Events.

MMG's Codename Kawaii(Competitive Online Overwatch Events) will be conducted as a social experiment across all MMG social media channels. Our audience will be given the power to determine, how often and how much these events take place based on their engagement with specific MMG social media posts and polls.
Prize Pool Update - July 13th 2018
As of today, the Total Prize Pool for Codename: Kawaii is sitting at $358 USD. 30% of this total will be used for month 1's end of the month event. The first ever Codename: Kawaii based event held by MMG.
Another 10% of the Total Prize Pool collected each month, will be used to host free to play events and giveaways for the MMG Overwatch community.
Since Binance is currently undergoing maintenance on Steem wallets, the funds collected will go to strengthening MMG's vote bot(which will one day be used strictly for our events), until maintenance has ended.
If you would like to donate to this campaign, please send your donations to an MMG admin listed above, and not directly to @MoneyMatchGaming, as it will be returned as an invalid bid. While our main goal is to cater to gamers we find that having a vote bid bot helps us keep afloat. Thank you, ahead of time.
The easiest and quickest way to get a hold of an MMG admin is via discord. Send us a dm or @ us directly (@TheInfinite @mainos1234 and smurf[MMG]). We will of course, also reply to any comments made to this post or any other MMG posts on Steemit and Dlive.
My live stream is at DLive
Greetings, go through your channel try to watch the video but nothing was seen, I will come later to see. Greetings from Venezuela
Weird, that happens sometimes with buffering.