STEEM: What Is Your Role Here????

in #steem6 years ago

It is not easy to change the world.

We all know the system, as presently constructed, is not working for most of humanity. This is obvious regardless of what metrics are used. The world of scarcity we are reared in rewards the few while overlooking the rest of us.

This is something that is starting to change. With the introduction of blockchain and cryptocurrency, we can see how the establishment is under threat.

STEEM is a specialized blockchain that was designed to be a social media platform. The first applications reflected this mindset. Steemit, Busy, D.Tube, and Zappl all reflect this. However, we see that other projects are arising that are causing a shift.

The world of tomorrow (not literally but you get my drift) is one where people will be rewarded for their actions. Every positive action has value and should be compensated. Of course, this is a foreign concept in the environment where the few control the resources. We are only allotted what they deem necessary.

As the STEEM ecosystem expands, we are confronted with a challenge. What is our role on this blockchain?

This might sound a bit over dramatic to some. What do you mean, role here? It is a social media site.

That is true. We are a social media platform and most of the applications reflect that. People are free to come on here and enjoy the content created by others. At the same time, people can use their creativity to publish content they find enjoyable. If it is well received, or if one did his/her networking, then some money is made.

For many, that is adequate.

If that is the purpose of being on here, terrific. People come to the STEEM ecosystem for many different reasons. All are welcome and have their contributions. Even those who just read the content have extreme value.

But what about the more serious players?

Let us be honest, if you want to excel on the STEEM blockchain, you best get serious. Nothing is going to be handed to you. I see many who post once in a while and wonder why they don't get a ton of upvotes. Still others arrive expecting massive payouts almost instantly (a situation we had a hand in creating by our own marketing tactics).

For those who truly understand, we are in a grand experimentation of anarchy. This is blockchain; it is land of the free.

The difficulty with this is we are now stuck figuring out how to get along. We lost "Big Brother" which most are grateful for; at least until things do not go the person's way, then the screams for someone to do something start. That is not anarchy; it is a controlled system where the "wisdom" of the presiding elements prevail.

In this state, such a state, what is your role here? Each of us has talents and can contribute a lot. In fact, I believe every positive action on here is a contribution. Any time a Steemians does something on the blockchain, it moves it just a slight bit forward. The "butterfly effect" is always in operation. We have no idea what impact that single action will have.

Our chances improve when we align our talents with what is needed on here. I am not a programmer, hence writing code that results in some amazing applications is not my forte. I wish it was since the geeks are the ones who are laying the foundation to change the world. Nevertheless, we have some pretty talented people in that area who can put together code that provides what is needed.

On a side note, how about the quick action of the Steemit development team and the Witnesses when the blockchain went down the other day? Many looked at that as a bad thing. Not me. You never know how good your fire department is until there is a fire. The way the parties involved responded and created a patch along with the implementation of it by the Witnesses should give people more faith in the talent that is on here.

For the past 30 years, I was a sales/marketing guy. Over the past two decades, I worked in an industry that went through a great technological shift. This started me on the path of really delving into technology to determine where things were headed.

Because of this knowledge, I am very excited about the future. There is not the dystopia that many allude to. People tend to fall for the negative conditioning that is presented by the establishment which tends to protect the powerful.

For the first time in thousands of years, we are starting to get the tools to alter the path we are on. The human race is undertaking a radical shift that will alter the course for future generations. This is the onus that is placed upon us. We have the option of contributing in the ways we can or shying away in hopes someone else does it.

STEEM is a microcosm of what is taking place. To start, it is a blockchain. Strike start, it is one of the more powerful blockchains. There are attributes to this that are basically unmatched by most of what is out there. Over the past two years, a community of dedicated, talented people formed around this network to put it in position to be a major force of change.

A number of people feel responsibility to do their part in taking the plight of humanity to the next level. Again, that might sound over-the-top to many but when you realize that we have applications that are going to provide people with an income, millions of people, that is a large statement. In my opinion, realizing this is much bigger than just a few articles posted and upvoted is crucial.

