Political statements fact checks - Saturday September 08

in #politics6 years ago


"When Abraham Lincoln made the Gettysburg Address speech, the great speech, do you know he was ridiculed? He was ridiculed."

On Thursday September 06, Donald Trump made the above claim in a rally in Billings, Mont.. Politfact have researched this statement, and found it to be mostly true. Politfact commented:

Was Lincoln's Gettysburg Address initially ridiculed, as Donald Trump said?

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"Your family" will pay $2,500 "after Kara Eastman eliminates your tax cut."

On Tuesday September 04, Congressional Leadership Fund made the above claim in A campaign ad. Politfact have researched this statement, and found it to be false. Politfact commented:

Congressional Leadership Fund distorts Kara Eastman's statements on taxes

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Says Amy McGrath "wants to fund more welfare for people who can work, but don't."

On Wednesday August 08, Congressional Leadership Fund made the above claim in an ad. Politfact have researched this statement, and found it to be half-true. Politfact commented:

New attack ad twists McGrath stance on welfare work requirements

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"In Augusta, (Jared) Golden voted to let welfare recipients use your tax dollars to buy tattoos, tobacco, alcohol, even lottery tickets."

On Monday August 27, Congressional Leadership Fund made the above attack in in a TV ad. Politfact have researched this statement, and found it to be mostly false. Politfact commented:

Super PAC ad twists truth on Maine candidate's welfare voting record

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"We saw the true danger of the FCC's net neutrality repeal when Verizon was caught throttling California fire fighters."

On Tuesday August 28, Fight for the Future made the above claim in in a tweet. Politfact have researched this statement, and found it to be half-true. Politfact commented:

Could net neutrality have shielded California firefighters from throttling?

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Says "Mimi Walters raised taxes on middle-class Californians."

On Wednesday September 05, Katie Porter made the above claim in a campaign ad. Politfact have researched this statement, and found it to be mostly false. Politfact commented:

Fact-checking Democrat Katie Porter's tax attack ad in California 45

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Teacher pay has increased under Republican leadership every year for the past 5 years. In fact, even according to the national teacher's unions own rankings, NC ranked number 2 in the U.S. for fastest rising teacher pay 2016-2017.

On Tuesday August 28, Michael Lee made the above claim in Tweet. Politfact have researched this statement, and found it to be mostly true. Politfact commented:

NC senator claims teacher pay increased under Republican leadership.

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Says Texas has "had over 600,000 crimes committed by illegals since 2011. Over 1,200 homicides."

On Sunday August 26, Ken Paxton made the above claim in an interview on Fox & Friends. Politfact have researched this statement, and found it to be pants on fire!. Politfact commented:

Ken Paxton draws on debunked figures, says 'illegals' committed 600,000 crimes in Texas since 2011

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Says Texas "high school graduation rates are at all-time highs."

On Thursday August 30, Greg Abbott made the above claim in a TV ad. Politfact have researched this statement, and found it to be true. Politfact commented:

Greg Abbott says Texas enjoying record high-school graduation rate

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Says Scott Walker refused federal funds and "Wisconsin families now pay nearly 50% more than Minnesotans for the same health care."

On Monday August 27, Tony Evers made the above claim in a TV ad. Politfact have researched this statement, and found it to be mostly false. Politfact commented:

Tony Evers wrong to blame Scott Walker's rejection of Medicaid money for higher health costs

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