I've always held an innate desire to trade ideas with the world; a burning thing within me that drives me to construct myth and memoir, and to devour them with the same ferocity. My words are unremarkable and common, but there is magic in the mundane and the things that touch us on a deeply personal level are not always earth shattering.
There is much I could say about myself but really its irrelevant in the end. I suppose the most important aspect of myself is my bilic distaste for the status quo. I have no desire to ever live a middle class suburban life. I do not like to shop and prefer to trade goods and services with my friends and acquaintances. Even if it isn't the easy way, I prefer to try to make something myself rather than run out and buy it. Part of this comes from my lifelong experience with poverty, a generational disease that affected my ancestors as far back as I can trace and still affects the majority of my relatives, myself included. However, unlike my ancestors, I am in a better position to catapult into middle class if I wanted to. I choose not to and I recognize my extreme privilege in making this choice.
I believe that the gifts given to us by Creation are the most important things in the world to protect and to make accessible. Clean water, fresh air, freely growing food - all of these things are crucial to life and were given to us with no strings attached. It is our duty to defend these things and to ensure that others in our communities have them too. No governmental agency is going to ensure clean air or clean water - just look at Flint Michigan or any number of Reservations. The United States wastes 40% of all usable food and yet we have millions of hungry people. This is reprehensible. It is our god-given moral and ethical duty to work to ensure that waste and pollution are curbed so that our people may finally be free.
To that end, you can expect plenty of posts regarding food sovereignty, water rights, pollution news, and more. Nothing is more important to me than providing for the people, and I hope to share with you ways you can create change on a small scale that affects the larger scheme. Likewise I hope to learn from members of the community and share information in an age where information sharing is threatened.
Hi swampy!
Love your words.
Glad to see them in the steemit reality.