Today is a historic day that for better or worse will mark a trend with the passing of months and years, I share with you live the presidential inauguration of Trump and with this I leave my review and expectations, this is a character that if I consider this crazy haha but there he is again in one of the most important positions on the planet and that can mark the arrival of the Messiah that many have expected in various aspects because if anything has shown that history is that the world moves forward is thanks to those who many call crazy just because they have a vision beyond seeing things that others can not see.
It is a conflict of paradigms what is lived today, there is hope, there is faith, there is destiny, there is certainty, there is the only global mind of the masses of people in the world attentive to what happens today and even more important to what is said today but I do not forget the past because despite all of the above, there is uncertainty and fear of the unknown, what will happen in the future after this inauguration.
Hoy es un día histórico que para bien o para mal va a marcar una tendencia con el pasar de los meses y años, les comparto en vivos de la toma presidencial de Trump y con esto dejo mi reseña y expectativas, este es un personaje que si considero esta loco jaja pero allí esta nuevamente en uno de los puestos mas importantes del planeta y que puede marcar la llegada de ese Mesías que muchos hemos esperado en variados aspectos porque si algo ha demostrado la historia es que El Mundo avanza es gracias a esos que muchos llaman locos solo por el hecho de tener una visión mas allá al ver cosas que otros no pueden ver.
Es un conflicto de paradigmas lo que se vive hoy, esta la esperanza, esta la fe, esta el destino, esta la certeza, esta la única mente global de las masas de personas en el mundo atentos a lo que suceda hoy y mucho mas importante aún a lo que se diga hoy pero yo no olvido el pasado porque a pesar de todo lo anterior se agrega la incertidumbre y el miedo a lo desconocido, que sucederá en el futuro luego de esta toma de posesión.
The fact of living in hive does not mean that we are oblivious to what is happening in the world around us and the best way to defend ourselves is to be informed, in my case I know that there are various conflicts including political ones, an element that generates much discord and against the latter can only be fought with judgment, with conviction, you have to listen to what this person will say, not listen to the interpretation of others who can add a lot of manipulation.
I usually stay away from this kind of things that distract my mind from the personal goals I want to achieve but Trump is a vital piece in the game board, I need this guy to lead the world in the way I want to see because if he does then I will eat many hamburgers happily haha, in my case honestly that's what I want, that he gives stability and at least motivates a specific topic that only with that will allow me to establish what I call my minimum necessary condition to live.
El hecho de hacer vida en hive no significa que estemos ajenos a lo que sucede en el mundo que nos rodea y la mejor forma de defendernos es estar informados, en mi caso se que hay variados conflictos entre ellos los políticos, un elemento que genera mucha discordia y contra esto último solo se puede luchar con criterio, con convicción, hay que escuchar lo que esta persona va a decir, no escuchar la interpretación de otros que pueden agregar mucha manipulación.
Generalmente estoy alejado de este tipo de cosas que distraen mi mente de las metas personales que quiero lograr pero Trump es una pieza vital en el tablero de juego, necesito que este muchachon encamine el mundo por el camino que yo quiero ver porque si lo hace entonces comeré muchas hamburguesas felizmente jaja, en mi caso honestamente eso quiero, que de estabilidad y que por lo menos motive un tópico en especifico que solo con eso me va a permitir establecer lo que llamo mi condición mínima necesaria para vivir.
- The Topic Cryptocurrency or BTC
If this guy really tips the balance to favor the world of cryptocurrencies, it will help me a lot in that goal for the stability of my home because I think that if he names today something in favor of for example BTC, is that the whole market will have the right situation to explode and generate a universal deluge of positive prices, that's what I think, this is what with all my heart I want to hear from Trump, will he say? I share with you links of the inauguration live in English and Spanish so we know the answer today.
- What Won't Happen but would like to happen
It would be beastly cool to hear Trump say he supports The BTC.... and hive hahaha and have an account created to follow my anime and movie reviews here on hive, how crazy would it be for me to hear that haha, like I said before the world belongs to the crazy then let me be a happy crazy person JA!
- El Tópico Criptomonedas o BTC
Si este muchachon de verdad inclina la balanza para favorecer el mundo de las criptomonedas, me va a ayudar bastante en ese objetivo para la estabilidad de mi hogar porque pienso que si el nombra hoy algo a favor de por Ejemplo El BTC, es que todo el mercado va a tener la situación idónea para explotar y generar un diluvio universal de precios en positivo, eso es lo que pienso, esto es lo que con todo mi corazoncito quiero oír de Trump, lo dirá?, les comparto links de la toma de posesión en vivo en ingles y en español para que sepamos la respuesta hoy.
