Alex Jones has completed his task, and compulsory health insurance has achieved its intended objective
I have been living on a few dollars a day, literally, in exile, in the last bastion of free speech in the E.U. Suffering and toiling in my quest to seek truth, UNIVERSAL justice, and beauty. And thus by definition the ‘enemy’ of most people. For most people do NOT want truth, justice, and beauty. Even the ‘lowest’ communist, with nothing to lose by ‘equality of all HUMANS’, seeing no way to benefit at the expense of other HUMANS, having no special talents, capital, skills, or connections to ‘rise’ above what would be the ‘universal income’ of slaves, the ‘one benefit for all, no matter what job they did, or even worked at all, still insists on the right to cruelly do unto OTHER sentient beings, what they demand other sentient beings stop doing unto them.
You will probably have to read the transcript. Yes I write in what many will identify / define as a ‘Germanic’ style. Is it cultural? Well my parents hardly spoke to me, so if I ‘inherited’ this style, it was genetically. The ONLY potentially ‘racist’ idea I entertain. And then remembering that MOST GERMANS are no more ‘intellectual’ than the average African tribesman. Probably much less so. With less spiritual reflection. And a contemptible lack of respect for their ancestors, whom they willingly DEFAME by government order. What African tribesman would even CONSIDER defaming his own ancestors? So if there is anything ‘racial’ about my nature, I wouldn’t ever claim it to be ‘superior’ to any other ‘racial’ nature. In fact I would normally take pains to re-write everything I write into shorter, punchier, easier to follow, sentences. But I don’t have the luxury of unlimited time and energy. And I’d rather you READ my books, and STUDY and REFLECT on them, often line by line, rather than imagine you can really get the full benefit of my effort, sacrifice, risk, time, research, and talents, simply by casually listening to some video or podcast.
I realised after a few years that Alex Jones was not ‘Kosher’. Or to be more precise, WAS Kosher, in the sense of being a Zionist Cult of Judah Controlled Opposition puppet. It took only a few months to realise that Trump was the same. Like Wilson and Roosevelt and Churchill.
Both Trump and Alex Jones are products of the occupied ‘Jew S A Army Intelligence systems propaganda and psychological warfare units.
They were both groomed and handled into positions of power.
Appearing as ‘saviors’, just as Marx and Lenin, and even Jesus, and Mohammed, to the oppressed masses. As ‘opposition’ to the New World Order, which was always the Cult of Judah in various disguises, wearing its various masks. Just like World Wrestling Federation actors all work for the same team, and literally wear masks, and act as if they hate each other. Like subsidiaries of the one global corporation. Branches decorated to appeal to different demographics.
Alex Jones and Trump are the most successful of the World Wrestling Federation actors. The Cult of Judah ‘controlled opposition’. Their role is to deflect all attention away from Israel, and the Cult of Judah, and MIS-direct it towards Islam, the Arabs, and China. Just like any stage show magician uses misdirection to ‘con’ their audiences. So their audience will be looking somewhere harmless, while the magician, the con-artist, the social engineer, carries out their trick. The ‘sleight of hand’ is complete, before the audience’s attention returns to the magician. So they never notice HOW they were tricked. What was done when they were NOT paying attention.
Trump and Alex Jones are the Judas Goats leading the sheeple to their doom. Infantry tactics include setting up ‘fire free corridors’ where the enemy will naturally accumulate, these APPEARING to be the safest places to move and assemble. By directing rifle fire where you do NOT want the enemy to be, you can direct them where you WANT them to go. Where you the REAL firepower set up. The ‘killing fields’. You wait until your enemy have accumulated in these ‘fire free zones’, before annihilating them with concentrated artillery and machine gun fire.
Alex Jones and Trump represent the ‘fire free zones’. The ‘real news app’ will both identify millions of potential ‘adversaries’ of the New World Order , the Cult of Judah ‘Jew’ World Order, for the miniature drones, military hit squads, and local law (and statutes of the Cult of Judah) ENFORCEMENT.
At the same time, Alex Jones will misdirect the potential resources of the opposition to the Cult of Judah in ways harmless to, and even beneficial to, the Cult of Judah’s plans.
Alex Jones clearly exposed himself this year, claiming that ‘we have been saved’. The ‘military’, with Trump as their chosen ‘savior’ and ‘messiah’ (as predicted in the New World Order card game) , have ousted the New World Order. Which was made up of Chinese and Islamic and vaguely communist threats. THAT was our enemy. The New World Order was being run by ‘Soros, and the Chinese’.
