#MicroCiFi256 & #MicroTerror256 | Curie Community Building Support Application

in #curiecommunitybuilding6 years ago (edited)

I would like to thank @curie and @randomwanderings for the opportunity he gives us to give a boost to our initiatives.

It is very gratifying to see how ideas like this do not stop arising with the sole purpose of helping people and making the community grow.


What is #MicroCiFi256 and #MicroTerror256?

1.206 stories, 605 unique users

There are two contests of literature in Spanish language that began on November the 11th of 2017, ten months ago. Since then, there have been published ** 1,206 stories ** written by ** 605 unique users ** exclusively for the contests.

The contests consist of writing a micro-story of no more than 256 words. #MicroCiFi256 is a science fiction contest and #MicroTerror256 is a horror contest.

Both competitions are managed by me, and in weeks with a lot of participation, there have been weeks with more than 170 stories to contest, @aniestudio also works on the project as a member of the jury.

How do the contests work?

The bases are very simple:

  • Each week a different theme is proposed. The subject can be a concept, a word or a phrase, normally it is a clear and precise idea. In the next calls may also be proposed images to inspire the authors.

  • The stories that want to participate should deal with the proposed topic and be written on the genre of the contest in question.

  • They must be written in prose and in Spanish language, since it is my mother tongue and is the only one with which I can assess the literary quality of a writing.

  • The maximum length should be 256 words regardless of the title.

  • The post with the contest stories must have a specific title proposed in the bases, such as: "Science Fiction Micro Fiction Contest #MicroCiFi256 - Week 11 - Hive Mind"

  • It is mandatory to add two tags: #MicroCiFi256 and #ciencia-ficcion, if it is the science fiction contest or #MicroTerror256 and #Terror if it is about horror.

In each call, three prizes are given:

  • First classified: 50% of the SBD and / or Steem generated by the post of the contest.

  • Second classified: 35% of the SBD and / or Steem generated by the contest post.

  • Third classified: 15% of the SBD and / or Steem generated by the contest post.

With which 100% of the rewards generated by the post are shared among the winners.

In addition, the first positions are endowed with points of value, which serve to compose a Ranking that is maintained throughout the season. This creates a lot of expectation and motivation for the contestants who have fun in tight battles week after week.

How is the calendar of the contests?

The method is very simple. The contest post is published with the bases and the new proposed theme. Contestants have a week to write and publish their stories. After that week, a post with the winners and a list of all the participants and their respective stories is published.

Example of post with the winners

A few days later, a Ranking like this is published.

The following week a new call is published again, this time falling from science fiction to terror or vice versa. With which a new contest is published every 15 days. The week that is free between contest and contest is dedicated to publish tow post: a post with the winners and another with the ranking.

What is the purpose of these contests?

The main motivation of these competitions has always been the same: Promote writing and reading literature in Spanish at Steemit. When I started in Steemit there were not many people who published in Spanish, because almost everyone did it in English despite being Spanish speakers. And literature in Spanish was very scarce, what was published most was poetry. So I set out to promote literary publications by creating a science fiction contest, since it is my favorite genre.

The initiative had a very good reception, and a few months later I launched the terror contest, which had an even better reception.


I can say that creating the contests is the best thing I've done in Steemit. I have received many messages from people very grateful for the impulse that I have given to the literature on the platform. People who had never written and encouraged by the competitions have begun to discover creative writing and enjoy it. Writers who had never dared with the science fiction genre and who have discovered their pleasures. And a lot of synergy has also been generated among the contestants, new relationships and a small community of writers and readers who are very grateful and involved with the initiative.

I am convinced that by supporting these competitions there will be even more people determined to approach both writing and reading. The love for literature will be encouraged and all participants will see their writing improved with the exercise proposed by the competitions.

Holiday return

Last July, the last call was held:Concurso de Microrrelatos de Ciencia Ficción #MicroCiFi256 - Semana 11 - Mente colmena. Once finished and due to the summer period, we made a stop for vacations, to gather strength and prepare the following year. Recently the next calls have been announced and will begin on September the 22th. Once started, they will continue uninterrupted until next summer.

How does the scoring process work?

To evaluate the stories and obtain the list of winners, the texts are evaluated as follows:

In the first place, the literary quality of the story is taken into account. The spelling, the style, the ability to transmit what the text intends and the beauty of it is valued. On the other hand, story is valued. If it is of the proposed genre, that it deals with the proposed theme and that it is original and interesting.

Literary quality is given 65% importance and story 35%. Each of them is scored from 1 to 100 and after applying the previous formula, each story gets a score.

