Into the Desert

in #afrikaburnlast year (edited)



This is Perfect

Into the Desert



AfrikaBurn 2009

I finally drummed up enough courage to ask for a day or two's leave to attend AfrikaBurn back in 2009.

It was only the third Burn in South Africa and I'd only seen and heard snippets about the massive Burning Man festival in the States.

After seeing a video or two of Burning Man, however, I was more than amped to experience the experience.

Travel, adventure, dancing, camping, radical self expression, music and art.

What more could a gal ask for?



With a couple of extra days leave granted, I had a long weekend to attend the gathering in my pocketses.

Sure... it was only for the last weekend, but it was enough to get there to participate in what seemed to be a growing event that sounded very interesting indeed.

I love gifting, by the way.

I mean... I love making people feel good and happy for a while. It makes me feel good and I've always been more naturally inclined to offer services, resources or experiences to folks pro bono. I guess some of us are simply built this way.

I'd also been suspicious of Capitalism for some years by this stage of my existence on the planet and had already joined the South African version of the ITTE. The Cape Town Talent Exchange. As it's still called today.

Point being that I was already looking at alternative ways to trade and earn alternative currencies of alternative financial systems. I was totally disillusioned with consumerism, the constant treading of water and the obvious bull-shit dream of 1980s "success" based on material wealth and bling.

My life consisted of rushing my young daughter off to school, rushing myself off to an office, rushing both of us home in rush hour traffic, doing her homework with her on the counter next to me while I cooked dinner, maybe a bit of a movie if we were lucky and the inevitable witching hour of bath-time, story-time and bedtime.

Wake up and repeat.

And I still never had enough money to travel or do the things I really wanted to do.

But things did get easier, than the stressing I might lose my cottage many sleepless nights, when I bit the proverbial bullet and got a full time, oh-so-corporate-fish-outta-water gig that eased the pain of monthly bills.

Before I accepted the position, I'd still been trading festivals with my own t-shirt business.

A free spirit, you might say.

But we're only as free as our own thinking, really.


At festivals, we traders would congregate for meals and trade of goods like the peculiar family we were. And I always preferred this to paying for shit as well.

I swopped some serious psychedelic trance gear imported from Bali via some international travelers of the trance scene, who followed the festival circuit globally to move their designs, for a hand made African drum at the Oudsthoorn festival one year. And another similar garment for a quirky, designer hand-made clock at the Grahamstown Festival of Arts a year later.

I can't remember what became of the clock. The drum I finally gave away in 2021 when I shed the last of my once-was-more-socially-acceptable life.

My point is that gifting, and trading, came naturally to me and I've always been a bit less sold on commerce and "money".

Just too much "business-business" and less "soul", I guess.

And so... I was also really amped about the gifting part of the Burn experience!


It was a quiet period at the clothing manufacturer where I worked as a textile designer. Coming up to year end and annual break, our orders for summer were already in production and the design room was in a quiet spell.

This gave me ample time to prepare some gifts for the upcoming Burn and, over a week of creativity, I made twenty full color star gazing charts.

Exactly like this one. I actually managed to dig this up again on the internet of amazing things.

What are the chances?

I guess the stars never go out of fashion.


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Original source


I've always been fascinated and in awe of the night skies and their impossible to imagine infinity. I knew full well that the night sky out at the dusty, deserted flats, where the festival was to take place, were going to be astounding. Keen.

I also drummed up some home-made Hashish fudge a day before I left for the gathering.

This, I wrapped in white wax paper one piece at a time. I then tied each piece with a blue ribbon, curling the ends with a blade to make them look pretty.

To one of the ends of each ribbon I tied a small white card, printed with a quote about something philosophical and desert related. Some kind of desert journey, a meeting between travelers and a collaboration and success of some kind.

Sadly I can't remember what it was and no amount of digging on the internet of amazing things has revealed or reminded me of anything more.


I put these gifts into a handwoven basket that I'd bought from a woman selling her wares on the streets of Muizenberg.

Support local traders. Support local business. But also because I knew how hard the lifestyle was and, to this day, have enormous respect for people who are brave, resilient and creative enough to do this kind of thing.

And who suffer the mild disdain of those with more education and opportunity every day as they try to make an honest living.

It's far more challenging, in many ways, than a comfortable regular salary and free coffee on tap for days. And holidays. And weekends. None of those, you know. Or sick leave either.


I bought this exact basket from her, in fact.




Yes. It's one of the things I've kept for all these years. Red riding hood and cookies and adventures through dark forests and all that. If you know me at all by now, you'd understand why.

I added some party toys to the basket as well.

Glow sticks. When snapped, they glowed flourescent colors and you could join the ends together to make bangles or necklaces. Or just wave them around in the dark for fun. Party, party, disco, disco. Always.



Original source


And bubbles. Of course!


This was still back the age of innocence and fun in the EDM scene in Cape Town. Before we became too cool for old-school and took it all, and ourselves, all too seriously.