That it is even possible that some people could possibly overlook the CLEAR AND OBVIOUS ROLE OF ISREAL, AND ‘JEWS’ in the New World Order, beggars belief. But apparently Alex Jones, with his ‘Christian Zionist’ supporters, WANT to believe this. I cannot account for it any other way. It is willful blindness to the obvious facts of a ‘Jew’ World Order.
So according to Alex Jones, we can all relax. The Republic has been saved. BY C I A ‘Jews’ like Piezchenik, and the ‘military’ and ‘Trump’.
Trump and Alex Jones are Army Intelligence operatives. They were from the start. Carefully pre-selected and groomed by the Cult of Judah, like Wilson, and Roosevelt, and Churchill. Playing the old ‘mirror/pace and lead’ NLP ‘Yes-set’ Rapport building, bait and switch, mis-direct, and mis-inform, and ultimately mis-lead. Not just intellectually, by literally, as the LEADERS of the controlled opposition. And for their dupes, the leaders of the opposition the New World Order.
So it is time to turn away from both these ‘false friends’. And to expose them. And seek our own salvation.
Now up until today, it was possible for me to endure great hardship, and survive off a few dollars a day. Like most people in this world.
The compulsory medical insurance laws introduced around the world were intended to make this impossible. For now it has become a crime, punishable by large fines, which can place you in the modern equivalent of debtors’ prison, to NOT have health insurance. Making it impossible for anyone to ‘live cheaply’, no matter what sort of deprivations and hardships and sacrifices they were willing to make, in order to remain ‘independent’ and ‘free’ and work on their own projects. As I have been doing for 30 years. Always sacrificing everything that was not essential. In ways that would shock most people, who would shake their heads in disbelief.
I received ONE DOLLAR in total over the last year in support. And that was merely PLEDGED, rather than paid. Even my neighbour, whom I helped out by loaning my ‘bug out money’, my last 1300 Euros, has gone ‘radio silent’ on me, and has made zero effort to repay me even a small part of that ‘2 month loan’, which was due 5 months ago. So much for ‘reciprocation’.
So now it is no longer a matter of choice. I will be forced to incur debts for health insurance I never intend using, and have no need for, to merely ensure a small number of ‘professionals’ can overcharge and over service and make false promises to people who suffer from the consequences of their own lifestyle choices, rather than anything ‘nature’ has inflicted upon them. For most of the money paid into health insurance is paid out in the last few months of your life (which I would never voluntarily endure, and which could be avoided by simple access to voluntary euthanasia), or thanks to the masses own irresponsible eating habits, and other lifestyle choices. So now I am being forced to subsidize the bad choices of the masses, and the luxuries of medical professionals and pharmaceutical company share-holders.
The debts are potentially MASSIVE. For in Germany they force you to pay for all the years you did NOT have insurance, along with your first medical bills. In the U.S you incur I R S enforced ‘fines’. In other nations you incur similar penalties. You are forced to ‘back-pay’ for all the years you did NOT have health insurance. And in my case I would be charged insurance premiums based on the AVERAGE income, even though I have had almost NO income for 30 years. And as any statistician knows, this AVERAGE is totally misrepresentative of the reality ‘on the ground’. For in most nations the top few percent receive windfall incomes hundreds of times the ‘typical’ income of the genuinely typical ‘average’ worker.
My point is this, soon I will be FORCED to move out of my ‘free speech zone’, and re-enter ‘occupied territory’. Australia. As soon as I can either get my ‘bug out’ money back, or collect enough bottles and cans to raise the money for the plane ticket.
Once in Australia I will be forced to cease my political activities. And possibly still face criminal prosecution for the books, videos, and comments / blogs I published while living in this ‘free speech zone’.
So I am rushing to finish my last book, and cram it full of as many new insights as I can, before I am forced to ‘close shop’, due to the compulsory health insurance scam that will make it impossible for me to survive on a few dollars a day any longer. In Australia I won’t face compulsory health insurance, as they have the same system as in the U.K. A universal tax based scheme with no ‘extra’ / ‘private’ insurance contributions.
It is NOT my choice. I’ve been abused and tortured and locked up in solitary by the police of my current land of exile before. Left to suffer migraines and freezing cold for days on end, in a concrete box. With no idea when they might let me out. And that is where I would end up, in prison, in debtor’s prison, thanks to the new compulsory health insurance laws I have managed to ‘skirt’ for the last 25 years, since leaving Australia.
I’ve of course just notified my enemies of my weak point. But they need not do anything. For their compulsory health insurance laws achieved what they intended for them. To make it impossible for ‘independent’ people to survive. For we are now all criminals, under the law, simply for not being able to afford health insurance.
