Hello world. It seems as if my brothers cannot see the Truth of what it is they are thinking and believing so propagating within their own reality the experiences of separation and division. My brothers are sharing how the book they read is the absolute Truth and should be blindly followed without question.
Others are choosing to see themselves as victims who are not allowed to express themselves while shutting down anyone who will not believe as they are choosing to. They seem to hold an expectation that their brother believe as they do. That their brothers make real what it is they are choosing for themselves.
I have witnessed my brothers step up to me and their brothers demanding answers to their loaded egoistic judgmental questions. Each question is gauged to gain the response they are seeking to validate their choices to believe. They deny they are in judgment. They deny they are seeking followers. They deny they are seeking for their brothers to pay them for their time and so called knowledge.
Some will even state they have never had an "Experiential Experience". All they think they know was read from a book or taught to them. These same folks will then tell a brother who IS sharing an "Experiential Experience" with them that they have it all wrong and that is NOT what an "Experiential Experience" is "SUPPOSED" to be... These brothers negate their brothers sharing just as they are negating themselves.
On this journey we learn to discern Truth from Lie. We learn to discern who is there to heal themselves, help others heal and those who are not ready yet to heal themselves. We learn who is still caught up in their ego minds fantasy of believing they are there to get something from their brothers. We learn to recognize when it is time to walk away.
In these moment we have learned to discern that our brother is not seeking healing. Instead they are choosing to bow down to their ego in a belief that they know the way and everyone needs to follow them and conform to what they dictate. They will tell their brothers they are wrong and are not healed. That they can help them and teach them if they would just listen and do as they state. Yet in everything it is them who are refusing to listen to hear what it is that IS being shared with them. Instead they choose to project out their beliefs in a bid to hold on to those beliefs and make them real. Their refusal to look within at their own choices to believe nor listen is what entraps them in the invisible shackle they have limited their reality to be.
My brothers would project out their beliefs on their brothers. An example of this would be how a brother shared how they judge another as being racist. Their judgment tells us what it is they believe themselves to be and what it is they were TAUGHT to believe and so perceive their reality to be. It also shows how they are in judgment and have refused to look within at themselves and their own choices to believe. It shows how our brother has chosen to NOT DO THE WORK required and needed to heal by looking AT their choices to believe...
My brother shares, "Trump is a racist at a personal level, yet, his actions are good for the country."
My response, "If only racism was a real thing and not just some label that was created to manipulate you and control the way you think, perceive and communicate to create a divisive separation between you and the beings standing next to you. Each label you choose to accept and believe in are judgments being handed to you that you are choosing to believe define you and everyone you meet. Each are a lie that create an invisible shackle or bar to a cage you build within your own mind. Each judgmental belief entraps you and limits you from seeing you and all of Humanity as brothers. You are all EQUALS in every way. You are of one SPECIES called the HUMAN RACE. All differences are lies you choose to believe so build a wall between you and all you would perceive."
My brothers pay attention to what it is that Spirit is placing before you. Recognize how you are being asked to look at your choices to judge. Be willing to look within at yourself and what it is you are choosing to believe and so judge your reality to be.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.