PostsCommentsPayoutss4b4t0n (58)in #splinterlands • 7 months agoRE: Save Splinterlands GiveAway#8! Up to 5 winners!@s4b4t0n Riftwing Goblin Psychic Demonshark Hardy Stonefish Antoid Platoon !meme thxs4b4t0n (58)in Splinterlands • 11 months agoRE: Kojiri's Week Giveaway - Special card Every Sunday #618count me in, please. @s4b4tons4b4t0n (58)in Splinterlands • 11 months agoRE: Daily Splinterlands Giveaway #462 || Win Cards and DEC everydayIGN: s4b4t0n thx.s4b4t0n (58)in Splinterlands • 11 months agoRE: Kojiri's Week Giveaway - Special card Every Sunday #615Count me in, please IGN: s4b4t0ns4b4t0n (58)in Splinterlands • last yearRE: Kojiri's Week Giveaway - Special card Every Sunday #568Hello, Count me in, please. Ign: @s4b4t0ns4b4t0n (58)in Splinterlands • last yearRE: Kojiri's Week Giveaway - Special card Every Sunday #569Count me in, please. Ign: @s4b4t0ns4b4t0n (58)in Splinterlands • last yearRE: Kojiri's Week Giveaway - Special card Every Sunday #567Hello, pls cout me @s4b4t0ns4b4t0n (58)in Splinterlands • last yearRE: Kojiri's Week Giveaway - Special card Every Sunday #563Hello, count me please :-)s4b4t0n (58)in Splinterlands • last yearRE: Kojiri's Week Giveaway - Special card Every Sunday #562Hello, count me in, please :-)s4b4t0n (58)in Actifit • last yearRE: My Actifit Report Card: October 13 202Thank you, mushroom picking is a national sport in Slovakia :-)s4b4t0n (58)in #cesky • last yearRE: Nejsem v tom sám. Nejsme v tom sami. Pre crypto nadčencov je predsa obdobie zimi, či nie ? :-)s4b4t0n (58)in Worldmappin • 2 years agoRE: Historic Czech town Litoměřice // Historicke Česke mestoEšte mam fotky z Terezina, Osvienčima a Prahy. Ďakujem za tip, v ďalších článkoch použijem mapu, ktorú ste mi odporučili.s4b4t0n (58)in Worldmappin • 2 years agoRE: Historic Czech town Litoměřice // Historicke Česke mestoĎakujem, o tej mape som vôbec nevedel. Ako ste mysleli "prepnúť mapu"?s4b4t0n (58)in #cesky • 2 years agoRE: Tokeny na HiveTak odomna asi nic, pivka som si nekupil a pizzu som odstakoval a predal...V každom prípade ďakujem za vysvetlenie tych robotov.s4b4t0n (58)in #cesky • 2 years agoRE: Tokeny na Hive!WINE !LUV !DHEDGEs4b4t0n (58)in Actifit • 2 years agoRE: My Actifit Report Card: August 29 2023Máš recht. Ja som si to neuvedomil ze mam fotky oboch vozidiel a dal som tam tu nespravnu.. Ďakujem za opravu.s4b4t0n (58)in Hive Gaming • 2 years agoRE: Retrogames #4 Ski or dieTuto hru som hrával na svojom prvom PC, ešte som chodil na základnú školu. Neskutočná nostalgia. Ďakujem za pripomenutie. :-)s4b4t0n (58)in Fungi Lovers • 2 years agoRE: On a walk in the woods in search of knowledge : The oak mushroom // Na prechádzke v lese za poznaním : Hríb dubovýThe oak mushroom belongs to one of the largest mushrooms in the Slovak forests. Unfortunately, many times it happens that mushroom pickers collect mushrooms before the mushroom has time to grow.s4b4t0n (58)in Actifit • 2 years agoRE: My Actifit Report Card: August 28 2023Thank you for your consideration, Aviation Day is one of the annual activities I run in the summer. I am glad that thanks to hive networks, I can bring this activity to you.s4b4t0n (58)in #cesky • 2 years agoRE: Zvědavý kvízNeviem čo to znamená aj keď mám pár tipov aj bez googlu...