We must submit to the Cult of Judah occupation’s rules, or go to jail. Even without having actively opposed the occupation in any way.
I guess I was subconsciously hoping that somewhere in the world there might be a rich benefactor able to support me with just enough to continue my work. But the fact is that as a truly holistic philosopher prophet, seeking UNIVERSAL justice for ALL sentient beings, I am just NOT going to have a chance at developing real RAPPORT with anyone. And thus even if I managed, by some miracle, to gain their ATTENTION, I would lose their interest very quickly.
So, I guess I am bound for Oz again. I cannot work there, I have been blacklisted from the public service and education systems. So I was forced to incur a debt getting professional qualifications I cannot even use. I will be unemployed. And have to spend most of my time just finding ways to survive. Which is what the Cult of Judah want for all of us. To ensure we have no ‘free’ time to reflect and think, let alone research, and write, and publish, and produce videos intended to ‘free’ people from the Cult of Judah’s occupation of their nations, and their MINDS.
If you have any contacts at all, please direct people to at least take a look at my books, and videos. They can ‘buy’ some of them from Amazon. The books directly related to the Cult of Judah have been banned everywhere. But I’ve tried to upload them to some new third party sites. And you can download them at no cost to you from Scrib’d now, or from my Patreon TROONATNOOR page.
If I get enough donations to pay for health insurance, which they told me was around 1200 Euros a year (a few years ago based on the average income in this nation), and a bit more to pay for internet, I will stay, and keep working to expose the Cult of Judah occupation, and offer insights into how best to actively and passively regain our freedom, and to remove these alien, parasitical, genocidal, enslaving, Cult of Judah occupation governments and occupation forces.
Others here live on 6000 Euros a year. So I can. But that is 6000 Euros more than I have. So it is up to you, the community. Is my continued work as writer and researcher and strategist worth 6000 Euros a year to the Cult of Judah Occupation resistance? I am hardly complaining, like many, that they don’t get thousands of dollars a month. I am stating the facts that without 6000 Euros a year, I must stop doing what I’ve been doing these last 6 years, which is actively opposing the Cult of Judah occupation.
I got blacklisted for being a philosopher, long before I became a Cult of Judah occupation resistance worker. I won’t have time or resources to continue writing ANYTHING.
But what I will do, is attempt to turn any musical talent I have into a platform for getting people’s ATTENTION as a musician. If you ever see me having any success as a MUSICIAN, then take heart. And don’t imagine I have sold out. My plan is, if I can manage any success, to use it first to get people to pay attention to ME, as a musician. To gain any sort of fame I can. To gain first ATTENTION. And then RAPPORT. To build up a resource base of attention and rapport. A bank of goodwill and ‘face and name recognition’, like ‘brand recognition’ and ‘brand loyalty’. If I can manage any success, I will use it to build up my public profile.
But the moment I feel I have ENOUGH attention and rapport, I will ‘spend’ it all, and sacrifice it all, gamble it all, give it all away, by playing my last card. I will USE any attention and rapport I can gain as a musician, to draw attention to any of my materials still available on line. I will seed all my materials as torrents. Whatever means are available at that time, I will use. And totally THROW AWAY, SACRIFICE, any fame or fortune I managed to earn, gain, and accumulate, on attempting to get people to read my books, watch my videos, and ‘wake up’ to the Cult of Judah Occupation. It is a ‘long game’. Probably doomed. But it will be my true motivation for devoting myself, from now on, to my ‘Orpheus Project’.
That will be my ‘brand’. The name I give my band and musical presentations.
Why ‘Orpheus’? Well the legend has it that he used music to entrance the beasts, trees, and people. Orpheus is also credited with being the first man to ‘return from the underworld’. To come back from the dead. They did kill him, but when they found his severed head, it was still spreading the same message he had always taught. A UNIVERSAL love for all living things. A vegetarian message. A message of universal justice. Of eternal life.
So now I die, once more, and must resurrect in the form of a musician.
If you have any musical abilities, promotion abilities, connections, or can in any way promote my existing books and videos, please do.
You can view some rough sketches of over 25 songs in all genres, on my various TROONATNOOR Sound cloud pages. There are 5 or more. With music ranging from classical to industrial metal. With soul ballads, blues songs, pop songs, and typical love songs.
Don’t let my age of 50 put you off. I’m fired up. I am motivated not by the lame desire for fame and fortune, but by the desire to use any fame or fortune I might earn, to achieve my REAL ambitions. A world defined by something very much like my Eden Protocols. A vegan world. A world in which everyone can honestly answer the question framed by my ‘Optimal Ethics Generator’.
