Silver Chinchilla

in #cats6 years ago


Chinchilla cats are very sought after in the cat world and for good reason. Though they require high amounts of maintenance to ensure that grooming and hygiene is kept up to standard, this is a most rewarding experience for a cat owner. The bond between owner and pet will grow deeper and Chinchillas are known to be most affectionate towards their carers. This is for good measure as much effort and love is put into maintaining this type of cat. The Chinchilla breed is attractive to the prospective owner for many reasons, the variety in the Chinchilla world is an exciting factor as owners can come across some unique coats that are not often seen. This can give a sense of exclusivity and identity, cat owners who dive into the Chinchilla breed are often surprised how many types of cats there are. Of course researching before plunging in is the best course of action and it pays off to educate oneself as even different coloured Chinchillas will have specific requirements and temperaments.

The Silver Chinchilla is a beautiful breed which resulted from breeding between Chinchillas and other long hair cats. This gives the Silver cat a very unique complexion among its fellow breeds and it will assume a march darker coat. The Silver Chinchilla is a combination of colours, featuring a white undercoat and spots of shading around its body to create a brilliant metallic effect that is rarely seen on other cats. There are often different areas of markings around its body and there will be visible accents around its ears, feet and especially tail. The dark shadings on top of its glistening white undercoat will create the beautiful effect that many breeders and owners desire from the silver breed. The rest of the noticeable facial characteristics of the cat will be black and adds to its contrasting demeanour.

Though things may seem very black and white with the Silver Shaded Chinchilla, this is far from its personality which is perceived to be much more energetic compared to other Persian breeds. Owners will enjoy a deep bond with this type of cat as they keep up with its intensive demands and interactive personality. Continuously engaging with a cat when it seeks attention will help to build a deeper relationship and of course keep it from getting bored in the household. Cats join the household as a new family member and should not be excluded.
