PostsCommentsPayoutspiergianni (45)in #drugwars • 6 years agoRE: Drugwars IdeaI was thinking about the same thing and it's really good to implement!piergianni (45)in #steemit • 6 years agoRE: Magic Dice Resteem Promotion Winner!bookkeeping magicdicepiergianni (45)in #drugwars • 6 years agoRE: How To Claim And Exchange Future with your Obyte WalletThanks for the tutorial! I just tried to sell my future token but the price is much lower now. I can only get $2.50 for 7000+ tokens! How's that possible?piergianni (45)in #drugwars • 6 years agoRE: Announcing new share options for your fights, gang bosses kicking players and some help with the airdrop!bookkeeping drugwarspiergianni (45)in #steemit • 6 years agoRE: Magic Dice v1.6 - Leaderboard - Over 120k STEEM in RewardsYes but it's so strange, isn't it?piergianni (45)in #steemit • 6 years agoRE: Magic Dice v1.6 - Leaderboard - Over 120k STEEM in RewardsHi guys, can someone please explained what happened? I played the game with 6 and over and I lost three times in a row. Is it normal? The chances are extremely low.piergianni (45)in #steemit • 6 years agoRE: Magic Dice v1.6 - Leaderboard - Over 120k STEEM in Rewards!bookkeeping magicdicepiergianni (45)in #games • 6 years agoRE: 🎯 NEW STEEMERALD SNIPER! 💰 35 STEEM to win in JACKPOT! 💰ACE SEVEN SEVENpiergianni (45)in #drugwars • 6 years agoRE: Drugwars - No Time for the Weak (nor the bots)It's really difficult. I hope they will implement something easier because we can't spend hours to find the right user to attackpiergianni (45)in #drugwars • 6 years agoRE: Drugwars - No Time for the Weak (nor the bots)Same issue herepiergianni (45)in #drugwars • 6 years agoRE: Drugwars - No Time for the Weak (nor the bots)I have the same problem! It's impossible to know if it's good to attack someone or notpiergianni (45)in #steemit • 6 years agoRE: Magic Dice Resteem Promotion Winner!bookkeeping magicdicepiergianni (45)in #drugwars • 6 years agoRE: Drugwars - Co-op to winIn my opinion I think that the SAFE is too high for drugs - weapons - alcohol. It's quite impossible to find someone to attack and steal something. I think that you should lower…piergianni (45)in #utopian-io • 6 years agoRE: .!bookkeeping drugwarspiergianni (45)in #games • 6 years agoRE: 💰 BE QUICK & WIN STEEM! 10 STEEM in prize pool! 💰1000piergianni (45)in #drugwars • 6 years agoRE: Drugwars - Rebirth!bookkeeping drugwarspiergianni (45)in #nature • 7 years agoRE: I miss that challenge...Pesca sportiva? Bahpiergianni (45)in #ita • 7 years agoRE: Dove sono? Indovinate!Che sfigato!piergianni (45)in #podium • 7 years agoRE: E allora eccolo, il nuovo Podium!Scusate ma come si fa a diventare internazionali se tutti scriviamo in italiano? Io proporrei che i post migliori vengano tradotti in inglese. Alcuni nomi che mi vengono in mente…piergianni (45)in #ita • 7 years agoRE: Vi racconto un pò di me: la mia vita da Motociclista.Adesso ho capito perchè volevi la moto. Tutto ha un senso!