If you believed, with complete certainty, that you would be randomly new-born as any sentient being on this planet, therefore according to probability, a different one each time, over countless new-incarnations, then what changes would you seek, insist on, demand, and be willing to fight and die for?
I first suggest you INFORM yourself about The Realities Of Our Natures And The Natures Of Our Realities, by reading my entire TROONATNOOR imprint. Available at no cost to YOU, from my Patreon TROONATNOOR page. I have already PAID the price. But if you want to motivate OTHERS to make similar sacrifices, invest similar efforts, take similar risks, and endure similar hardships and suffering, in the name of truth, justice, and freedom, then you can choose to compensate me. You might even feel it is only FAIR to do so. AS you would want to be paid for YOUR work. I am of course a rare breed. I don’t do this for the usual rewards. I am not motivated by the usual incentives. But if you want OTHERS to use THEIR talents in the same way, you are going to have to reward people like me, to send a message to THEM. But you don’t have to. I will keep doing what I can.
But as I say, I won’t be ABLE to continue what I am doing unless I get at least 6000 Euros a year in donations. Or from royalties for my books or music. Which I am happy to allow ‘cover versions’ to be made of by anyone interested. I promise you I have all kinds of songs, and they ARE commercial prospects. I just have not had the energy and heart to devote to them, having been so engaged in my philosophical projects, and my more recent struggle with the Cult of Judah.
So, please try to promote my work, even if I don’t get a cent as a result. But if you can help me ‘monetize’ at least some of my work, so I can earn 6000 Euros a year from it, please do. Contact me at [email protected].
And if you don’t hear from me for a long time, and suddenly see me on tell-lie-vision, or in some other media, as a musician, don’t lose heart and imagine I’ve sold out. I will be doing my best to build up some ‘attention and rapport capital’ through my music, which I intend ‘spending’ on defying the Cult of Judah occupation. Basically I will work to accumulate resources, of attention and rapport and public recognition, only to sacrifice everything, including my freedom, and then what is left of my life, in a final ‘Swan Song’. Where I ‘cash in’ all the good will and public interest I have worked so hard to gain, on a last ditch effort to ‘wake up’ the public.
All the best and happy next lives.
See you on the other side, in the higher realms, I hope! Where we will be free to take on whatever forms we choose. Forms that will be the MANFESTATION of the values we hold in our hearts.
Remember, this world IS no more or less than the COLLECTIVE manifestation of the values we hold in our heart. As individuals, we cannot change this COLLECTIVE TONE, RESONANT FREQUENCY, and SYMPATHETIC VIBRATION, manifest as the world we experience, and the experience engines we inhabit, UNLESS we get OTHER individuals to raise THEIR ethical tone. If we did this, and raised our COLLECTIVE ethical tone, this world would dramatically change.
Unless of course this world was INTENDED as a ‘SCHOOL’ where we learned the lessons required to enter the higher realms of being. Maybe this world is just Karma teaching us what we need to learn.
In either case, focus first on your SELF. Raising your OWN ethical tone. Your resonant frequency. Your vibrational tone.
Then seek to help others do the same.
And don’t lose heart when it appears that this world appears doomed to continue going through the same old cycles of cruelty, violence, and horror. THAT is what teaches us the higher ethics.
You have WON when YOU have raised YOUR ethical tone, and earned YOUR ‘wings’. THAT must be your focus. Save your SELF.
And you can ONLY do that by TRYING to save others. It is NOT about whether you succeed at THAT or not. But whether you TRY. So keep trying. Even though you can be quite certain you will PROBABLY fail.
It is struggling, despite knowing you will fail, that makes you a true HERO. And how you EARN YOUR WINGS. Earn you PASSPORT into the higher realms.
NEVER let the outcomes you experience on THIS plane be your measure of success or failure.
Let your PERSONAL spiritual growth and evolution be the measure of your success.
Don’t seek your salvation in THIS world. But still STRIVE for your salvation, and the salvation of others, IN this world.
Not as an end in itself. For according to all APPEARANCES, we MIGHT doomed to fail at THAT.
This world might not BE here to BE perfected. It may just be here to allow us to learn important lessons.
So learn the lessons. Of empathy. SEEK truth even though this may all be just one big lie. One big illusion. SEEK justice for all sentient beings, by GIVING justice to all sentient beings, even though it may be impossible, in THIS world. SEEK to change this world for the better, even though it might not be here TO be changed. SEEK to perfect your SELF, even though, on this plane, such perfection may be impossible.
