Edging Survival Mode

in Splinterlands11 days ago

As this is unlikely to ever happen again for me, I thought I would write a little about the latest craze in Splinterlands that I am late to the party on - Survival mode. The idea is pretty cool, though I don't know all the ins and outs of it at the moment. Essentially, you play the line up and if you lose, all of your cards go into a cooldown phase and can't be played for some length of time (which I am not sure about). But even if you lose a single card, that card goes into a cooldown too. Some low level cards I saw had 9 days cooldown on them! But the max gold Acid Shooter I lost, had 36 hours on it.

Is there a list of times somewhere?


Oh and you can't play the cooldown cards anywhere.

Which I remembered after I lost the Acid Shooter.

I was 19 for 19 and lost the single card on the way and then remembered....


Luckily, I have a spare regular foil Acid Shooter anyway, but it would have been pretty embarrassing to turn up to brawls empty-carded. So I put down my suicidal tendencies for a little bit and submitted my Teams for the current Brawl - which has a bit over a day left.

Then back to jumping off cliffs.



Damn it.... I got to this point and I won the last round so I am 32/32, but it was a poison round and I lost cards. I am now down four cards. And I think the competition is getting harder now too. I have a pretty decent set for modern, but hardly anything for Wild, and almost zero extras. Cards that go on cooldown, are all playable cards.

But, I am not going to play the end of the modern season.

And it is a bit of a problem, because I think a lot of people aren't playing in Modern at the moment, because the Leaderboard rewards have gone from DEC to Glint. The people who were in the rewards (very rarely me) already earn a crapload of Glint. There is still SPS on offer from each win. but supposedly the SPS coming from Survival Mode in these early days well outperforms it. It can reach into the hundreds of SPS for a single win.

The most I have got is 10 SPS.




One of those has a good win ratio.

And I am guessing that bots are allowed in Survival? The longest streak I can see in the top 100 is 63, but many are doing really well, as I am guessing they too are coming up against heavily depleted sets that have a lot of cards on cooldown.


And some have a lot of cards

I don't know if I am doing the right thing playing my playing set, but I guess since it is the end of the season, it should be okay if I play now and perhaps most of the cards will be back in the rotation come start of next season. I say "perhaps" because I still don't know how long the cooldowns are.

It'll be fine.


And, it looks like it has had some effect on the card markets, as people are picking up as many of the very cheap (from when I bought at least) cards to burn through rounds. There are heaps of reward cards out there, and I am guessing that people are going to be soaking them up and combining them for the higher leagues as they get opened up. I won't be doing that, even though it has been fun to play with this level of "risk" a bit. If however I am able to get high enough in a league to have a few days of Survival - I will walk along the edge of the cliff once again.

It is after 1am here.

Play to the first loss?


Well, that was close!!!!

It came at a heavy toll, but you can thank me for taking one more Zaku and a Smith out of the equation for a couple days.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I believe the cards used in the last day of the season and that go on cooldown will come back first day of the season :)


That is how I read this:

All cards have their cooldowns reset according to the chart below and at the End of Season.



and dammit... time for bed :)


I also didn't know that and I'm not sure if it makes all that much sense as it kind of beats the purpose of a cooldown. They should really simplify the cooldown periods based on the card levels so you get all your cards back at once instead of new a 11-card Legendary taking 2 days and a 400-card common taking 5 days which makes no sense.

Cooldown15 Days10 Days6 Days3 Days
Gold Foil10 Days7 Days4 Days2 Days
Cooldown15 Days10 Days6 Days3 Days
Gold Foil10 Days7 Days4 Days2 Days
Cooldown15 Days10 Days6 Days3 Days
Gold Foil10 Days7 Days4 Days2 Days
Cooldown15 Days10 Days6 Days3 Days
Gold Foil10 Days7 Days4 Days2 Days

Looks like you got the cooldown list from seattlea. Gold cards have lower cooldown.

Just to keep this straight here is what possible if you have multiple max GF decks.



That is Vugtis and Brave obviously :)

As I mentioned before, with a max deck like yours, it is unlikely that you will run into any meaningful resistance until low Silver. So fairly safe until then, for now.

Yeah - I got into Silver this morning and now I am facing a lot of max summoners. But, since it is close to EOS and supposedly the cards reset - may as well have a swing for fun!!

They are crazy SPS numbers! :D

Haha, nice job! I haven't messed around with survival mode yet. I probably don't really have a deck for it anyway. I just stick to my gold foil frays in brawls. I could probably use my regular foil cards for survival mode, but I kind of suck at the strategy.

It is a lot of fun because everything is mixed up - there are plenty of L1 cards in there, mixed with maxes :D


It is fun. Give it a go with your duplicates.

We will see... :)

The toll for losing cards is indeed heavy. I only have one max CL set to play and burned all my CL soulbound Cards so when I play survival to test the waters, lost a Wave Brood in my 3rd match. I think I will only play survival before EOS so even when the cards goes to cooldown, they will get reset when new season starts.

and burned all my CL soulbound Cards

I did the same...

I think I will only play survival before EOS so even when the cards goes to cooldown, they will get reset when new season starts.

This is what I am doing now. I am high enough in Modern to stay there. Now for some fun.

Are you sure it resets in the new season?

It is based on what I read through discord and none of the team have say its wrong.

Guau I was playing around 6 games and do not earn no one game.
I loses all my match loses or freezing my best card right now I am again in modern with less power than in the begining.
This format is great but need hundred of car to play.

Yeah - it is painful when losing key cards. EOS mode for me :)

I loses the completely games for this reason.
I have never playin in this mode.

Losing a single card for days would probably feel like accidentally deleting your best playlist and having to rebuild it from scratch. But 32/32 is crazy impressive, living on the edge, for real 🤦😅

I tapped out at 48 in a row.

that's serious 🤦🤦🤦🤦

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Thanks for sharing! - @azircon

Survival mode is interesting. The problem is: I am not good enough player to play it. Or/And I have too few cards. If I would have a bigger budget for renting cards I would probably play more of Survival.