Falling in love - does "hard to get" tactic help?

in #love6 years ago

In this message, I will do the almost impossible – conveying a feeling through mere words. And not just any feeling but the biggest and strongest of them all. I will describe the inner process that happens when one falls in love.


Credit: myjoyonline

Surprisingly or not, this feeling is not known to many people so much so that when they really fall in love they cannot identify their situation and consequently their mind begins to doubt it. By that, they diminish this natural and birthright experience.

Yet, it is important to become familiar with the feeling itself. When you fall in love, when this feeling permeates and dives through and across your body you are connected to a higher dimension where your true self resides. Being in love symbolizes the dawn of that part into the earthly realms and grounds it here. When you think of it, this description explains many of the side effects and phenomena that are connected with the status of being in love.

Let's begin.

  • The first moment is elusive. Only when you look back you can, sometimes, pinpoint the exact moment when you found yourself in love. It starts with a physical catalyst. Something in the facial expression of your lover attracts you. It can be anything indeed but if you checked with yourself you would discover what this feature was. I have discovered, throughout the years, that the physical "thing" that "does it to me", is a woman's smile. This physical feature is not a must but helpful. It generates within your inner systems the "falling in love" process. To me, a true woman's open and full smile, one that comes from the heart and is accompanied by glitters from her shining eyes is the physical catalyst.

  • The physical catalyst attracts your attention and awakens your awareness. Falling in love happens when you don't expect it and so your biological system must be alerted and ready to the coming infusion of new energy, your self-energy, and that catalyst serves as the bell. Once the bell rang, a series of sequel expressions, for lack of a better word, starts to happen. These are small and minor happenings that reinforce each other and increase your connection with the subject of your love. You then begin to notice that you like everything about them, starting from the sound of their voice, through the way they curse and ending with their posture or general behavior. This is not a rational phenomenon. It happens and you better accept it rather than trying to analyze its causes.

  • Once the physical basis has been put into place you begin to feel a strong attraction to your partner. That attraction is emotional, mental and physical, mostly in that order. Yes. You read it right. Since the penetrating energies are subtle and elegant the physical attraction comes last. The three levels attraction leads you to desire to be with your partner and to spend time with them as much as possible. When you are in their presence you feel strong, vital, and invigorated. All-encompassing excitement and joy surround you and you feel that you can be and do everything that you wish. At this stage, you already know that you are in love.

  • From now on, it is the responsibility of your aware human self to direct the relationships. The infatuation will easily grow into love and a long-lasting relationship if you maintain three simple codes of behavior: honesty, fidelity, and sharing. Honesty with yourself and your partner ensures that the source energy will continue pouring into your relationship. Fidelity makes that energy stay solid and nourishing for your relationship and selves. Sharing promises the continuous infusion of ever-growing energies from the source into your life.

These are the four basic and distinctive levels that can be seen in every occurrence where two people fall in love. In addition, few remarks are in place -

Some people think that if they acted "hard to get" they would increase the chances for their suitor to fall in love with them. Nothing is further from the truth. While manipulations and games may increase the mystery and the interaction on the intellectual level, at the same time those games prevent from free energy to move from higher dimensions into the earthly realm. Sharing and open communication is a necessity for the initial infatuation to grow. The catalyst might dissolve back to where it came from if the couples do not nourish it.


Credit: Lost & Found Film

Some people report that they fell in love with their partner only weeks, months or years after the two had become a couple. They report that they have chosen their partner without going through the infatuation process described above.

That can be explained by two reasons:

  1. Those people were closed and rigid in their consciousness that it took them that amount of time to open up and be in love.
  1. It can be said that those people actually indeed were in love but failed to identify their situation for a lack of knowledge or previous experience

Falling in love is one of nature's most rewarding experiences for human beings on earth. It's free, it's available for everyone – including for those who never have been in love before or think they have lost the ability to fall in love – and it's right here. Closer to you than you think. It requires only one thing – that you never give up on it. "It", being the feeling of falling in love.



Like the statement of the three codes: Honesty, Fidelity and Sharing. Feels good to see it spelled out in simple terms and also appreciate that falling in love can happen fast and one shouldn't feel ashamed of being open to the experience as so many caution against. Play hard to get if you want hard to get ;)

feel ashamed of being open to the experience as so many caution against

Really? ashamed of the experience of falling in love? This is new to me.

Not ashamed of falling in love, just people saying that falling in love too fast is not love, but lust or some other thing and that real love takes time. Not my own thoughts, but I have heard people say it before and attempt to shame me for knowing too soon.

I see.
Love, as an expression of energetic communication has many aspects. All are valid of course.

Amazing articel as usual 🌻