PostsCommentsPayoutsrosemary4u (31)in #digital • 5 years agoRE: DIGITAL GOLD: DIGITIZING PHYSICAL GOLD THROUGH BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGYTokenizing physical gold is such a great idea.rosemary4u (31)in #ethereum • 5 years agoRE: DIGITAL GOLD: A BLOCKCHAIN PROJECT TO REVOLUTIONISE PHYSICAL GOLD AND DIGITAL ASSETSThe concept of this project seems realistic and achievable. I can't wait to buy some digital gold on the platform.rosemary4u (31)in #cars • 5 years agoRE: CURIOINVEST : A BLOCKCHAIN PLATFORM INSPIRED BY SUPER CARSThe world is really evolving with blockchain technology, the success of this project will be a great confirmation.rosemary4u (31)in #cars • 5 years agoRE: CURIOINVEST: A PROJECT THAT DEALS WITH PREMIUM COLLECTIBLE CARSI really love super cars, I cant wait to find out more.rosemary4u (31)in #ico • 5 years agoRE: PROJECT WITH: A PLATFORM TO CONNECT SPORTS PERSONALITIES THROUGH BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGYInteresting concept based on unique ideas and concept. This is what blockchain needs.rosemary4u (31)in #blockchain • 6 years agoRE: EDC: A REVELATION IN BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGYBlockchain technology is really making waves and EDC is a great example.rosemary4u (31)in #wallet • 6 years agoRE: HUBRISONE APP: AN INNOVATION FOR ALL CRYPTOCURRENCY USERSGood job by the developers at HubrisOne App. I think interface of the application is simply amazing.rosemary4u (31)in #bitcoin • 6 years agoRE: SMARTFUND: A SMART WAY TO INVEST IN BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGYThis is an interesting concept, am eager to know more! Decentralized blockchain system. Smart contracts really turns the world upside down.rosemary4u (31)in #stablecoin • 6 years agoRE: ROCKZ: BRINGING STABILITY AND SECURITY TO THE CRYPTO MARKETGreat article with comprehensive information. The world of cryptocurrencies needs more stable coins to increase people's interest in the crypto market.rosemary4u (31)in #hotels • 6 years agoRE: BOOKINGS GET BETTER THROUGH EMPIRE HOTELSOne of the most promising and successful projects to date. I believe in the mission of the developers for the hospitality industry.rosemary4u (31)in #marketplace • 6 years agoRE: XCH4NGE: AN AMAZING PLATFORM FOR CRYPTOCURRENCY TRADERSAn interesting platform for trading among peers. The interface is simple but very useful. Keep it up guys.rosemary4u (31)in #exchange • 6 years agoRE: UPROSE: AN EXCHANGE WITH A DIFFERENCEThis project should definately interest both investors and ordinary consumers. Thoughtful and clear ideas make it really feasible.rosemary4u (31)in #ico • 6 years agoRE: EMPIREHOTELS: A REVOLUTION IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRYThis is an incredible project with real application in the hospitality industry.rosemary4u (31)in #blockchain • 6 years agoRE: HUBRISONE: LINKING TRADITIONAL BANKING TO THE WORLD OF CRYPTOThis is a feasible project and should undoubtedly interest both investors and ordinary consumers. Thoughtful and clear ideas make it really attractive.rosemary4u (31)in #cryptocurrency • 6 years agoRE: New Forum, New ways to Earn.This is a good initiative by the team at CTW. I can't wait to get started with the processes put in place.rosemary4u (31)in #adult • 6 years agoRE: POVCOIN: VIRTUAL REALITY GETS BETTERCertainly, you have one of the best teams in the world of crypto.rosemary4u (31)in #marketplace • 6 years agoRE: SHAREMEALL: A MODERN MARKETPLACE FOR ALL FORMS OF TRADINGThis project should undoubtedly interest both investors and ordinary consumers. Thoughtful and clear ideas make it really attractive.rosemary4u (31)in #ethereum • 6 years agoRE: SHAREMEALL: AN INNOVATIVE FORM OF BARTER TRADINGThis is a good initiative by the team of developers. I hope their vision becomes a reality.rosemary4u (31)in #ethereum • 6 years agoRE: EUREKA SOLUTIONS: REVIEWS AND PUBLISHING BACKED BY BLOCKCHAINThe world of blockchain technology can certainly help scientific reviewing and publishing of articles. I hope the rewarding system by Eureka can influence more useful research and discoveriesrosemary4u (31)in #blockchain • 6 years agoRE: EUREKA : THE ULTIMATE SOLUTION TO SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PUBLICATIONSThis is a project with a feasible vision and amazing platform for scientific research publications and review.