My "Teachers" are within me.

in #spirituality7 years ago

Hello World. The following statement was made a year ago by a brother who was very wrapped up in their judgments and beliefs that something had or was going wrong. They were asking me to judge. The following day my brother responded to one of my posts with an invitation to "follow" what he believes, to follow his path...

A brother shares, "S R <> R M B dear Brothers/sisters it is with great interest that I read your lovely post, open ended, highly debate able & of course nice read I am With you (form our own link/Blogg as you have a potential of two School thoughts well thought of & further more nicely put across. perhaps U are ideal of my likes/personality! Since I was a trainer/lecturer I could not freely balance the two sides as well as you can. In The transformation of growing/changing/adapting/nurturing/guiding/satsang/ chanting faith /love/truthfulness are key tools made easier for this age known as 9 fold Bhakti Path (all everyone/anybody will Find value able guidelines to move up the run ladder. lastly, from Bg.Gita we learn in value able knowledge of all cosmos including our Mrutiya Loka ( Lord Shiva is positive force & Amba/Ey Mata is his other half here) so, the marriage of three energies is know as the uniting of negative, neutrality, & finally positivity with each & every working towards experience . Thus opening of ten thousand petals of Lotus within 3rd eye time /Reality h b"

My response, "Thank you for sharing where your journey has taken you brother. My "EYE" has been open for a long time now. I am not able to follow anyone or anything outside of myself for any reason. This is and has been part of what my own journey has been about. Learning to stand in my own Light of Truth no matter what another believes or thinks.

You see brother, as a child I KNEW what the intentions were of those around me without them saying a word. I knew who was there to hurt me. I knew when things were going to happen before they did. I could see and hear those who no longer hold a physical body. I see patterns within patterns visually in the things around me. I see patterns in the energy/mental thought systems of my brothers/society. I see patterns within patterns in the cause and effect of beliefs on the physical body, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes. I see and am shown all that is below the surface of the ocean that we think and believe we are as individuals.

As a child I also lived with severe dyslexia. I could barely read or comprehend what I tried to read. I have no understanding of fractions, percentages, decimals, or things like sheet music and instruments. I have come to understand that my "Teachers" are within me brother. All my guidance has and is coming from within me in all things.

For any and every time I turn to that which is outside of me I am persecuted from within my own mind and body when trying to believe in that which I am shown and know to not be true. If I were to do so I would immediately incur the cancers I once knew so intimately again within this shell I call my body.

My Guides have had me look at many religious beliefs and thought systems on my journey. The ones that pulled to me the strongest were of the Native American and Indigenous People of the World. The things they spoke of resonated within my being very strongly. They spoke of how everything is connected and how what effects one effects all. That gratitude is to be given for all things. Even those seen as bad, wrong, devastating, and life threatening. For everything is a gift from the Creator. Their ease and willingness to commune with Spirit and seek it's understanding, all resonated within me.

As for the other religious beliefs and thought systems, I found each held truths within them. Yet each were also twisted in their own ways to give a singular point of view. Each creates a paradigm of control through fear as the medium used to manipulate. Each are based on the rules and regulations that someone else made up. Each were created from someone else's chosen beliefs..."

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.