Speculating on Comics 01.16.2019

in #comics6 years ago

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Last week was a great week for DC; The Green Lantern was fantastic (a review on this is coming up, you Greek Isopsephy/English etymology/Gnostic fans...), Batman continues to move down a surrealist path, and Justice League is going into Perpetua territory in respect to one possible creation of the Multiverse. DC comics, keep it up, please.

With all of my wonder and fascination with DC of late, I rewatched Justice League Dark this past weekend, and decided to get some of the key issues of JLD. The image above, Swamp Thing Annual 2, is the first unofficial cameo of the original JLD. What a great, classic cover: Etrigan, Phantom Strange, Spectre, and of course, Swamp Thing, all looking fantastic on this 1980's comic book cover. All that said, I tracked it down on Ebay this weekend too; Steem, I think I'm beginning to have a problem...

JLD aside, how many of you were fortunate to get that Harley Quinn 57 variant? I managed to get two more of those at my LCS last Wednesday, and prices, this weekend, are still going very strong. Prices are still in the $25-30 USD range. Others, I've noted have echoed my thoughts on this being this year's Batgirl 23. Time will tell, but I'm holding my copies long term. It really is a gorgeous cover (oh, and it includes a first appearance of Mirand'r too).

All that said, let's take a look at this week's thoughts.

Picks for Flips

Catwoman 7 Oliver Variant

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Here we go again, another super hot sold out book from DC. These are already going for $18 USD presale on Ebay. I had two in my cart online last Wednesday, went to lunch, and found it to be sold out as soon as I returned. Who knew? I'm hoping to have good luck again at my LCS this week to score a copy at cover price. Speaking of hot DC books...

Wonder Woman 62 Scalera Variant

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Another fast sale last week, and going for $12-15 USD on Ebay. If I can find this one too, I'll be adding both of these DC titles to the long term category. Yet if you find them and have no interest in keeping them, you should be able to make some short term gains on these.

I'd also recommend Knights of the Golden Sun 3 and White Widow 1; Knights is super hot, and the first two issues are selling at unreal rates on Ebay. Issue 3 is going upwards of $20-30 USD on Ebay. I missed out on the first two issues as my LCS doesn't carry this title, but if you see it, grab it.

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White Widow on the other hand, seems to have a lot of variants already on Ebay. This one could get messy to flip; if the story appeals to you (it features a well rounded college girl who is injected by some type of serum by her dying father that transforms her into some type of spider-gwen type hero), and you can get it at cover, definitely go for it.

Items For the Long Term Collection

Batman Who Laughs #2 Jock / Oliver Covers

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Looking very forward to this issue; we last saw the/a Batman infected with a suicidal Joker's toxin. The Joker's rationale was that in order for Batman to beat the Batman Who Laughs, the Batman must too become the Batman Who Laughs. What part of the multiverse this storyline occurs is still up on in the air, but I would guess it is not the one we are familiar with. I can't wait to see where Synder takes this story.

Conan the Barbarian 2 Ribic Cover A

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I enjoyed the first issue quite a bit. I didn't know how much physical damage Conan could take, but he apparently can take a lot. And then some more. The last issue wasted no time in respect to delving into the idea of the Abyss, so I'll keep up with this series for the time being. I never thought I'd be a Conan the Barbarian fan, but I'm happy to start keeping up with this series.

Superman 26 Artgerm Variant

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Keeping my Artgerm streak alive, and picking up this wonderful title.

Flash 62 Jae Lee Variant

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This cover is beautiful; the Rogue's gallery is in full, colorful detail, and the art is gorgeous. I don't see any other speedsters, but I'm ok with that. This issue is getting into the idea of the Sage Force, so let's hope we have another key issue in the Flash's mythos.

Detective 996 Stelfreeze Variant

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I don't know much about this artist whose work is featured on the variant, but I like it. Add in a great Tomas / Batman storyline leading up to 1000, and I'm hooked. The Detective arch is not quite as surreal as King's Batman run, but is still entertaining nonetheless.

Venom 10 Stegman Cover

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Another amazing cover this week (and Donny Cates story telling isn't so bad either).

Justice League Dark 7 Jones Variant

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Speaking of JLD, this story is still very entertaining for me. Both covers are great, but I really like the Jones' variant for some reason. Not sure why, but whatever, I'm going to get it. If Catwoman and Wonder Woman aren't available, I'll pick up both for my collection.

Other Items of Interest

Goddess Mode 2

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The first issue (which I need to reread this week), was fairly interesting. It was heavy on Gnostic thoughts; the idea that some type of AI assists in what the human species observes, experiences, and senses. The protagonist was brought into a a secret reality that featured superhero females battling Daemons, or my guess, Archons. The company that allegedly owns this AI? Hermeticorp. This story wants to be heavy on the esoteric, but the first issue, I think had maybe too much going on, and was slightly confusing. I'll keep giving it a go, however. Who doesn't want to learn the cheat codes to reality? I know I do. Demiurge, be damned.

That's it for me this week. I'm hoping to get a top 11 personal covers post out for the year 2018 yet this week, as well as a GL 3 review.