Today, I’m bringing a project that I had a lot of fun making, even though the final result turned out nothing like what I had imagined in my head. This is the third time I have worked with biscuit clay. The first time was the chessboard project that I already shared here in the community, and the second time I made mushrooms to decorate my house, which I also posted about on my blog. This time, I was hoping the result would be a little better, that I would improve each time I worked with this material, but it turns out it is harder than I thought.
Anyway, back to today’s project. I had some leftover biscuit clay at home, so I decided to make fridge magnets inspired by some I had seen on Pinterest. They were these tiny vases meant to hold dried flowers and stick onto the fridge. I thought they were the cutest thing and that it would be a reasonably simple and easy project, so I decided to give it a shot. But of course, things do not always turn out as pretty in real life as they do on the internet.
So, besides the vases, which I actually think turned out kind of cute but definitely not what I would call beautiful, I also decided to make little cats. But I wanted them to have something extra, like strawberry-shaped heads. However, I left too little space to draw their faces, which made it really tricky. I tried so many times with a brush, but it just was not working. It was looking really bad. So I ended up giving up on the strawberry head for one of them and just left it as a regular strawberry. For the other, I painted the face using a marker, a Faber-Castell pen that does not smudge and has good quality. It did not turn out exactly beautiful, as you can see, but I think it looks charming. I have a soft spot for these little ugly cats because I made them inspired by my own cats, which you can also see in the photos of my fridge.
I apologize for the quality of some of the pictures. I kept forgetting to take photos during the process, so I ended up taking some screenshots from the final video I recorded for my TikTok channel.
The most fun part, without a doubt, is always painting. Even though I got a little frustrated with that part this time, it is a project that is worth it. I glued the magnets on the back using hot glue, but I do not think that was a good choice because after a week, some of them started falling off, especially since it has been really hot where I live. So I will have to try gluing them again. This time I will use super glue or something more resistant. I hope you liked my project, and I will be back soon with more.
So nice project! I love your fridge with many magnets, it looks like a piece of art! ❤️
Thanks dear! Glad that you liked it!!!
This clay magnets are super cute and adorable. Such fine work.
Thank you so much for the comment! I'm really happy you liked them; it's truly a work made with a lot of love.