Once valued all the stories are ordered by their score, the best valued ones are read again. Approximately 20% of the total are valued blind again, that is, hiding their previous score. In this way, an average of the first score is drawn and the second, which gives the final result. That's where the winners come from. I think it's the most fair and objective way to value the work of writers and so far is giving very good results.

How much support am I seeking for this project?

I don’t have any specific figures in mind, but the best possible vote would be the post of the contests, since all the rewards will be distributed among the winners. I will not keep anything. I think it's a great motivation for the contestants that there is a valuable prize.

Also, as a support to my work and my effort, since during the week of the contest I have to be reading and evaluating all the stories, I would also like to receive votes in the post where the winners and the ranking are announced, although if you can only Support the post of the contest, it will be fine.

We must bear in mind that a contest post is published every two weeks, so during the two-month period for which I am applying, only 4 post will be published with new contest calls. That is why I request the largest possible vote. If we take into account the announcement of winners and the ranking, in the period of two months there will be a total of 12 post. It is the decision of the team of @curie and @randomwanderings to support the 4 post of the contest or the 12 of the complete project.

The winning stories of #MicroCiFi256 and #MicroTerror256

I leave below the winning stories of each of the editions that have taken place. I hope you enjoy them.





605 contestants to date

I would like to make a special mention to all those people who have participated in the contests, citing them below:

