PostsCommentsPayoutssuhunter (54)in #cn • 5 years agoRE: 欢迎大家跟随 cnbuddy 给cn区点赞suhunter (54)in #cn • 5 years agoRE: 2019年10月17日,比特币出块突然减少,为什么?今天重新看16日和17日出块的数量和时间又恢复正常了,真的不知道怎么回事,难道是事后进行修复?suhunter (54)in #cn • 5 years agoRE: 《为什么,关于因果关系的科学》第一章读书笔记是呀,我在前面已经被质疑过一次,也解释过一次的。suhunter (54)in #wherein • 6 years agoRE: 大佬们的话,信吗?学习了解大佬的方法,不要简单跟随他们的结论。否则一样是丢失了自己,是走不长远的。suhunter (54)in #cn • 6 years agoRE: 《超越感觉》第三章:什么是真理(34-35)页翻译对于你们的污蔑,我只能是坚持我的正确做法。 Facing your slander, what I can only do is to stick to my way to do my correct things.suhunter (54)in #cn • 6 years agoRE: 每个分宜的游子都要回来欣赏的风景——黄毛洞瀑布野蛮粗鲁的cheetah 和所谓的steemitcleaner。一开始也不说清楚什么原因列入黑名单。后来告诉我,原来是我在简书同名的我的文章。8天前我做完解释后,还在这里不依不饶。这是什么规则和霸王? 你们这些自以为是的(霸权主义)家伙才是需要被清理的对象。suhunter (54)in #cn • 6 years agoRE: 《超越感觉》第二章:什么是批判性思考(19-20页)翻译After adding hyperlink, the article now issuhunter (54)in #cn • 6 years agoRE: 《超越感觉》第三章:什么是真理(32-33)页翻译如果你们这么认为的原因是简书上相同的文章的话,那里也是我发布的文章,当然内容完全一样。不过这次我在简书上和steemit上做了次声明。suhunter (54)in #cn • 6 years agoRE: 《超越感觉》第二章:什么是批判性思考(19-20页)翻译I am also the writer of the article ( same name. now I have added a hyperlink to steemit in my blog. you can check it.suhunter (54)in #cn • 6 years agoRE: 暴涨暴跌的比特币只是放大了这个世界的本质而已我在steemit中从未做过抄袭的事情,只是在翻译某本英文书的时候,引用原文没有进行标注。不允许抄袭是理所当然的,也是我努力遵循的原则之一,或许在某个文章地方有无意的引用没有标注,还有就是我自己的文章同时会发布在其他网站中(这是你们判断的标准之一?)。steemit是个去中心化的自由世界,经过这么些年的发展,涌现出一些自治的规则和社区也是非常合理的事情,至少suhunter (54)in #cn • 6 years agoRE: 《超越感觉》第二章:什么是批判性思考(30-31页)翻译I had recorrected the articles which can be rewritten(in 7days). I have claimed the authors in the recent articles I posted. But I am still in your blacklist. I guess the reason…suhunter (54)in #cn • 6 years agoRE: 让我几乎在大众广庭之下流泪的故事I guess the reason you say that is that I have copied the original text of the books without claiming. since now I will write my own translation without paste the original text.suhunter (54)in #cn • 6 years agoRE: 《超越感觉》第二章:什么是批判性思考(27-29页)翻译You didn't see what I said to you in discord? or you don't believe what I say? if you keep doing it. please point out what wrong with me.suhunter (54)in #cn • 6 years agoRE: 通过对比让句子发挥出巨大的力量I have contacted you in discord. and said :"My ID in steemit is suhunter, the same as here. you put me on your blacklist and continually said I am " likely as a known…suhunter (54)in #cn • 6 years agoRE: 直接下命令的管理是最失败的管理(为什么这世界总是事与愿违)what's wrong with you! I don't know how to chat with you in the discord. and I am not plagiarist, spammer or ID thief. Don't do it again!suhunter (54)in #cn • 6 years agoRE: 《超越感觉》第二章:什么是批判性思考(25-27页)翻译I have explained it to you. why do you keep me on your blacklist and say I am plagiarist, spammer or ID thief?suhunter (54)in #cn • 6 years agoRE: 《超越感觉》第二章:什么是批判性思考(23页)翻译I am not plagiarist, spammer or ID thief. I made this translation just for practicing my English. As a translation, there would be some words or statements which are similar to others'.suhunter (54)in #cn • 6 years agoRE: 又用回Firefox我使用shadowsocks小飞机。suhunter (54)in #photography • 6 years agoRE: 梦幻武当 9真正的传统武术是冷兵器时代行走江湖,保镖,看院等产物,实战,保命是第一要务。但是并没有统一规则和竞赛平台,所以花样繁多,各显神通。形意拳始祖姬际可弟子曹曰玮曾经考中武状元 ,连捷三元。这也说明传统武术的真材实料。 但是目前国家体育局提倡的所谓套路其实和传统武术已经没有什么关系了。…suhunter (54)in #cnbuddy • 6 years agoRE: cnbuddy 代理股东列表 2018-11-26刚刚通过文章里的工具和链接代理120sp给cnbuddy了。新手操作,希望没有做错什么。