SteemChurch:There is a liberating truth

in #steemchurch7 years ago

If I ask an atheist what the truth is, he will overwhelm me with solid, medulous, analytical, highly logical and even coherent answers. But he's going to have a problem that, even if he does not confess it to me, I know perfectly well that it will eat away inside him. For better and more intelligent answers that he gives me, he will know intimately very well, that those concepts that he handles so well on the truth, do not serve him absolutely at all. That they are very practical to get rid of quickly those who come to talk to him about any type of God, but in private they do not serve him at all to change his life, neither him nor any of those who share them with he, neither to give him inner peace, nor to grant him security in their lives, nor to provide happiness or anything else that can erase their anguish, their fears and their depressions.

The Bible says: (John 8: 31-32 VRV) = Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him; if you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

It is clear that knowledge of the truth makes us truly free. Because from this text it jumps to the view that what makes us free is not the truth in itself, because it is the truth, but the knowledge of that truth. There are many people who live where the truth is, who receive great legitimate information about the truth and who are in constant contact with the truth, but who have never come to know it or incorporate it into their lives; therefore, they are not free.

Pilate, when he was judging Jesus, perceived, because he took pains to be just, that the truth that he also sought and longed for was not far away. With the poor and reduced understanding of his carnal nature, then, he confused it with a human reign. That's why he asked Jesus if he was a king. If he discovered that he was, he had the right ingredient to find him in a crime, to try him and sentence him. What did Jesus say?

Pilate then said to him: Then, are you king? Jesus answered: You say that I am a king. I, for this I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice. Pilate said to him: What is the truth? (John 18: 37-38 VRV)

Pilate became entangled in his own verbiage. He failed in his interrogation; and not because he was a novice, Pilate had ample experience in interrogating prisoners. The impact that the words of Jesus caused in his heart confused him so much that he decided that there was no crime in Jesus. He was totally right, although he did not know it. To know, he should have known the truth, not just face it. That's why he asked what the truth was. He knew he was there, but when he did not know her, he could not see her.

Jesus said to him: I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father, but by me. John 14: 6 (VRV)

Here is the truth we were looking for. This path leads us to know intimately the person of Jesus Christ. And that is the knowledge that allows us access to the Truth, because He is the Truth. Beyond our ways, our gestures, our words, our doctrine. He is the incarnate Truth! And when our intimacy with Him is real, sincere and profound, it is very difficult for us to fall into hollow ritualisms, complicated philosophies or compelling discourses. It sets in motion the mechanism of the power of the Holy Spirit that will always guide us to all truth.

To travel through that intricate path, to know intimately the Lord who dwells within us and to have accessed his truth, which is the only one that is valid for God, makes us land in the third phase: Life. And what is life? Eternal life Of course! But as that moment of the final fulfillment of the plan of salvation comes, we have another life that we can access. That is here and now. We no longer live, but Christ lives in us. And it is a totally different life than what we have been living to this day. Different than any person without Christ may be living as richer, more famous and more prestigious. It is the life of Christ in you, in me. A life of true peace, not as the world gives it; It is a life of iron conviction, of security before the future, of trust, of joy, of victory, without anguish, fear or depression. It is a life of freedom in Christ Jesus! It is the real and practical fulfillment of: You will know the Truth and the truth will set you free.

I want us to understand, at this point, that the search for truth does not obey a mere interest and human curiosity for something that intrigues it. The search for truth proceeds from the deepest recesses of our being, from the place we are, the image and likeness of God, of the spirit. Searching the truth is the beginning; Finding it is the result. Putting it to work after believing it is the corollary and purpose of God for each life.

It is useless if, having found the truth, then we decided not to incarnate it.


What does it mean then to be free? In verse 36 Jesus added: 'So, if the Son sets you free, you will be truly free.' What is the summer freedom? The answer is simply Jesus. He is the model and the example of what it really means to be free. Above all, Jesus was free from sin. His whole life was a perfect expression of God's justice in every way. This fact is so well known that it is not necessary to go into more details. He was also free from Satan and from the powers of darkness. I could say of Satan, 'He has nothing in me' (John 14:30).

Jesus not only has the truth, He is the truth. Nobody who has the truth, the truth is not the religion we practice, but who we believe Jesus Christ resurrected.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6