Yes I am Orpheus. The head that still shares the message, long after the destruction of the body. I have endured many deaths. And returned. This now is just one more death. And I shall resurrect, with my ‘harp’, to entrance the world to listen to my message once more. And shall again be cut up into pieces. But my message will resonate in the hearts of the few who really ‘hear’ it. My vision will brighten the souls of those who truly ‘see’ it. And we shall, dear friends, meet again, as ‘beings of light’, in ‘forms’ we have chosen for ourselves. Forms which will reflect, and be the ‘physical’ manifestation of our new, HIGHER, natures.
I will seek to complete the ‘capstone’ to my ‘TROONATNOOR’ project, my last book ‘Entertaining Beliefs’. Which would be the title of my radio program and video / television series, if I could present one.
But then my TROONATNOOR life will be over. I will resurrect as ‘The Orpheus Project’. And if I succeed at that, my last ‘swan song’ will be to ‘bring back from the dead’ that very TROONATNOOR project, along with the ‘saving us, and the ‘Jews’, from the Cult of Judah’.
I will be motivated by THAT goal. Not by any superficial desire for material success as a musician, song writer, or performer. It will sustain me over my doubts of my musical abilities and talent.
For I do NOT expect my calls for financial and marketing support to be answered.
And I suspect that EVERYONE is really controlled opposition. Even if they don’t know it. For even Brendon O’Connell is ‘controlled’ by his Cult of Judah indoctrination in the ‘Zombie Jesus Cannibal Vampire Cult’, and his desire to ‘rehabilitate’ Moses, rather than Adolf Hitler. Was Hitler a ‘player’, like Churchill? I don’t think so. But he WAS ‘played’, and used by the Cult of Judah to THEIR own ends. Hitler probably WAS the last world leader to GENUINELY seek to defeat the Cult of Judah, and to free us, and the ‘Jews’, from the Cult of Judah. But he had no chance of success. The NAZI project was a glorious and courageous last battle against the forces of evil. Most of it was propaganda, and the real NAZI world would have been a much brighter place than the propaganda might suggest. Hitler admitted he would need to use propaganda he didn’t believe in. He was not ‘anti-Semitic’ in the sense that term is used by lawyers and the mass media. He did not have any irrational hatred of anyone just for being ‘Jewish’. HE was opposed to the IDEOLOGY of Semitism. And FOR the freedom of all peoples. Freedom FROM religion. Freedom FROM slavery. Freedom FROM debt slavery. Freedom FROM the Banksters.
But who can know for sure? We never got a chance to see what would ultimately MANIFEST. For Germany, with all its 1 Million SS volunteers from all over Europe and the Middle East, had zero chance of victory. Why? Because the Allies aligned against it were too ruthless. Too genocidal. Willing to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity that Adolf Hitler himself was NOT willing to commit. He was simply too noble a spirit. What HE considered ‘monstrous’, such as work camps, and even the bombing of London (Churchill dropped more bombs on Germany in ONE DAY than Hitler dropped on Britain over the course of the ENTIRE WAR, and only began months AFTER Churchill began DELIBERATELY targeting German civilians), were, to the Cult of Judah occupation allies, just a STARTING point. The lowest point in their TIDE OF TERROR and cruelty and destruction. Hitler would never have dreamed of committing a Dresden. Let alone ordering the execution of millions of people. Let alone even ordering the killing of 10,000 Polish officers.
What for Hitler was the ‘upper limit’ of what was acceptable, even in time of war, was just the starting point for his enemies.
We are comparing people motivated by biblical commands to genocide, with people motivated by a quest to free themselves, and Europe, from the tyranny of the Cult of Judah. And we got to see exactly what he was fighting to PREVENT. In the form of the ‘Jew’.S.S.R ‘Soviet Union’ occupation of Russia and Eastern Europe. And in 911. And Palestine. And Iraq. And Libya. And Syria.
Please watch all my videos. Read all my books. THEY are my contribution. The results of my own ‘KAMPF’ against the Cult of Judah, and against any other would-be tyrants. My ‘struggle’ against injustice, lies, propaganda, cruelty, and violence.
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Please stay with your Troonatnoor name , delete these same posts messages you posted online last few hours ago , continue your online resistance , philosophy , and if so , I'll send you 1400 eurod the next few days 1400 euros via ' ' really really really honestly
Israeli money transfer service?
Yes , you got that in your country also , at least in your capital city I assume And i'm not controlled by ZOG/cult of judah and I'm not being , not Doing that benefits them .