Dear Dayleeo // 3rd of July 2k18 // I made it to sunrise and it was humbling further.

in #dear-dayleeo7 years ago

Whoa, it’s like a whole new world to be explored. I made it today, I made the 4:30am wake up, I looked up at the ceiling and saw light so I knew I could get up, weird to feel the bite of cold on my legs, I switched the fans off with just the soft triple laptop fan behind the computer running.

Freedom means the opportunity to be what we never thought we would be.

i woke what I think was my third time of drifting off, I know a toilet trip happened around 2:30am and I had the most abstract dreams, flitting around different vantage points of a life, not sure it was mine littered with vlog style curated shots of awe and little discussions in old bars whilst purchasing bus tickets (return) and asking what I should do If I don’t know the time of my flight — at this stage I didn’t even know where my flight was heading from and when I would get there, I guess I just wanted a bus to anywhere regardless, maybe I had no flight — maybe it was just the momentum of going forward that was important.

Oh biza this morning was so electric.

I jumped outside with my shorts and glasses on to watch the greyscale gradient of the sky slowly inch up, like in pixels from a grey palette to reveal blue skies at the slowest of speeds, the dawn chorus rejoicing that the light was peeking through with the quarter Death Star of the moon on the opposite side, around the edges of the tree tops flittered bird like messengers that everything was going to be ok.

It was cold, but the crispy cold bought about a sense of anew, slowly incredibly slowly the micro fractures of warmth started to reveal themselves, incredibly slowly, life giving as I stood there in the cacophony of bird signals, like day traders on a trading floor issuing in the new orders for the allocation of resources for the day ahead, warning of the highs and the lows of the day, the wildlife bulletin board.

Getting chilling I dipped back inside for coffee and toast, steemit still down, seemingly timed attack for a certain time at night maybe when the majority of people would not be around, the nodes looked a little shaky and the 504 gateway blinked back at me — for a moment nature was a lot more inviting that the waiting for a blockchain ledger to sync, the distraction of wanting to know more of the status led me back to wanting to consume coffee back outside but was littered with the impulse to write — i’m torn between worlds.

The cold on my legs forcing me back inside, hard to believe that it’s gonna be hot at any point soon but it will be, like a light switch it’s gonna jump up and bathe us in sunshine once more, the world seems a little more friendly at sunrise, as the hues change, the stillness and the lack of another human being makes you feel like you have acquired the land rights to the world.

I instantly wanted to see what was different in this time zone, more live streams that are still up and probably going to be shutting down soon, a scramble to see how much sleep I actually got, the shock of realising that I have a solid two hours ahead of me BEFORE the shop opens and that I can take a comfortable walk to the shop for supplies before the heat really sets in and makes it impossible — feels like I’ve hacked the day.

Appears last night that I got 5hrs and 4 minutes sleep — I eventually slept late at 10:08am till 4:26am — guess I even beat my alarm, kinda weird that my body was determined to make that 4:30am start, I think it will be easier again tomorrow to hit that time and the cool cpu temps are pleasing me greatly — even bitcoin is at $6,634 how bizarre biza, I wonder how the day is going to unfold today now we have been present for it’s daily life giving announcement, just up from here eh? :)

Super glad you got the blood work and everything done on that score yesterday, at least next week they will be able to tell you everything you need to know about that — maybe give you a few more clues about the information you need before you speak to the nutrientist again, I really think that is gonna be a game changer for you.

Also mountain life, mum and the bogiemeister — so good you are getting a change of scenery, keep it moving eh, gotta do it mam, gotta get that movement energy coursing through the veins, never stop for long, always get that oxygen (while we can get it for free) in our system, enjoy the relative freedoms we have now as we never know when things can change on that front, never stop pushing for a sunrise moment in our daily lives.

got a two hour window now which means I can write everything, put a vlog together, struggle a little to put the top 10 together but I think I can get everything done on that side before 7:30am rolls in and I get the hot hot wake up straight out the cooker situation sausage rolls and cheese and onion bites, you remember those early morning bus snacks?

I’m strangely raring to go this morning, weird feeling actually, maybe I’ve been doing this all the wrong way around, maybe ultra early starts are the way to go anyway regardless of the sunshine temps.

Well done you for crushing yesterday, I’m hoping you get a good night sleep and that you wake up refreshed and ready to go into another new day, I know you have a bunch of work no doubt stacked up ready for you to get into and I know you have already managed to plan out the rest of the week, it’s the 4th tomorrow as well so all the usual fanfare of that day you americans have, bbq’s and parties no doubt! :)

Ok, biza, i’m gonna close it up here, probably can’t post it yet anyway but I wanna get into a vlog while the temp is relatively down, I’ve got a few hours before that starts to creep up anyway and then the rest of the day is boiling Ville so I wanna get a chunk of the video stuff done — certainly gonna start writing you later on at night and then post it before bed so I can wake and record straight away, might even leave obs ready and set to go in the morning so that I’m not even that awake when I record them ;)

5:30am already here, wow, time moves fast and we miss out on so much if we let it, letting go of the computer is a lot easier than we think thou, we just need to step outside and enjoy the sunrise for the life hard reset.

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,


Awesome post you- Love when you’re in a writey mood like that can tell your fingers we’re going a million miles an hour - hopefully I can push my post to you now ! Good morning I know you’re killing it already 💕

yayayayayay. thanks biza. welcome to tuesday, virtual hugz.