@abelardo, @abelardobravoh, @acostacazorla, @adncabrera, @afigueroa, @aguilargomzz, @ailindigo, @aimeyajure, @albertovi, @albert-thecat, @aleli, @alevil, @alexaivytorres, @alexander88, @alexasteemit, @alexdc88, @alexmorent, @alexos, @alextorres, @alisabelsilva, @allenblue405, @almeida9977, @amaponian, @amazonia, @amigoponc, @amma21, @anabanana, @anasuleidy, @andreacrangel, @andreinacepeda, @andreinaisabel, @andresfer0310, @andrewferz, @andyartland, @ang3l.geo, @aniat, @aniestudio, @animery, @annycor, @antoaristi, @antolinamartell, @antoniodpz, @antonyq94, @aplausos, @aputigbas, @arcabuzx, @aresbon, @argentoescribe, @argsanabria, @arlemvs, @arletv, @armonia, @armoniritmia, @arturocl21, @asdrubal, @ashking, @astrea, @audiarmis, @ayato, @azuhei, @babylu13, @barbaragreen, @baurk, @benayetfranco, @bertrayo, @betzabesp94, @bivianlg, @blavin, @breili, @briancarrizo, @bridareiven, @bryangav, @buju, @cafeconleche, @calaveradeazucar, @callmebyjuan, @canchunchu, @canelita, @canserbero, @caracasfrases, @carlagonz, @carlos3587, @carlosgerdet, @carlosmpc, @carlucho3000, @carolacarmona, @catalinamorales, @cavilacion, @ceccilia, @cesaramos, @cesard26, @chaggy32, @chaptermemories, @charjaim, @chejonte, @chemax, @chinami, @chopiliart, @chosu, @chretien, @christian94, @christianpoetry, @ciaolovers, @ckarin, @clacrax, @claudiaarcamone, @claunis, @contraproducente, @cordero212, @corderosiete, @cotarelo, @cre47iv3, @cricri27, @crisanto93, @cristinach, @cuarzo, @curiousworld, @dalisett, @dancolmenares, @dandara, @danielachirinos, @dannaxkana, @danny23, @danvel, @darius86, @darius86/, @dariuska2008, @darkcentinel, @darlingomaet, @darruiz, @davidbolivarg, @davidmaldonado, @dayanaromer, @dayramsazahara, @decomoescribir, @descamellado27, @devinalivaudais, @dexter.weed, @d-fx, @diegoaraujo, @difelice5000, @disguarpe, @dldb1604, @doblev, @drmaizo, @drope96, @dubraskaspindola, @dygandica, @edgarirebeca, @eduguai, @edurley, @eiffel99, @ektod, @el-brayan, @eleonardo, @elfranz, @elguille, @elisea, @eliza-lanz, @eljose27, @elmagodeozcar, @elnefelibato, @emibach, @emily61, @enaudi, @encontactove, @ennyta, @erikapinto, @erilej, @erizabesu, @erunart, @eryh14, @esme-olguin, @etoil, @eudisdiaz, @exqueila, @extasispro, @fabian98, @fabigamboa93, @fakj94, @fanisk, @felixrodriguez, @fernando.lubezki, @fernandoportillo, @ferod23, @ffodie, @ficciones, @ficciones, @flamendialis, @fmuzz, @francis228, @franciscomarval, @francisftlp, @francismg, @francismmc, @fujoshi94, @gaboroa14, @gaborockstar, @gabrielaa, @gacorniel, @gadielisaac, @galileosegundo, @gasparcha, @gatolector, @geanrossi, @genehdez, @genesisojeda, @geotitalunar, @geraldindalto, @gilc, @gizechluy, @gorgonio, @gracielaacevedo, @greciav, @greenskullrider, @gusran, @gythanobonfak, @halenita, @haroldmateria, @havs, @haydeart, @helheim, @hengis341, @henrry1954, @henrycalu, @herioswal, @hernanmrtnz, @hljott, @hogarcosmico, @holistica, @huesos, @hugobohor, @humoalex, @hyperion, @idandy, @ikar59, @ilhuna, @indimar, @inedido, @inesmc27, @ingenierogabriel, @irvinc, @isauris, @jadams2k18, @janileth, @jbfa, @jcalero, @jeffersonsalcedo, @jenniferb, @jesmary.otero, @jesusmartinez99, @jesusw, @jfinol, @jggarcia, @jguillermo, @jhonathan28, @jkolinovich, @jmigueferrer, @jmperez, @joankii, @johan154, @johannfrare, @johelconh, @johntkd, @jokossita, @jolugo23, @jorgeavila, @jorgelcc, @jorsorio, @jose27117, @joseafanador17, @joseantpp, @josecarrasquero, @josefranyoly, @josegrech, @josegregori, @joseleogon, @josemed, @joseph1956, @joslud, @jossduarte, @josyweed, @jp1995, @jsanchezjm, @juagarsa, @juancarlos2906, @juanmcabeza, @jufasan, @juliensorel, @julioromero, @justgeorgie, @kalte, @kamilo.sin.k2105, @kanadeblanco, @karenslicious, @karinanunez, @karirivas, @karlala, @karupanocitizen, @keivynkaiba, @kellysar, @keylibeth, @kimbygrr, @kiriatjrb, @kirvic-aguilera, @kismar, @kristal24, @kruznik, @l2rigual, @laleerock, @lamcast, @las3mosqueteras, @lastsense, @lauracampos, @lauracguzman, @lavidaalnatural, @lecumberre, @leflaneur, @leidysnena, @leikerm96, @leninbracho50, @leonardobasti, @leonardoj333, @leveuf, @lhenriquez13, @lidiceml, @lifejaissan, @lindaaguila, @lizbetcontreras, @ljpaez, @lord-faustus, @luciana.malave, @luherretes, @luingrid.guerra, @luisangela, @luiscolmij, @luisfe, @luisinister, @luisrigual, @luming, @luys2791, @luzmar, @lyza, @maastro, @machiqui63, @macielaraujo, @macodi1, @madamebovary, @maeugenia, @maguy, @mahou-suzu, @manuelalejandro, @manustrange, @maralcruz, @marangel, @marcanofernanda, @marcosjleal, @marcybetancourt, @maria1989, @mariabarreto, @mariacaffrey, @mariachacon, @mariana4ve, @marianaperdomo, @marianycr, @mariart1, @mariaruizmx, @maribelquere97, @mariposa03, @marizam, @marlyncabrera, @marpa, @maryed, @maryelinpirela, @matutesantiago93, @maurojrc, @mavel, @maykolwilliamt, @mayraro05, @mcgok, @meglisj, @megusta, @mervin-gil, @miguel-alejandro, @miguelangelroses, @miguelarl, @miguelcarrillo, @miguelguacamaya, @miguelsanchezz, @miguelvargas, @miikeruiz, @milaromero, @milennycova, @misterlangdon, @mllg, @moises2612, @moises-moran, @monoindustrias, @myp9193, @nachusky, @nadeurdaneta, @nakary, @nameless16, @namra, @napoleon3, @neiraurdaneta, @nerypirona, @netcy, @nicole20, @nicomax, @niklaus22, @ninibeth, @noizeincity, @norat23, @norihany, @norkamoran, @noryelis, @numberzero, @oacevedo, @ojitosdeportillo, @olymar248, @omardrea, @onswitch, @orianana, @origen1618, @orivv, @orlandeto, @oscardice, @oscarina, @otroindie, @pablitomoreno, @pakko, @paolapaopoly, @paper-pecado, @pauli0606, @pavelnunez, @pavonj, @pedromachado22, @pepiflowers, @perolehs, @pkztillo, @poesiaempirica, @potatosauce, @psicomar, @psidema, @purapapita, @putignanoespe, @qetu, @quirimora, @rabitt11, @rafabr, @rafartista, @raizalorant, @ramhei.textual, @ramsesuchiha, @readthis, @realtulior, @rebecaarcano, @reciclajeymas, @reisender93, @reneestebansalas, @renesalasvilla, @reycard, @reyesjosecordero, @reyvaj, @ricardo993, @ricardox, @richardoccas, @rickwonders, @ricmorte, @ricodarly, @rigual, @rinixmax, @riosnath, @rmm31, @rnunez09, @roadstories, @rodben, @rodode, @rodrigocabrera, @roelvi, @rogeviolinista, @rognel2904, @romeroingrid, @romulexx, @ronny91, @roronoa07, @rorrorengifo, @rositam82, @rosz, @rotsen.zemog, @rouscelin, @roxanav, @rpgia, @rpm2393, @rubencaterpila, @rubendariogil, @rvag5, @sacra97, @sadocd1, @sakura91, @salvao, @sanchezangl, @sanchezpuukko, @sandracabrera, @sandrapatricia, @sansoncarrasco, @sartigas16, @sashas, @sashy, @saych, @sayury, @scienceboy, @seifiro, @sharliep, @shaularosa, @shippo, @shirani, @sie7e, @silene.quere, @simonmaz, @sincroniadivina, @sirgatodaniel, @sir-lionel, @sirtorito, @sleepingdrag0n, @slwzl, @smanuels, @sneikder, @snowy-june, @sofiapaola, @soledadjc, @solisghersi, @solperez, @sophiegeek, @soyellobo, @soyluijo, @spavan697, @stillstreet, @sulemna, @surika, @tanusk, @tatorey, @teresarod, @tettu, @th2017, @thaishps, @the-dollar, @theferro, @thenewblack, @thewinter, @tibisayvelasquez, @tomz13, @tonizio, @torrewill, @trebolcoins21, @treborxd, @tresminotauros, @txatxy, @ulises06, @unatalpaola, @undeniable, @unicornprincese, @uninsoft, @valeriaanzola, @venaicru, @venecia, @vestige, @vexleon, @vickaboleyn, @vicokiwi, @vicraf, @vicrivasr, @vidasago, @vincibass, @volderhein, @waldo22, @wayuu-reg, @wildermanjnm, @wilyamison, @windzarf, @winifer, @winifredzerlin, @wisejg, @wjborges, @wladimircarrera, @wolfenlord, @xmaryx, @yajasalcedo, @yaleal, @yangmi, @yayita, @yilda, @yimiipsa, @ymferrer, @ymmerehg, @yoelh, @yordin, @yrmaleza, @yumifer, @yusmi, @zeleiracordero, @zenkly, @zhat, @zuk0, @zuleef

It would be a pleasure to have the support of Curie Community Building Support.

I sincerely hope that these contests are interesting and deserving of the support of @curie.

I leave my discord name in case you want to contact me:


Greetings to everyone.


I hope @curie supports your contest, it´s a great way to encourage quality content and creativity in the platform.
I have no doubt that @trenz´s contests are an institution right now and they will become with @curie ´s support in something even better. Since I have been in the platform, they has prove as a great way to stimulate literature creation, community growth and interaction.
@curie, please support @trenz´s contest, you won´t regret xD

Oh @jcalero, thank you so much for your words. It's a pleasure to have you here and to read your stories. Your support is a big help for me and makes me keep pushing hard.


Todo el apoyo que podamos darte, mi voto es pequeño, pero si me gusta leer y comentar. Asi que seguire con entusiasmo y animo leyendo y pendiente con estas historias tan originales que solo salen de la imaginación. Muchos exitos si no ve el gentio que te siguio y apoyo, ja, ja. @trenz

Muchas gracias. Y no importa lo pequeño que sea tu voto son las ganas de apoyar a los escritores lo que cuenta.
Un saludo.

Gracias siempre tan amable @trenz


DISCLAIMER: Your post is upvoted based on curation algorithm configured to find good articles e.g. stories, arts, photography, health, etc. This is to reward you (authors) for sharing good content using the Steem platform especially newbies.
If you're a dolphin or whales, and wish not to be included in future selection, please let me know so I can exclude your account. And if you find the upvoted post is inappropriate, FLAG if you must. This will help a better selection of post.

Keep steeming good content.

Posted using https://Steeming.com condenser site.

Thank you so much!

Hey, @curie.

@trenz has been doing this great contest for a long time, he's also a very engaged community member. These types of initiatives deserve support as they keep users engaged by posting content on the platform, we hope you'll take it into account.

Thank you for your support and for take the time to read and comment here.


