Cold is the absence of heat in the body.
The literal cold can be appeased with a coat, a soup, hot tea, a good heating system or a blanket.
But how can a heart that feels cold and has remained long in winter be cherished?
What can be done when our heart feels a great loss or absence?
When there is no one around who can give you a hug to warm a spirit that trembles with cold.
Perhaps, some disappointment of the past made you stay for a long time enduring the snow without any shelter. Possibly you gave your heart to someone who did not deserve it, to someone who played with your feelings and who destabilized your emotions. Maybe your heart has been deceived and confided its secrets to who did not deserve such privilege. You could be going through a heavy snow storm, an avalanche of sadness and disappointment, and that ball is running after you. And it gets bigger as you try to escape from it.
This avalanche can be the feeling of guilt, the complexities and insecurities that do not let you live. Maybe you're stranded waiting for someone to come to rescue you and it seems help does not come. And as you feel that you are reaching the end of your days because nobody has come to rescue you.
You have made the decision not to take another step on the snow, and all the roads seem confusing.
Another situation could be that you have slipped and stumbled in the middle of all that snow and cold that surrounds you, that you are afraid to fall again, and you have stayed with your arms crossed, waiting for someone to warm you up. The white color of the snow can represent the solitary room of your soul, the walls of your house or the whole dwelling of your inner house that feels empty, sad and without light.
Possibly the cold has numbed everything in you and you only live because scientifically your heart beats, but for a long time you made the decision to die when you gave up your dreams. When you thought you were a failure, when you decided that someone else lived the life that you live.
Who knows if you have seen many people riding on the sled, skating or driving near where you are and have not stopped to heal the wounds that the cold has left you.
Moreover, you may be delirious, with chills, with an internal fever about to erupt because the inclemency of time and so much cold have you undone.
Solomon knew that on everything he kept, what he had to take care of most, protect, preserve and keep was his heart, because life flowed from him. The Lord has always been willing to warm you with tenderness and love every part, every corner of you. That is why the psalmist said: "He who lives in the shelter of God will dwell under the shadow of the Almighty." God wants to envelop you with that celestial blanket that produces security and warmth. You want to warm your spirit and soul.
He wants to serve you a soup that is accompanied with the fruits of his Holy Spirit. He is willing to help you through the cold winter of your life. Promise not to leave you alone. It wants to take you to enjoy a beautiful spring so that as plants and trees are reborn, the most beautiful seeds sprout from you. And then after the spring, he wants to take you to a comforting summer so you can enjoy it, rest, sunbathe, enjoy the scenery and forget that once you felt very cold. God wishes to be the perpetual summer in that little house that is your heart. He wants to place new things and in the sand of your being leave forever imprinted his footprints.

Winter is a time of rest, it is time for recovery, restoration and preparation for the next season. Winter is not the absence of action, but the development of a selective task, of an inner and deep work that will bear fruit in the spring. They say that the harder winter is, the more splendid is the spring that follows.
God wishes to be the perpetual summer in that little house that is your heart. He wants to place new things and in the sand of his being his prints will be imprinted forever.
Beautiful words. Blessings.
God will always bring an answer to your need, your reality to your pain, winter is not forever, He always raises his people and their children above any winter, above the worst circumstances.
Remember that in the middle of winter you are awakened, sometimes winters are necessary.
"everything has its time, and everything that is wanted, under the sky has its time" (Ecclesiastes 3: 1)
God bless you @taty
We have this great promise @ taty17, who lives in the shelter of the highest, will dwell under the shadow of the omnipotent.
Winter is also associated with the final stage of existence, that age when the train of life is approaching its last stop. When we realize that our loved ones are approaching that stop, our heart is filled with sadness. But from the Christian point of view, there is life after winter.