Steem Monsters - @rondras vs @oliverschmid - The revenge?

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

Yesterday, @oliverschmid ripped my nice rush deck, which I had created, apart with his deck consisting only of water element cards. Today I am taking revenge with another deck that will hopefully kick his but.

As a reminder - Oli has chosen this deck (it is slightly different from what I described in my last post as Oli changed the order later on):

Summoner: Alric Strombringer
Position 1: Naga Warrior
Position 2: Spineback Turtle
Position 3: Mischievous Mermaid
Position 4: Crustacean King

My revenge deck:

I have chose Death as the splinter for my deck, which is supposed to bring revenge for me. Here is my choice:

Summoner: Zintar Mortalis

Mana: 3
Abilities: Melee -1, Speed -1

Position 1: Haunted Spirit

Mana: 5, Health: 10, Armor: 0, Speed 3, Melee: 4
Abilities: Heal, Magic Reflect, Void

Position 2: Skeleton Assasin

Mana: 3, Health: 10, Armor: 0, Speed 6, Melee: 5
Abilities: Sneak, Poison

Position 3: Dark Enchantress

Mana: 6, Health: 4, Armor: 0, Speed 5, Magic: 4
Abilities: Flying, Stun

Position 4:Screaming Banchee

Mana: 3, Health: 5, Armor: 0, Speed 3, Magic: 3
Abilities: Fear

Round 1

Due to the abilities of Zintar the speed of the opponent's team as well as their melee attacks will be reduced by 1.

First in line would be my Skeleton Assasin, performing a 5 damage Melee attack on Oli's Naga Warrior, reducing its health to 4. There is the chance of a retaliate attack on my Haunted Spirit but let's assume this does not happen.

My team would than continue with Dark Enchantress to hit a 4 damage magic attack on Naga Warrior. This would be killed by this attack and Spineback turtle would now move into the first position.

Next, Oli's Mischievous Mermaid will hit a 5 (4 normal plus one from the summoner) damage magic attack on my haunted spirit. However, Haunted Spirit has void, the magic damage is thus reduced. I am not sure by how much, lets assume 2 so the health is reduced to 6. Also, Haunted Spirit has Magic Reflect and will thus send back some of the damage back to the attacker. Again, I am not 100% sure how much but I think its about half so lets assume that the Mischievous Mermaid will be hit by 2, with its health being reduced to 5.

Next in line is my Haunted Spirit, which will perform a 4 damage melee attack on Oli's Spineback Turtle. Spineback Turtle's Armor is reduced to 2. Unfortunately Spineback turtle has Thorns, which means that my Haunted Spirit also takes a damage (let's assume 2), reducing its health to 3.

Next in line is either Oli's Crustacean King or my Screaming Banchee. Let's allow Oli the first hit. Crustacean King will perform a 2 damage ranged attack on my Haunted Spirit, with its health going down to 1.

Then my Screaming Banchee ends up the round with a 3 damage magic attack on Spineback turtle, reducing its health to 4. this concludes round 1.

Finally, Oli's Spineback Turtle will a 3 melee attack on my Haunted Spirit, which would kill it.

Round 2

Round 2 starts with a bit of healing action. Oli's Crustacean King will heal by 1 the Spineback Turtle (Health now 5) and the Mischievous Mermaid (Health now 6).

Again, first in line is my Skeleton Assasin with a 5 melee attack on the Spineback Turtle. This will bring down its armor to 0. Skeleton Assasin takes a damage (2?) from the thorns to a new health level of 2. Ouch.

Next is Dark Enchantress performing a 4 magic attack on the Spineback turtle. Health is then down to 1.

Next Oli's Mermaid with a 3 damage magic attack on my Skeleton Assasin, binging it down.

Then comes Oli's Crustacean King with a 2 damage ranged attack on Dark Enchantress. There goes my Dark Enchantress.

Finally, my screaming Banchee will kill Oli's Spineback Turtle, which concludes the round.

Round 3

Round 3 starts with a little healing action on Oli's side - we do not need to be precise onymore as it will not be relevant.

Oli's Mermaid will perform a 5 damage magic attack on my last remaining card, which dies and finalizes my second defeat against Oli...

But I will not give up and be back!

All the best,


How can you battle others ?

As of today you can't. This is a theoretical battle based on the knows stats and abilities.

Oh :D that's cool

The skelleton assassin wouldn't attack to the Naga warrior because he has sneak. He would attack to the monsters of the back positions instead.

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