Greetings my friend. Here I want to share with you my first contribution to the image library. With pictures of antique objects that my grandfather has in his house as well as his beautiful jeep that he has as a heirloom. It is worth mentioning that I give all the copyright to the lmac community for free and commercial use.
Saludos amigo. Por aqui les quiero compartir mi primera contribucion para la biblioteca de imagenes. Com fotografias de objetos antiguos que tiene mi abeulo en su casa a de mas de su hermoso jeep que lo tiene como reliquea. Cabe destacar que sedo todo el derecho de autor a la comunida lmac para su uso gratuito y comercial.
Monkeys in cages - Monos enjaulados |
monkeys, cage, creative
- monos, jaula , creativo |
grasoil lamp - Lampara de gasoil |
souvenir , durable , lamp - lampara, recuerdo, duradero |
Pewter jaron - Jaron de peltre |
| Pewter jaron - Jaron de peltre |
vase , souvenir , durable , tableware - jarron , recuerdo, duradero , vajilla |
bottle of aged liqueur - botella licor añejo |
bottle, souvenir, liquor, cork - botella, recuerdo , licor, corcho | |
Grandfather's Jeep - Jeep del abuelo |
Jeep, relic, rustic - Jeep, reliquea , rustico |
Grandfather's Jeep - Jeep del abuelo |
Jeep, relic, rustic - Jeep, reliquea , rustico |
Grandfather's Jeep - Jeep del abuelo |
Jeep, relic, rustic - Jeep, reliquea , rustico |
Souvenir camera - Camara de recuerdo |
memories, camera, vaul, relic, relics - recuerdos, camara, vaul, reliquea |
Tree - Arbol |
tree, nature, roots - arbol, naturaleza, raices |
beautiful sky - hermoso cielo |
new sky, blue - nueves cielo, azul |
beautiful sky - hermoso cielo |
new sky, blue - nueves cielo, azul |
Hola @renata96 excelentes las imágenes que aportaste para nuestra comunidad de LMAC, muchas gracias.
gracias @cetn2008
The jeep is a really brilliant red. And that tree would add a lot of atmosphere to a picture. All the pictures will be useful. Thank you for contributing them to the LMAC Image Library!
gracias @agmoore mi abuelo lo concerva en muy buen estado
Me encantará ver que arte se le ocurre a nuestros artistas con esos monos enjaulados! 🤣 Gracias por tu contribución Renata! 👍
jaja si esa es la pared de los recuerdos de mi abuelo es como un museo
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Hello @renata96. I love the cloud picture especially, just because I love the sky and clouds. The colors are so vivid. That tree looks so tall. I can see myself utilizing that image in a scary collage.
Thank you for your contribution to LIL. I have seen some amazing photos from our own members. I know this initiative will be a success.
Take care, and have a good rest of your day.