I Love My Dad, Reflections of a Wayward Child

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Where I am coming from

What Inspired me to write this, was an email from my Dad today. He offered me an unexpected gift and it really took me by surprise. The feelings that arose reminded me of an instance that happened about a week ago, I was reclining on my bed when a sudden sensation arose in me. I felt a pleasant ache in my chest, and these words came into mind "I Love my Dad". Such a joyful feeling arose in me, I hadn't even thought of my dad in weeks or months and then this spontaneously arose. Tears came as my body expressed it's happiness unashamedly. My heart opens more to life, and I learn to give gratitude for what I have always had.


Let me give you some context to this story. I'm not a very 'good child', in the sense that I don't regularly keep in touch with my parents. The very people who devoted themselves to raising me and nurturing me towards what I have become today.

In part it's just a lack of commonalities, we live in very different worlds. Something in me doesn't want to disturb the peace with what my parents probably see as my nonsensical life choices. They are peaceful folk who are happy with their way of doing things, my life has been a series of experiments and failures and I have ended up in another place entirely.

The other thing that allows this distance, is feeling ok in myself to face life in my own way. There is a strong sense of individuality and self reliance, which both my parents possess, and has thankfully been passed on to me. I can say this of my brother as well (my only sibling), all of us in this small family have a sense of stability and grounding that enables us to stand alone and trust ourselves.

There's an underlying and unspoken love and trust with my parents. This is why I don't run everything by them, I know that they are there, and they know I am here. We can sense each other, and they have left me to do things my way and learn from experience. Also I'm 31 and have long since flown the coop 😂😂😂.


I wanted to write this post to talk about my dad's great qualities which have been impressed onto me.

My Dad in a Nutshell

  • He has an excellent sense of humor, there is always a simple joke waiting to jump out.

  • He is very honest and hard working, and put in many years steady work to keep my Brother and I comfortable and educated.

  • He's a simple man, who doesn't have extravagant needs. He's happy with instant coffee and dried food as he takes a 5 day hike through the wilderness

  • Very methodical and practical, he has a huge amount of common sense.

  • Hasn't wasted one minute of his life looking for approval, is self validating and motivating.

  • Has a quiet and contemplative side, he's intelligent and loves to read books and do Sudoku (yes very dad pastime).

My dad is no nonsense (unless he is joking around) and very common sense and practical. He's honest and stable, and tolerant of other people. Life somehow arranged this perfectly for a human being like me, who grew into an indulgent and highly emotional young person, with a tendency for extremes and little grasp on real world things. I have benefited greatly from the passive effect of those qualities, and I have never been forced to be something that I wasn't.


So thanks Dad, for just being you.

Probably the most important quality, that both my Mother and Father have bestowed - is that sense of individualism. A deep trust in my self, that life is something that I need to negotiate on my own terms. That independence has grown into a fire in me, and it gives me the confidence to thrust my deepest aspects out on to the internet. I'm incredibly grateful for what my Mum (thats kiwi for Mom 😉) and Dad have given me emotionally and mentally. It's a sense of togetherness that has seen me through some rough times.

I'm still here to tell the tale, and as I look out into my life as it unfolds, those deep roots continue to stabilize me as I branch out into new and exciting things which might frighten a less secure human being. None of us get the 'ideal' childhood, but we all get something that was just right for us - some kind of lesson or gift that helps us grow and balance ourselves in this life.


my banner.jpg

Gratitudes to @eco-alex for this swell banner


Can I ask, do you upvote your posts with bots after day one or later? Or do you have a backer as all your posts hit too high for me to curate soon after I would curate them? You do great work but we try to curate posts under $3. I only ask as I was about to curate this one but am afraid it will be too high once I post the curation post , I would post this in about 14 hours. so let me know and I will consider using your posts in the future. Cheers, @insideoutlet

Hi There, I actually don't use any bots - I have been taken in by the tribesteemup group, who share a valuable vote and curation trail for one post each day. These lovely people are helping me grow into a minnow. I guess unfortunately I am not a good candidate for asapers, because I generally only post once a day - and that post will get about $8 from the tribes votes.

I really appreciate what you're doing, it makes it easy to find good content and helps creators to find confidence and followers :)

One other question. How can one get involved with @tribesteemup?

To become involved with @tribesteemup people are hand picked by @kennyskitchen. He is looking for quality content of a certain kind, in line with a set of values which help create a new world. If you search the hashtag you will probably find a post about the 'eight pillars'.

I didn't really know about the project, but I was naturally drawn to some of the members (and noticed some of the banners on the bottom of their posts), it seemed like everyone was part of a few clubs. I was just doing my own crazy thing writing these huge metaphysical posts and then I got a comment saying I had been selected. So then I got a link to the discord channel and my posts started getting the auto vote.

Now looking at the inner workings, I know that as the project expands and gets more delegations etc that they look for new members periodically. Theres a wee bit over 200 now, it seems to keep at a level to support all the creators. Members will suggest people who seem to fit the criteria, then Kenny makes a decision about who he wants to include.

My guess at the best way forward is to just make yourself known with some friendly banter, and consistently post great content.
Much Love

Thanks, I know a few of you know but will be more diligent in looking lol... I am not sure that my writing would be what they are looking for but I will check out the eight pillars anyway. Thanks for all the info and well done! :)

Wow, thats supercool, I think I came across a few that are supported similarly. I appreciate you getting back to me. Its always great learning about fantastic community support. With luck our followers will all grow so that all posts are at higher values making us push our curation limit up. I appreciate you being part of the asapers. Enjoy the rest of your week.

I loved your story about your dad. Both my parents have passed, and I miss them everyday.. a lot of your story sounds like mine.. I'm never ashamed to cry. It has healing power...

That's very true, stuck emotions cause illness and letting them through heals us :)