PostsCommentsPayoutsnicolaasmuller (45)in Tabletop / DND • 4 days agoRE: Warhammer 40k - Review Library 312 - World Eaters, World Eaters Land Raiderexpensive for a quick ride but the models it can transport as well as the firepower it can put out it is definitely worth it.nicolaasmuller (45)in Tabletop / DND • 4 days agoRE: Warhammer 40k - Review Library 315 - Death Guard, Noxious Blightbringerpretty solid unit to lead a squad of marines. interested to know which detachment rule will work great with this unit. i shall wait in anticipation.nicolaasmuller (45)in Tabletop / DND • 4 days agoRE: Warhammer 40k - Review Library 313 - Death Guard, Myphitic Blight-haulersgun them down with some contagious missiles and acid beams(melta) while the horde shambles forward.nicolaasmuller (45)in Tabletop / DND • 4 days agoRE: Warhammer 40k - Review Library 316 - Thousand Sons, Thousand Sons Vindicatorwow demolisher cannons are scary as hell.nicolaasmuller (45)in Tabletop / DND • 4 days agoRE: Warhammer 40k - Detachment Review 3 - World Eaters - Berzerker Warbandsimple but powerful detachment rule plus those enhancements on the right units will hurt.nicolaasmuller (45)in Tabletop / DND • 2 days agoRE: Warhammer 40k - Review Library 314 - Thousand Sons, Thousand Sons Sorcerer in Terminator Armourmakes the model even more awesome.nicolaasmuller (45)in Tabletop / DND • 2 days agoRE: Warhammer 40k - Detachment Review 3 - World Eaters - Berzerker Warbandroad runner rage!!nicolaasmuller (45)in Tabletop / DND • 2 days agoRE: Warhammer 40k - Review Library 317 - Death Guard, Plagueburst Crawlerif ignored this model can become quite a pain in someones side once it starts spewing out disgusting stuff on you especially that battleshock rule when used right.nicolaasmuller (45)in Tabletop / DND • 2 days agoRE: Warhammer 40k - Review Library 318 - Thousand Sons, Tzaangorsusing them at objectives to score those extra cabal points when you really need it will come in quite handy while also using them as a distraction to soak up a bit of fire to…nicolaasmuller (45)in Tabletop / DND • 7 days agoRE: Warhammer 40k - Review Library 311 - Thousand Sons, Thousand Sons Sorcererpretty solid unit to use as a boost for infantry plus extra cabal pointsnicolaasmuller (45)in Tabletop / DND • 7 days agoRE: Warhammer 40k - Review Library 310 - Death Guard, Mortarionwow this is a beast of a model. i will have to target this guy first. if he lands in my face then i am screwed. Beautiful model though.nicolaasmuller (45)in Horsepower Herd! • 2 days agoRE: The Symphony Of A Lost Cause! (What Exactly Are We Supposed To Do?)wow dude. good luck with that one man. you are gonna need it!!nicolaasmuller (45)in Reflections • 4 days agoRE: Making That Big Move!congratz man. great step forward. keep it up and live the dream!!nicolaasmuller (45)in Horsepower Herd! • 4 days agoRE: The Morris Minor 1000! (What A Gem To See!)might be me or might just be how i sometimes feel but almost like the quality of everything back in the day was made to last two lifetimes where some of the modern stuff lasts 5-10 years if lucky.nicolaasmuller (45)in Horsepower Herd! • 4 days agoRE: It's Not A Matter Of Upsale It's A Matter Of Quality! (Listen To The Techs!)the typical i want it this way and every techie is taking me for a ride. not the first time i have heard it or encountered it myself but give the client what they want. but cool…nicolaasmuller (45)in Tabletop / DND • 4 days agoRE: Warhammer 40k - Review Library 314 - Thousand Sons, Thousand Sons Sorcerer in Terminator Armourgreat leader for a unit of terminators. no cabal points for fielding this sorcerer? that sucks!