We are at the forefront of change. I see many having their lives completely altered because of this blockchain. There are people who, despite living in tough financial conditions, are managing to amass a bit of SP. In my view, this move will provide those people with a nice foundation upon which to build some wealth. The issue most have is they can never put away any more because they are too busy surviving. For most, STEEM is like found money.

And unlike the fiat most of us are so familiar with, STEEM might actually go up in value.

Blockchain is in the experimentation phase. There are a lot of developments that, quite frankly, we have no idea whether they will work or not. At the same time, humans are going to be in a phase things are going to be uncertain. The old system is starting to collapse. With the erection of this new one, which will take more than a decade to implement, we are taking control from the establishment.

So, again I ask, what is your role here?

For me, I post articles that help people to see the possibilities of the future. As many different technologies converge, things only speed up. It is easy to get lost. There is also the tendency to focus upon the wrong thing while overlooking what is really making an impact.

Blockchain and cryptocurrency are such things. It is easy to minimize what is taking place. In a decade, most everything will be on blockchain. Some take exception with that since there are a host of things today that do not belong on blockchain. In fact, some of the problems we see with failed projects is because people are trying to blockchain things that should not be.

What these people do not realize is if something is not meant to go on blockchain, there is a good chance it will not exist in a decade. There is no need for it. Most likely, it is part of the system of control.

Each of us has something to give to the STEEM blockchain. It is up to the individual to find out what that is. This is much more than just a social media site, a competitor for Reddit or Medium. Instead, we are in the world of blockchain which truly is revolutionary. What gets lost is technological revolutions are evolutionary in nature.

Give this some thought. It is an important concept to grasp. When one realizes there is something bigger taking place, a lot of the minor stuff falls by the wayside.

This also helps to recognize projects you want to support when you know what your role is. There are plenty that are forming which require assistance.

As a community, we are making a huge difference. Ultimately, we are going to touch tens of millions.

If you found this article informative, please give it an upvote and resteem.

Pictures by Google Images.


Well, I like to use SteemIt as a travelling blog... or something like that. From time to time I might post something different, but mostly I like to share about the places I visit.

So far, so good. However, I decided to rent some Steem, in order to build up my account faster. I felt like I wouldn't get anywhere, if I kept posting with only 15 SP.

People tend to fall for the negative conditioning that is presented by the establishment which tends to protect the powerful.

My reticence about anything internet/blockchain is not born of conditioning; but, an undeniable awareness that 'technology' leaves mankind at the whim of the elite and/or those seeking to control/destroy commerce to their benefit.

It's no secret that, there are deep/dark entities wanting one good 'tech annihilation' to bring down the U.S. grid for long periods of time. 24 hours without technology could do a lot of damage...not to mention months/years.

I know "years" sounds like a stretch; but, realistically, we have to maintain this as a possibility. I imagine wacomole...get the grid up/tap it back down/. Inconsistent technology will be a workable alternative to bringing down the grid completely.

I expect this is at the base of POTUS' recent announcement to add a new level of the force? In my spirit, I believe that the biggest war the world has yet to battle will be cyber-based.

To avoid a digression, I end with my initial start...As long as I am aware that the internet/blockchain is controllable/controlled, I limit my enthusiasm about anything 'progress'.

As most things in life, we take one step at a time, knowing that at some point, everything that is will either be, or not.

I'm sure this sounds pessimistic; but, it's something that I hold fast to, especially when hack-glitches bring everything to a startling HALT.

Best regards.

Great post, btw.


I have to confess, your posts are mostly usually long but each one i discipline myself to read through pushes me to the edge of my sit.

I got on here in late December 2017, i was told about steemit, a social media site that pays you for posting anything. Wow, a facebook that pays.

After my first two weeks here i made about 27 sbd and i sold 13 of them for a good sum. Much more than my country's minimum wage. The motivation to know more led me to knowing more about the sp part which resulted in me reinvesting the fiat i got from my initial sales into steem.

Since then i have read a lot of stuff that has opened my eyes to the posibilities in steem and blockchain technology generally. I am here to stay, relate with people, amass as much sp as possible and hope for a better future.