- Lo que no Sucederá pero quisiera que Sucediera
Sería una bestialidad genial oír a Trump decir que apoya El BTC.... y el hive jajaja y que se creara una cuenta para seguir mis reseñas de animes y películas aquí en hive, que locura sería para mi oír eso jaja, como dije anteriormente el mundo es de los locos entonces déjenme ser un loco feliz JA!
- The Comments on these Live Broadcasts
It is a pleasure to read what people think, if you read the comments, believe me you will get comments associated to the Crypto-Trump world, our world is making itself heard and I consider it positive, Trump can play with this as a basic characteristic of all leaders which is the manipulation of masses of people, I think so but even if he manipulates situations, at some point he must decide and we will see if he really motivates this topic.
I emphasize that the mood of the people together with the concern and hope is what I could perceive the most from the comments I read, people are excited, attentive and are giving their opinion.
Apart from the above there are many things that may interest people, not only the cryptocurrency part and there you can read the most sincere thoughts of the people because as I said at the beginning of this post that I have memory and a very good one then I remember that his previous term was extremely unstable and convulsive, That is what I would be most uncertain to see during this mandate, likewise attentive to what Trump says because it can mark the fate of countries his decisions and what he says during this inauguration and enjoy the Show Live and Live from YouHive.
By the way I don't want to forget, tell me in comments your expectations, your opinion about this event and what you expect Trump to say, I would like to read it.
- Los Comentarios de esas Transmisiones en Vivo
Es un disfrute leer lo que piensa la gente, si van leyendo los comentarios, créanme que se conseguirán comentarios asociados al mundo Cripto-Trump, Nuestro mundo se esta haciendo escuchar y eso lo considero positivo, Trump puede jugar con esto como característica básica de todos los líderes que es la manipulación de masas de personas, pienso que sí pero por mas que manipule las situaciones, en algún momento se debe decidir y veremos si de verdad motivara este tópico.
Resalto que el humor de las personas unido con la preocupación y esperanza es lo que mas pude percibir de los comentarios que leí, la gente esta emocionada, esta atenta y esta opinando.
Aparte de lo anterior hay muchas cosas que pueden interesar a la gente, no solo la parte criptomoneda y allí pueden leer los pensamientos mas sinceros de las personas porque así como dije al principio de este post que yo tengo memoria y una buenísima entonces recuerdo que su anterior mandato fue en extremo inestable y convulsionante, eso es lo que mas incertidumbre me generaría ver durante este mandato, de igual manera atentos a lo que diga Trump porque puede marcar el destino de países sus decisiones y lo que el diga durante esta toma de posesión y disfruten del Show en Vivo y en Directo desde YouHive.
Por cierto no quiero que se me olvide, dime en comentarios tus expectativas, tu opinión sobre este evento y lo que esperas diga Trump, eso me gustaría leerlo.
I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.
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Glad to see you liked this recommendation with my thoughts and expectations for what trump will do, in the end he didn't say anything about cryptos haha but I hope he does and that will help the whole market go up
ciertamente se esperan varias cosas por parte de él, que sea a favor de todos como las criptomonedas jeje, excelente post!
I hope he says something positive, that's all I expect from him to generate the stability I'm looking for because I think confidence will come to the market and all of us who make a living in cryptos will be well and abundant 😎
It was great to see the inauguration of the office by the link you left I put it and we watched the whole family. Hopefully he will come out in favour of cryptocurrencies as he did recently, because he changed his mind, he wasn't in favour before. But he has support and I think he will go ahead. So be it. Thank you for letting us know your opinion, that's what counts!
I also listened and it did not happen what I expected haha but it was good to hear his priorities and that he has not said anything bad about the crypto world, in the same way what I expect from this big head is a minimum of one thing, to pronounce in favor of cryptos and not be a barrier to their advancement, I think that with that the market will become a flood of confidence and with that we will reap what has long been nurtured, keep waiting haha
El tema es que un día antes él sacó su propia cripto, eso hizo que la gente vendiera lo que tenía y comprara esa moneda, por eso el mundo cripto se desplomó, veremos que pasa en adelante...
mucho a analizar....
Veremos las decisiones que toma y que hace... expectantes.
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Glad to see my original reviews with quality are positively valued by the community, full motivation 😃
these last days trump has been feared to speak and more with the memecoin that he launched and reached a value of 71$.
that was crazyX and that's the only thing I expect from him because that will bring stability, lack say confidence in the btc and there we will all swim in abundance haha because that will give confidence to people to see this market with good eyes and that more people join, we need that because we already our ship is more established, just need a little help from trump haha 😂
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Happy Enlace team to see how they appreciate my high quality and original reviews 😎
¿Mesias? Khe diceeee KYC! jaja Ya en serio esperaba a Trump y ojala tome vigencia las criptos asi comemos frambuesas pol siempre...😇