Back when our biggest motivating drive was to wow people, surprise them and bring them some joy for a while.

Back then, before the events became so big and so slick that DJs turned into rock stars and organizers became demi-gods.


But AfrikaBurn was no psychedelic trance event. A different kettle of fish entirely, I was really looking forward to the art and variety of music and themes.

I was, however, dating a DJ (again) who usually played at the trance events in Cape Town. And so it was, that I joined the camp he was involved with.

This basically meant I spent a good deal of the time at the Burn with the exact same people I spent most of my time partying with in Cape Town.

A five hour drive into a pretty rough environment is a long way to travel...

to hang out with the same people that you'd pretty much do the same thing with at home.

In far more comfortable circumstances.

But it was only the third round of the event. And we are only a small tip of the whole wide world, at the very Southern end of Africa.


There was some great Art.

Capital A intended.





The drive along the dirt road to the pan was also pretty exciting.

Reknown for people hitting it too fast, losing control of their vehicles and ending up in ditches and isolated on the road for however long it took for someone to find them, I navigated it respectfully.

Gal traveling alone and all that.

Here's a shot of it.



I finally made it to the front gate and was super amped to be there.

The folks at the door welcomed me in and showed me the gong I was 'sposed to bang as I entered. Okay. Bit excited. Bit of a bang on the gong. Not cool enough apparently. There wasn't much fun or sense of humour at the gate and I was straight off a bit bummed.

And surprised.

Perhaps because I hadn't been there for the prior week(s) I was considered just a weekend tourist or summink. Not in the know. Not part of the inner kring. A nobody. A nothing. New energy upsetting the recently new collective.

All good. You find this everywhere. The "us and them" thinkers. Or the "me and them" more accurately. Is it rude to roll my eyes slightly at this point? My bad. Only human, after all.

In truth, we all do this most of the time. We assess. We assume. We presume. We stereotype. And, ultimately, we judge.

Usually so quickly that we aren't even aware we're doing it.

Always from our only own experience and perspective. Our own "dream". And it's this and only this that is probably holding us back from being all that we possibly could be.


I may have said this before


No mind. I'd come bearing gifts that it'd taken me over a week to prepare. Hooray! Gifting!

On I went enthusiastically, smiling with a wave of thanks despite the liddle bit weirdly stern welcome.




Edited 6-12-23: After chatting to some Burners on the Facebook page, I realized it was the 2009 Burn I attended.

'Scuse incorrect dates, please. But... as we (hopefully) travel together some more, this may happen again. Dates I'm not that good at remembering.

I also met some super lekker humans when I reached out for decent footage because mine is scarce and sketchy.

People walking those Principles and this perspective. Love it and thanks to all who kindly responded. ❤️ It gives a liddle bit jaded soul some hope, you know.

And this reminded me of a something... it was some AfrikaBurners that actually reached out, during my life crisis in 2019 when the proverbial shit hit the fan for me, to support and help me.

Even though I'd only been to that one single Burn back then... in 2009. And I wasn't close to anyone in the community.

But that, as we say, is another part of the story.

Now... back to the Desert...


Found on one of the lekker human's profile. My kinda humans. 😆👇🏼

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This is Perfect

It's about Freedom


Eternal Seeker
Hardened Dreamer
Peaceful Warrior
Determined Dancer
and Stargazer


Beyond fear is freedom

And there is nothing to be afraid of.

To Life, with Love... and always for Truth!
Nicky Dee


All images not directly sourced are my own
Edited with GIMP and Canva
Optimised with TinyPng
  Please 'scuse typos. I often do this at night. Screentime and eyes and all that. I can spell. Honest.



This is beautiful. Every word written states your battles as a human and the love you've given out. The motherly duty you gave to your daughter, your journey, and the recent one after taking a break.

It is nice seeing you here again, superwoman. You are indeed a gem. And you are right, when we give out, it brings beauty and love into our hearts and so I do that to... gifting and seeing how this is a special month(all months are special). However, this month ends the year. Have fun.

Ps:The videos are amazing.

Hello you :)

Nice to "see" you too. And thanks. I've been getting this ready for Hive for a while now and, finally, let's go!

I think I know how to present this at last... open to it morphing organically. As always.

Sister, my sister... so much going on here right now :| Rather desperately trying to find the time and stability to create and engage more consistently around here.

Working on it. But another move is necessary, I think. Busy looking madly every day and trying to get things together in between.

I hope you're awesome and will find you to catch up with what's happening in your world this week for sure <3

Thanks so much for your ongoing connection and support. Really means a lot to me.


That's super nice to know. Now I know why every word is so awesome!

Yeah, as always...

It'll be fun seeing you back on. I missed ya so much that I hoped I had some sort of super power to get a message to you. Hehe.

It'll be fine, Momma bear. You are incredible, and there's a lot of strength in ya! And, I am here for you.

I sure am! Will be expecting your presence.

You are a gem. Why not ☺️☺️

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Thanks, HiveBuzz

Sending love :)

That's great @nickydee! We're excited to see your commitment to Hive! Keep it up!

Wow! One of those festivals I would love to go to one day
Some friends just recently told me about the 2008 One.
Cool shory

Ah lekker :)

If they have pics I'd be honoured to use them in the next post! Mine are so old and blurry 😬

2008 was pretty small still. I'd love to hit the Burn in the States! 💥 With a Winnebago (?) and the full deal :D

It looks incredible

I only have photos of my friend visiting Vienna. She is South African. I will ask her if she has some images

Nice to meet you 😆🤗

That'd be great. Thank you.

I hardly took any and they must've been with an ancient iPhone. And I only found some reduced ones in my ooooold fakebook acc. download. I guess it has its uses after all. Maybe.

I was going to ask on the FB page as well actually.

Might produce some fun results!

And ditto. Seen you here and there and liked your vibe for a while :)

Mammasitta 🪷

Thanks for saying hello!

This might sound like an ignorant question, but do you see the Milky Way on your side of the world in summer?

I used to have a beautiful zodiac star chart in a frame that I gave up to move north.

Bummer about the lame-o welcome committee. There was a local festival here in Oregon I went to a few times (with the wrong person, muddled the experience up a bit) called Beloved. It was beautiful in the beginning, but by the following year it was already riddled with pretention and commercialism beyond that of vendors selling their wares.


Eh.. we the people are mentioned in the next bit :D That's the nut I'm trying to crack! And fuck yeah do we need to get over all that garbage now. Geesh.

Maybe they were tired, desperate for a hot shower, and fed up with bouncy party goers. Maybe I wasn't dressed right. Who knows.

Yes, you can!!! On a clear night, you can. Out of the city. It's breathtaking and one of the reasons I fell in love with being out here.

Now I've become known and the people and politics begin. *sigh

Been busy trying to find a peaceful place to write and focus again. Not a good time to look. Not much I can afford anyway right now.

But I've been busy building to monetize more to support this book and project. In a way that lives with my passion and values both.

Yes. It's time to make some money again. It's been incredible letting so much of that go but freedom and safety. I'm fucking tired now as well. Takes more energy to get shit done when you have less funds, you see.

In my country you need funds for safety and freedom. On it 🦾👍🏼

p.s. but never funds at the cost of my freedom and safety. Of course 😊

Should be an interesting learning curve...

Happy Monday, you 🌻

I was thinking the Milky Way was a northern to southern hemisphere migrator, but I wasn't positive. Every once in a while I like blatantly admitting to not knowing a thing and asking a human rather than looking it up online and getting seventy interpretations of the same answer and three sponsored Travel Africa! links thrown in my face.

I recently listened to two audiobooks about the Thula Thula wildlife reserve. If I was looking for a place to live and work in South Africa I would go there. It's run by a woman... But that's me, not you, and I really have no idea what kind of working and living opportunities a place like that has to offer. I just know how to fantasize. Pretty good at it, actually.


The world turns. So the skies change according to seasons and time. 👍🏼

Scorpio, for example, can only be seen straight up ahead at around 3am. in January around here.

But I'm also not an expert! Just a gazer! Wish I knew more, actually.

There are incredible apps now that map them, you know. I've used a couple, but they detract from the magic. For me :) Kinda different experience entirely.

But it's still incredible and awesome.

As for imagining. Dreams are how reality is made if we take action. I'm always full of ideas as well. That's good info. Thank you 👍🏼 I'm going to look that up right now. :)

I tend to have ideas, and then I start them and see what opens up. There's no reason not to. One can always change direction. I have a few directions pending rjght now as i don't want to stay here anymore.

If something takes, I'll flow with it.

If nothing takes, I'll make the most of being here, and so what i can to build until something ooens up :)

What I dont do, anymore, is to ignore my inner voice if I'm not happy. Not for too long anyway. Life's just too short! And I wasted most of it ignoring the gnawing calling and compromising my joy for safety.

But I'm not well, and time has taken on a whole new dimension for me :) So...

I can certainly see how the unwell factor could influence the perspective of time. Being present is important. So is being happy or at least content in the present. I hope you find balance soon.

I do my best to follow my own version or YOLO... YORTL. You only remember this life. Changes up my perspective of time a bit. A little less final and urgent than you only live once but still encourages exploration and adventure for me.

(YOLO always makes me think of a bunch of college kids shouting Yolo! and snorting a bunch of cocaine before hitting the clubs.)

😆 Well snorting Coke and hitting a club is a surefire way to avoid yhe present!

Yolo. I like that.

I don't believe you only live once anymore. Maybe only once as the you that you are here and now. Yolo makes sense 👍🏼

Thinking of maybe a silly tattoo of a YORTL the Turtle on wheels. Tiny. And orange. Like my landship...

Are you moving to Thula Thula yet???? lol

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On the to here again but will check it out and try not to mess up the admin (as usual!)