All i can offer now is my writing, something that has improved much since i got on here. I'm gradually trying to break free from being extreme introvert. It will help me long term on here...enough said.

Thanks for always delighting me with your enlightening write ups.

My role on Steemit has been one of encourager and learner.
I have met a ton of cool people here (like you) and have spent time commenting on posts and encouraging the continuation of what other quality posters are doing - sharing their lives through Ulogs, posting information about the block chain, living life and dealing with issues, creating music and video, etc. I have gained SO much by being here and I will be participating a lot more.

The first moment, i saw STEEMIT i saw the immense potential that this blockchain had and i knew it would be a great investment.
SMTs will be a game changer and the more projects and marketing about steemit will make the price rise. We are at 1 million users at the moment, imagine at 10 million or 100 million....good times ahead! :)

Excellent article. In order to get something, you need to give something. I am happy to answer your question. I'm a commentator. Virtually everything that I achieved, I achieved thanks to commenting. I give people feedback. I like it. I know how nice to write a good article, like yours, and then continue to communicate on the topic of the article in the comments. Perhaps commenting is not the most important part of STEEM, but it is commenting that makes STEEM a social network. So, what did I do for STEEM? -
Post Count 2210 posts | 17526 comments
Vote Count 34157 votes | 68482 receivedInc. Votes ...
Voting CSI [NA] (16.37% self, 691 upvotes, 114 accounts, last 7d)

Отличая статья. Для того, чтобы что-то получить, нужно что-то давать. Я с радостью отвечу на Ваш вопрос. Я – комментатор. Практически всего, чего я достиг, я достиг именно благодаря комментированию. Я даю людям обратную связь. Мне это нравиться. Я знаю как приятно написать хорошую статью, как Ваша, а потом продолжать общаться на тему статьи в комментариях. Возможно, комментирование не самая важная часть STEEM, но, именно комментирование делает STEEM – социальной сетью. И так, что я сделал для STEEM? -
Post Count 2210 posts | 17526 comments
Vote Count 34157 votes | 68482 receivedInc. Votes...
Voting CSI [ NA ] ( 16.37 % self, 691 upvotes, 114 accounts, last 7d )

@taskmaster4450 My Role on STEEMIT is to improve my Life as well as other peoples lives who choose to come here an participate in their own Future. Every Great Thing Starts With The FIRST STEP !

I guess my role is to play the part I know. Posting quality posts, sharing my collection of quotes, hoping that people will enjoy them and learn something from these words of wisdom. And wherever possible, to give support to the community as best I could with what I know. I will leave the tech stuff and the technical details to the experts. I am more of a follower than a leader. I hope that is good enough. :-) Cheers!

It is super important to know what is our role on this blockchain, because that position will define the future in here, and the impact we can/might have on the "new world".

For all the lucky early adopters we have what "normal people" don´t, the valuation of our money... (It will stop sometime, but not so soon)

For most of my life, I have been an educator. I enjoy taking the information that I have already learned and passing it along to people who need to know it.

That is why I created the Steem Markdown online course. I want to serve the Steem community in the same way that I serve in everday life - helping others find the information that they need.

Ha ha you and I are definitely in the same Field. Look what I wrote two months ago: What's Your Role on the Blockchain?. Ever since I came back here I could feel what this is. I can feel the profundity of it all, the Anarchy of it. I can feel this massive energy bubbling up. But I don't know how to present the potential like you do.

In fact, some of the problems we see with failed projects is because people are trying to blockchain things that should not be.

What these people do not realize is if something is not meant to go on blockchain, there is a good chance it will not exist in a decade.

What are some examples of this?

Excellent question to get us thinking, @taskmaster4450.
I am here primarily to lend energy, intent and focus to a new system that has the potential to revolutionize the world... the potential to break the hold of the centralized powers... the potential to equalize the standard of living all over the globe.

My secondary intent is to offer a laugh or smile to others as they go through their day, a chance to lighten up a little, and to see that we're just a bunch of people in this together.

 6 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment