Trash Heroes- Every Little Counts

in #anarchy7 years ago

trash 2.jpg

I hope you are well, so to mix things up a little I am going to share with you one of the projects I am involved with currently. I am very grateful to have opportunities to help both the people and this Planet move towards something greater than the difficulties we find ourselves in currently. Although there are still many sleepers out there, it is refreshing to also know that there are some wonderful, genius, and heart-based conscious people all on journeys maybe in activism, healing, ecology, and anything that helps raise the bar a notch.

I think when we are in the doldrums of this reality (and I have been there many times before!) we tend to spiral our thinking downwards in that everything is bad and that there is no good in the World. Well all these people making a stand, and most likely many of you reading this newsletter ARE some of the good that is in this World. We are the sparks of light shining on the darkness, to not only expose it, but to inspire others at the same time.

A prime example of this for me was this week, I am very lucky to live in a beautiful Thai Island, there is a massive issue here though and that is litter. We all know how much plastic and other human waste is destroying our Oceans and beaches, well here there is a group called 'Trash Heroes' who meet on a weekly basis to collect litter from the beaches. Its voluntary, but what is beautiful is that both Thai people and expats come together in unison to do this. We all have fun and many of the beaches have been cleaned because of this direct action.


At the end of the day I know its not going to solve the Worlds problems but you feel like you're doing something, you feel connected to others because they have that all important common interesting in preserving our environment. And that is the whole point, we are all ripples in the pond, and if we all contributed just a small amount of our time we could essentially make massive changes. So I encourage you all who are reading this to get involved in a project maybe local to you, you will meet like-minded people and you will feel like youre contributing.


Even if its not a group setting why not talk to that homeless guy you see every day, pick up some litter on your own area, or help someone out who wasn't expecting it. Maybe you already do and full credit to you for that. Gandhi once said ' be the change you want to see in the World' and never has a truer word been spoken. The point is the 'powers that shouldn't be' want us to beLIEve we cannot effect change, well they're very wrong about that!

On another note I am very happy and excited to announce that for the next week I am offering a 25% discount code for all my Steemit followers on the e-book version of my book 'Are you Living or Just Existing? You can find the book here and the discount coupon code is QY32R.


My latest blog posts and YouTube videos this week.

Enjoy your week ahead and take care.

Tony Sayers
Love, care, courage
[email protected]
Author of the book 'Are you living or just existing?'
Purchase via paperback/kindle/ebook at-


website- You Tube-


Great job!

Thanks brother!

Plastic is the worst because it takes hundreds of years to biodegrade. Nothing that takes so long to degrade should be a consumer product eg drinking bottles, plates etc.