May You reach Enlightenment through Love

in #spirituality6 years ago

Divine Lovers Suffer in this World much in Separation or in Drama and Cry Why. They may even Blame eachother, for what They have done to each other and sometimes they even end up hating eachother and all kinds of Drama. They Cry for eachother. They Miss eachother, they fear eachother, Chase or Run from eachother, many times it seems liek they disappoint eachother and they do not even understand what is happening and why. But what is really going on on the Soul Level?

Sacred Love is most Divine Learning Experience, Greatest Teacher in this School of Life, where Divine Being came to learn about Themselves in Forgetfulness of Love that They are. Sacred Love in the Heart of Lovers is the Greatest Teachers and terrible, painful Experiences bring upon Greatest Lessons and Greatest mastery as Lessons are mastered from the Heart, Lovers find eachother, so They can help eachother, so they can Heal eachother from al the Separation that they are not, so they may Ascend into their Greatest Divine Versions and Free Themselves of Karma and Attachments of this World, when they Unite from the Heart in this World in Passion of Creation as They are United in their Heart and Enjoy Happiest Love together in Greatest Joy Happily ever after. Through Love Enlightenment is reached. May You reach Enlightenment through Love.

But as They finally find eachother, usually one of the is for longer time Awakened, Spiritually more Mature, living from the Heart and is on the Journey of Ascension for longer Time. That One has done more Spiritual Work and released very much of Their false Self and made Their Heart Home and defeated their Mind. Usually Their Sacred Lover awakenes Later in Life and has more of Karmic Baggage and false Self to release and may be just living more in the Mind. Fear may Kick in and they may Hide. They must learn about that Fear. Their Divine Love is just too Intense for Them to handle and they need to be Alone to make them Self ready and long Periods of Separation may follow. One Who Thinks that They are ready must also Work on Themselves and Separation is just Divine Opportunity to Heal The Heart Completely. Love is the Greatest Spiritual Master. All the Energies of Separation from Love that They are surface. Fears in their Mind. They Miss eachother, They long for eachother, they Cry for Eachother and cannot Live without eachother and whatever Surfaces is just Separation from Love that They are and must get Released and Healed. May You reach Enlightenment through Love.

Sometimes They are United in this World and even when They are together, they are not Happy and there is Drama, Issues with Trust, Insincerity, they Shut from eachother and even Fight. They may Contro eachother, try to change eachother, they may get afraid that they lose eachother and Create all kind of Dramatic Situations and Experiences out of their Minds. Illusions. They may even get Jealous, or Project the Illusions that need to Heal within Them upon eachother. Untill They release Their false Ego Mind from Control and start Living in the Heart, their Union may not be always so Happy, but Stressful and even very Toxic, painful many Times and not so Joyful. Lovers want and seek in each other what They have to find in Themselves, Love and Happiness that they actually are, so they can give to each other, that Love and Happiness out of Fulness and Wholeness of Love that They are and Live in love Now Happily ever after in Greatest Joy. Out of lack of Love only more lack of Love is found in Life and out of Fulness and Completion of Love, Fulness and Completion of New Life of Love is found as Opposites Unite in Passion of Creation from the Heart and give each other Fulness of Love that They are Themselves and do not need from each other. They do not need Love from each other, but They both want to Love each other, for they are Love Themselves. Love Eye don't Need You, Eye want to Love You, Love, for I AM Love. They may depend on each other, They seek Love, Happiness and Fulfilment in One another, They want to Control each other, are afraid for eachother and want to Change each other, they Control eachother and their Expectations,Their Attachments, their Karma and Conditions that are not Love may make Their Relationship everything, but Happiest Love Life that they Desire together in this World.

In this World they may Fight, Blame and Hate eachother, but let eye give You the Word, the Soul Truth, the Reality behind the Illusion of Separation and Imbalances they experience in this World in their Relationship. They Love eachother most that is possible on the Soul Level, for they are One Soul, One Love and from the Soul Level They want to Help eachother and assist eachother to Heal in fastest Way and release Theri False Self Ego Mind Avatar in the Matrix, so they can Free eachother and get Free of Karma of this World, Attachments and all 3D Separated Darkness, that keeps them in Suffering, so They can become Enlightened and Ascend. Therefore from the Soul level, before Incarnating into this World, they have Planned and Written Entire Script for Everything what has Happening and may be Happening Now in their Relationship, even most terrible experiences and Situations that they would never believe in this World of Forgetfulness of Self, where they have to live it. They wanted to Free eachother of this world and False Self that is keeping Them in this World. Their Turbulent Relationship acts like a Trigger for all the Energies of the false Ego Self, Attachments, Dependancy, Possession, Control, Fears and all the Illusions, dependency on Energy of eachother and al the Separation within them Surfaces Intensely, to be evaluated, so They can Experience it, reject it from the Heart and release all that they are not it and Heal it, so they can become Who they are. They both trigger in eachother the Separation that covered Them and needs to be Released, they Love eachother so much, that on the Soul Level, they asked eachother with Love, „Love, take from me, all that I AM not, for I AM You, Love.“ and because they Love eachother more then it is possible to Love, they have agreed, so they can reach Enlightenment through Love. They Love eachother so much, that They have agreed to Provide to eachother the exact necessary Lessons and Experiences, so They can release their False Self Ego Mind, Attachments and all the Separation and be born again as Love that They are Fulfilled, Whole and Complete in Their Self from their Heart. They have written the Script together for every Drama, every Fight, Separation, everything that They have experienced and are experiencing Now, even the most unimaginable, terrible things, for They actually wanted to Experience just that to Complete the Lessons they wanted to Complete and master the mastery. Through Separation and Imbalances in their Relationship, they Heal their Attachments, Separation from Self, Dependancy on Eachother, their Expectations, Them seeking Love and Happiness outside of Their Self and their Separation and Imbalances in Relationship served only as Greatest Teacher, so They become Whole and Complete in their own Selfs, in Love that They were seeking in Eachother and they truly are Themselves. Indeed, Lovers reach Enlightenment through Love.

In this World, what they are going through together may appear Brutal, but They have written the Script for it, for They Help eachother to reach Enlightenment through Love in Action, They act as Teachers, Greatest Spiritual Masters for each other for to teach eachother the exact Lessons, that They actually wanted to Master, for They Love eachother as no One Loves Them in this World, but Source. As They both Complete the Lessons that They have Written together and release their False Ego Mind Self and make their Heart their Home, as They Master their craft of Love through the Experience of Love in Separation and Imbalances, they can Unite and Live in Love Now in Greatest Joy and Harmony Happily ever after in this World as Opposites Unite from the Heart that is One in Passion of Creation and bring the Garden of Eden back to their World.

May You reach Enlightenment through Love, Love so You may Live in Joy of Love that You are Happily ever after in this World with Your Beloved. Perfection is not needed for happy Union of Divine Lovers in this world, only both Lovers have to make their Heart their Home and never Mind.

  • Purna Ananda 21.04. 2019 ©


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