Bajai Body Camp 15.17: Day 437
Abidia de los Templarois
Friday August 17, 2018
La Alberca, Spain
23.93% unblocking
It's the final day of this eight day program. I'm up early to take care of the packing and such. So I might as well get this entry started. I can commit to nothing more than interest when it comes to Stargazing. There's no "blame" to be assessed. And, because we literally don't speak the same language words don't explain her emotions. But I think I know and feel how she feels. But feeling bad for her doesn't help her to feel better.
Writing helps me cope and understand. I knew from the start there would be nothing between us, because there was too much between us. Nonetheless the attraction was undeniable. And this... will probably not be the final word on this.
Packed and ready! I should cull some stuff. Everything fits, but bulging. My fave trousers have to go. Sad.
The Scorpion Queen joined my table for breakfast. She and Wavy got close late in the prog... thick as thieves. Wavy digs me. SQ not so much. I hesitate to decipher the feelings, but they're not all positive. No chain smokers.
One way to frame this "Tale of Two Fridays" is the contrasts of the two most attractive women, (to me), in the group. The Leo... Marilyn Monroe, every boy's fantasy with the history to match; she absorbed my energy. My focus and we... to a certain extent, paid the price. I cannot even talk to her anymore. Mainly because I sense her discomfort.
The SQ would be more compatible... she knows how to turn on the sex appeal, but there's that some-something... a memory from long ago, another smoking scorpion that I know to avoid.

Bon Voyage
I still attract fire. I still attract damaged women. However I don't get completely lost in the sauce. Haha.
This morning the situation was reconciled. I didn't play the super hero, nor was I the dick. I think we both got our bearings.... and this will be the final word.
I'm hungry. I'll have a week to catch up on these posts. Not sure who I'll catch in Madrid.
Lunch. Pack. Board. Bus.
Riding back I'm realizing that I have not had much trouble or pain in my right shoulder. I'll have to test that out. I'm hungry again. Time for trail mix. But I have no water.
We made it back to Madrid. Our thing is smoothed out.
"Text me." I've heard that before. But I can feel her still. Okay. Done.
Universe is keeping me away from #1. So I'm going to stop reaching out. The vibe was nowhere near as strong as with Star.
This is a Cosmic Game. I get closer and closer to the "win." I didn't believe I could feel anything such as with The Woman. So the magic is not gone... it's just selective.
Moved into the hotel. I've got work to catch up on.
I was told that I have "presence". Glad to get that assessment.
I've quickly fallen into work mode. Catching up on the gloomy-doomies. Unpacking and stacking; inventory-ing my stuff. I haven't been out of the room since I got here. Maybe later. I hear Madrid is a late town.
Oh. And I lied... or was mistaken, that there will be no final word on Stargazing. We are attached, entangled. There's something she has that I need. This will be... "an experience." Even if we don't see each other for many moons.
Parting is such sweet sorrow.