PostsCommentsPayoutstwitternomore (60)in #steemmonsters • 7 years agoRE: Love Steem Monsters? 😍 Win 1 of 3 Spirit of The Forest Cards 👊 No Upvote, Resteem, Follow Required!"The @o07 giveaways are absolute madness!"twitternomore (60)in #steemmonsters • 7 years agoRE: Love Steem Monsters? 😍 Win 1 of 3 Legendary Elemental Phoenix Cards 👊 No Upvote, Resteem, Follow Required!@o07 is from downunder mate!twitternomore (60)in #steemmonsters • 7 years agoRE: Love Steem Monsters? 😍 Win 1 of 3 Selenia Sky 👊 No Upvote, Resteem, Follow required to enter.I love @o07 giveaways !twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zExtravogant love and amazing graze. Where love and justice collide at the cross.twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zThank you Jesus for leaving your throne in heaven and humbling yourself taking the very nature of a servant.twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zBecause you came and dwelled among us.twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zGrace like a river, wash my sins away, because of your sacrifice in my place.twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zAmentwitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zFor thine is the kingdom, the power, the glory forever. Amen.twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zForgive us our debts as we forgive those who have debts towards us.twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zLead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zGive us this day our daily bread.twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zYour will be done on earth as it is in heaven.twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zYour Kingdom come.twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zAmazing gracetwitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zThank you Jesus.twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zFor it is by grace that we have been saved through faith.twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zAt the name of Jesus, all knees shall bow and all tongues confess Jesus is Lord!twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zLet your name be lifted high.twitternomore (60)in #zappl • 7 years agoRE: Twitternomore ZAP - 20180409t000006629zLet your glory go from here to the nations.