
Like the audio link in the blog, maybe its just me but last week I went to soundcloud site to listen. Great photos to supplement show Golden Amaranth and mushroom, zucchini and blossoms especially pretty. I like the idea of yield being important to fuel the present and excess is used to contribute to growth for future. Like accounting, first pay expenses then re-invest profits into company for growth. Take only what you need from yield. Thanks @mountainjewel I'm really enjoying this radio show

yes! embedded it this week, good on ya for noticing! Glad you liked the shots and thanks for listening in. Your accountant example is spot on! Take what you need from the yield and invest in the future, but we gotta eat now for sure! thanks!!

I just drove to work which takes half an hour. It was lovely listening to you two rabbit on and I loved your show. I will listen to the other half on the way home. I loved what you said about beauty being a yield you are such a girl after my own heart. We can have all the practical survival yields in front of us we like but unless it's beautiful you can have it. And you know how I feel about those butterflies. Hey you should send me some of those purple pea pods purple pods purple pea pods in Australia wouldn't it be cool if I grew some Mountain Jewel goodness. Thanks for recording your show and sharing it as I'm always up too late.

Exactly, we can only survive so long without beauty. What a drab nasty world that would be! Beauty is 100% a necessary yield!! Feeds the soul! We'll have to get you some of those purple podded pole beans!! They're quite yummy and vigorous and yes seem to do well without too much water. Glad you could listen in and yesss I say urbalist!! XOXO i do love how you all pronounce the "H" but it would just seem preposterous around here if I was to do so ;)

The dreams of a city boy.. We should all know how to efficiently and ecologically grow our own foodstuff. thanks for sharing and good luck!