Feliz sabado 😁🙋‍♀️

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you, friend, for your mention and recognition. Congratulations to all mentioned voted and supported by @trenz..... It is nice to know that in one way or another, we are being considered...

Receive a fraternal embrace full of prosperity and blessings.....

Oh, thank you. Every story published under #MicroCiFi256 or #MicroTerror256 has the same importance for the project. Every story and every writer is an essential piece of the same building. All you are part of this, than you.

One of the first texts that I produced in steemit was for the contest of @TrenZ, I already knew it before entering and it is one of the best opportunities that the new authors have to let us know, because the other participants read and comment on the texts in competition, and so they know your potential. It is an excellent initiative, which I hope lasts many more years

Oh, thank you so much. I hope so. I am ready to keep pushing years and years... We will see. It is a pleasure to see you here.


I'm so happy. MicroCiFi256 & MicroTerro will come back. Thanks, @trenz. I hope they will be supported by Curie.
Thanks @curie

Thank you @mllg you are always there, it's an honor.


Hi! Be success in your aplication to grow up all
spanish community.
God bless you!

Espero que Curie apoye tu proyecto pues me gusta mucho escribir historias de miedo. Un fuerte abrazo 🤗

Otro fuerte abrazo para ti. Muchísimas gracias por el apoyo, lo necesitaré ;)

¡Fantástico! Me encantan los concursos (Siempre llego tarde o me acuerdo abulta hora) y me encanta leer los relatos ganadores y ¡ahora de terror! UFF Y deseo que tengas una terrorífica suerte para que salgan adelante

En una semana empieza el de Ciencia Ficción. No te lo pierdas!

Hi @trenz!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 4.269 which ranks you at #2484 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has improved 4 places in the last three days (old rank 2488).

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 429 contributions, your post is ranked at #61.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • Some people are already following you, keep going!
  • The readers like your work!
  • Good user engagement!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

Un saludo a todos los participantes, que han sido muchos y al gran @trenz que hizo posible este concurso que sin duda es uno de los mejores y mas sugerentes de Steemit en habla hispana.
@curie es un gran proyecto que lleva en Steemit desde el inicio practicamente y estoy seguro de que sabra valorar la constancia e importancia de este tipo de proyectos que siguen funcionando mientras otros muchos aparecen y desaparecen dependiendo de la cotización del Steem. No me cabe duda de que tendrán muy en cuenta este concurso para dar su apoyo ;)
Steem on!!!

Saludos a ti también y en especial por tu apoyo y por las horas que has pasado leyendo y valorando los relatos de toda esta gente que ha puesto toda su ilusión en cada relato que han escrito.

Como bien sabes, independientemente de que @curie o cualquier otro apoye este proyecto, seguirá adelante mientras el cuerpo aguante ;)


All in all, #MicroCiFi256 and #MicroTerror256 are more than contests; they are a growing community on Steemit. I believe @trenz has managed this enterprise with responsibility and seriousness enough as to deserve the support of @curie—and others—.

I{ve learned Steemit is about Community building. However, Spanish-speaking writers continue to be rather scattered all over Steemit, so every initiative which attempts to group them up in order to produce and value original and quality creative content deserves due acknowledgement and support. Having a place to come back to steadily, or every now and then, and get the motivation to post and get the business going is a cornerstone in its own right. I hope @curie and other qurators can see that.

Good luck!☻♥

Your words always so amazing and grateful. Thank you so much for being there and keep supporting my projects.

You are so special ;)


Hello @trenz, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you so much!

@trenz has in our opinion the most challenged literature contest in all the hispanic community. His contest put toguether the best hispanic writers of the Steem Blockchain. We really hope you (@trenz) will get the approve of curie. We would love to see the best writes being awarding for theirs amazing works.

Good Luck!

Thank you very much for your support and your words. I appreciate your comment very much. Thank you!

Este post ha sido votado por el proyecto @templo Status Sigma


Muchísimas gracias por el apoyo!

Hi @trenz,

Could you please message me on Discord @randomwanderings#9929. I seem to be having trouble contacting you.


Discord says that your account does not exist. Contact me: trenZ#3074

haha That is actually why I commented here. Discord could not find your account. I have been messaging people all day - so not sure why it won't find you. Perhaps you have some privacy setting on or something like that.

Nop, I don't have any privacy setting at all. And I can't find you. I don't know why. I can invite you to a channel I manage, we can chat in there: discord.gg/KFsVZRW

I can't answer you because you left the channel, so I do it here ;)

Thank you so so much for trust in this project. This will be amazing for every competitor. I made an announcement here.

Again,l want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!!