END PATRIARCHY! Why men are a subjugated class, and what we can do about it.

in #mgtow6 years ago

Statistics don't lie. Men have it worse on almost every level. The patriarchy thing has been dead for AT LEAST 20 years now. But you still have people whining about it when women make more (for the same job), live longer (always have), win 80% of custody battles, commit 9x less suicide, are 90% less likely to be incarcerated, 10x less likely to be victim of a violent crime, Are graduating college now at a massively higher rate, are over 20x more likely to get a promotion (when factoring in attendance and factoring out pregnancy)....

Where and how exactly do men have an advantage in 2018? The NFL? The NBA? That's a tiny, tiny fraction of the job market. Less than .0001%. I think we can comfortably factor that out as less than statistical noise.

You can delete me if you want. You can block me. You can use Social media in whatever way you want. But not addressing the very real statistical facts that prove your worldview false is a terrible way to handle cognitive dissonance, and is the equivalent of a child plugging their ears and singing loudly when they don't want to hear something.

And all of the above MAY have something to do with why you, and MANY, MANY men across this country are unhappy, unhealthy, and being victimized by society and government, which I think is worth addressing. Get angry Clark. Get angry and fight back. You deserve it, and the children of the next generation deserves for you and I to fight for them.

Because ironically, this situation is also making WOMEN much less happy. "Where have all the good men gone?", you may hear them ask. The good men have been beaten into submission, are dying their hair blue, and increasingly locking themselves into virtual reality (social media, video games, sports, etc.). And this is bad for women too. Women want strong men. Men who can split wood, and protect them (and their children) from other men, and assert dominance both in and out of the bedroom. They OVERWHELMINGLY prefer that. And yet our society is telling us that's a barbarous anachronism, even though that's how our species has evolved over MILLIONS of years. It's insane, and it's ultimately going to hurt the women (and our species, and our children) EVEN MORE than it's hurting us men.

You can't wish away reality or the facts because it will make you less popular at the #metoo rally. I mean, you can, but it's only going to serve to make our entire species (and ourselves as individuals and families) less healthy, less happy, and less productive. And THAT is why so many people are opting out of relationships altogether now. And THAT is why so many children are growing up without access to their fathers. And THAT is why we now have the HIGHEST USE in ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY of mood altering pharmaceuticals, and illegal drugs.

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the outcome to change is insanity. And yet our society is saying we just need to keep fighting the patriarchy to be happy. We've been "fighting the patriarchy" for 50 years now. Is ANYONE happy? Are YOU happy? Are your KIDS happy? Your wives or husbands? Maybe we need to change strategies and LET MEN be MEN. For fucks sake. Not everything has to be a polite, politically correct, transgender tea party.

I genuinely hope you can think about what I've said above, think about your worldview, and meat me at the gym to hit the heavy bag, and maybe even talk about how we like boobs. Because I think it will make you happier and healthier. And we ALL need you to be that man. Especially our kids.