Cuéntame una historia: El capitán Jones y el final de su viaje/ Captain Jones and the end of his voyage

in Freewriterslast year



El capitán Jones y el final de su viaje

Era una mañana fría y había muy poca gente en el muelle. Los vientos helados del norte ya marcaban las rutinas del día. La mayoría de las embarcaciones habían regresado y ahora estaban varadas en puerto seguro. Los marineros también habían vuelto a sus casas, a tierra firme, luego de las largas temporadas en los océanos. Solo el viejo capitán Jone, quien había hecho de su barco su hogar, permanecía cerca de aquel mar que cada vez se ponía más gris, añil y feroz.


El viejo capitán salió a cubierta con una taza de café en las manos. El frío lo hizo acomodarse la vieja chaqueta que llevaba y el sombrero de lana negra. Era alto, de pómulos prominentes y una gran herida en la frente que le hacía recordar todas las aventuras que había vivido. No era feo, pese a todos los estragos del tiempo, pero a simple vista era temible: daba miedo. Entonces el capitán Jones se detuvo y miró el horizonte: la tormenta se avecinaba y sería destructiva, pensó Jones que conocía el mar como la palma de su mano.


Una mujer que estaba en la orilla, le gritó al capitán con confianza:

_¡Estás mal, Jones! ¡Ni se te ocurra sacar el barco! -le dijo y puso sus manos en jarra. El capitán tomó un sorbo de su café caliente, luego sacó de su chaqueta varias pepitas de oro y se las lanzó a la mujer:

_¡Toma. Ve al pueblo y compra provisiones! -le ordenó. La mujer recogió las pepitas de oro y se alejó de la orilla. Cuando la mujer estuvo lejos, el viejo capitán Jones abrió la chaqueta y miró la herida: un olor a carne podrida le invadió el olfato. "Es el final", pensó y cerró la chaqueta. Lentamente entró y encendió el motor. Con el viento contrario, enderezó el barco y lo puso en marcha. El mar picado parecía un gigante violento, pero el capitán Jones no le temía: se habían enfrentado tantas veces, que una última vez, era ganancia. "Me venciste, vida", exclamó Jones con furia. "Pero me moriré a mi manera, no a la tuya". Entonces en recogimiento absoluto, solitario y sin ninguna expresión en el rostro, entregado a su destino, el capitán Jones y su barco fueron devorados por el mar.

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Captain Jones and the end of his voyage
It was a cold morning and there were very few people on the dock. The icy north winds were already marking the day's routines. Most of the ships had returned and were now stranded in safe harbor. The sailors had also returned home to the mainland after the long seasons on the oceans. Only old Captain Jones, who had made his ship his home, remained close to that sea that was growing grayer and grayer, indigo and fiercer.

The old captain went out on deck with a cup of coffee in his hands. The cold made him adjust the old jacket he wore and the black wool hat. He was tall, with prominent cheekbones and a large wound on his forehead that reminded him of all the adventures he had lived through. He was not ugly, despite all the ravages of time, but at first glance he was frightening: he was scary. Then Captain Jones stopped and looked at the horizon: the storm was coming and it would be destructive, thought Jones who knew the sea like the back of his hand.

A woman standing on the shore shouted confidently to the captain:

_You're in bad shape, Jones, don't even think of taking the boat out! -she told him and put her hands up in a jar. The captain took a sip of his hot coffee, then pulled several gold nuggets from his jacket and tossed them to the woman:

_Take it. Go to town and buy provisions! -he ordered her. The woman picked up the gold nuggets and walked away from the shore. When the woman was far away, old Captain Jones opened his jacket and looked at the wound: a smell of rotting flesh invaded his nostrils. "This is the end," he thought and closed the jacket. Slowly he climbed in and started the engine. With the wind against him, he righted the boat and put it in gear. The choppy sea seemed like a violent giant, but Captain Jones was not afraid of it: they had faced each other so many times, that one last time, it was a win. "You beat me, life," Jones exclaimed in fury. "But I'll die my way, not yours." Then in absolute seclusion, solitary and without any expression on his face, surrendered to his fate, Captain Jones and his ship were devoured by the sea.


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