VDux Haiku Contest and Tangooooo!

in #contest7 years ago


Welcome to the VDUX Haiku Contest -- Let's Tango!!!

Tango is not necessary to win 2 SBD, author rewards, and some free publicity. All you need to do is write a haiku!

Applause for @felixgarciap who supported the contest with a very generous donation of SBDs.


If you also want to donate, I use ALL donations to support the prize winner(s), none for me. When you transfer SBDs, include memo "for the contest."

Read below for more about the contest instructions, how to participate, awards, and how I'll select a winner. I'll announce Previous Contest Winner soon.

Contest Instructions

Write a haiku about worms. Real or gummy or imaginary or a German city.

This must be a one-stanza, traditional 5-7-5 haiku like the ones described here: http://www.kidzone.ws/poetry/haiku.htm . Here’s an example:

Hot and sunny day.

Worm got lost on the sidewalk.

Didn't make it home.

You may submit multiple haikus, but you need to make each haiku its own reply so I can upvote each one.

just for the idea!This contest's theme comes from @tygertyger -- thank her for the suggestion! She's getting .005 SBDs from me

How to Participate

  1. Reply below with your haiku. Deadine: 11:59 pm UTC, August 17, 2018.
  2. Upvote this post. Deadline: 11:59 pm UTC, August 17, 2018.

That's it! But...

You should also resteem this post to increase the winner's prize and give yourself some free exposure! You can participate without resteeming -- I don't give preference -- but if you do resteem, it only helps you.

Also, post your entry on your own blog! Mention @vdux and I'll give you an upvote and resteem your post.

And, collect a bonus point for each person you tag in your contest entry. More players, more prizes, more fun!


Winner gets:

  • 2.0 SBD
  • One free resteem from me for any of the winner's posts. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)

One runner-up gets:

  • 0.2 SBD
  • One free resteem from me for any of the winner's posts. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse to resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)

How I Will Select the Winner

Within 2 days after the deadline, I will read all entries and choose a winner and runner-up. While I'll take upvotes into consideration, my selection will reflect my personal preference based on the entries you submit.

Feel free to reuse a haiku from the past and write as many as you want!

Also, give congrats to all who've participated in my previous contests:

@tristancarax, @jenel, @giddyupngo, @chrislyr, @mineopoly, @puppetmaster1111, @calluna, @yidneth, @creatr, @acousticsteveo, @blackant, @rlt47, @viking-ventures, @steemotion, @foxfiction, @lologirl, @creyestxsa94, @yahialababidi, @jadams2k18, @doughtaker, @ladyrai, @impending.doom, @andysantics48, @felixgarciap, @godstimetim, @gamsam, @antorchajohnny, @aniketmore1925, @mameh, @tygertyger, @kaelci, @felicitas, @ayyeenn, @dmilliz, @eprolific, @jvanman, @kimberlylane, @phoenixwren, @liverussian, @herbertholmes, @dizzyjay, @emdesan, @markeverlasting, @shawnsporter, @operahoser, @eaglespirit, @tomset, @millennialnow, @preparedwombat, @apeximomen, @melissakellie, @freedomno1, @moneyinfant, @mermaidvampire, @millennialnow, @mysearchisover, @yahialababidi, @givonwayne, @pinkgeek, @boxcarblue, @ablaze, @hope-k, @rexdickson, @crescendoofpeace, @digitokash, @theunlimited, @theodora87, @mysecondself01, @pocketmouse, @jacksondavies, @ohkaaay, @lazarus-wist, @dbooster, @janesmy081316, @dc420la, @redheadpei, @whitelite, @olymar248, @nenad-ristic, @trudeehunter, @bananamemos, @iswaldsmoak, @josoft, @onefatindian, @pedroelec, @offgridlife, @daisyphotography, @chadrona, @hazem91, @celsius100, @emergehealthier, @ralk98, @fromage, @four20, @amayphin, @mother2chicks, @jackofcrows, @trumanity, @barge, @evlachsblog, @natepower, @elbrujo, @neenarose, @beatking13, @snowyknight



Little tiny worm
Traveled through the tiny grass
Eaten by the bird

Aw poor worm...

Wiggly, wiggly worm.
Don’t give your heart to a grub
Buried in the earth.



So fat and juicy
How they pop between the teeth
Tasty tasty worms

Immediately made me think of the children's song about eating worms lol


here is mine

Making dirt all day
Earth worms work they do not play
Now we go fishing


Cool! What's in the picture? Are those real worms?

I make and sell miniatures for collectors, photographers, game developers, dollhouse enthusiasts, action figure sceneries, dioramas and room boxes.
The can is a capacitor cut down and the worms are polymer clay. They go nicely with my jars of flies or a 6" fishing pole!
IMG_4029 (2).JPG

No legs arms feet hands
And yet you meet and tango
In your own crude way

OOOH that's brilliant. Nice, nice!

Who Tends Your Flowerbed?

Unseen gardeners
Tireless turning the black earth
Always thank the worms

Same shape head and tail
The leading side is chosen
By flavor alone

(The last few times I've had gummy worms they were kind that have two flavors, but one half is always better.)

Oh the orange half
Left severed in the sugar
Can you grow back too?

(I always get this same thing with gummy worms, and end up leaving half eaten rejects in the bag)

Don't sweat the colors
They're only dyes and treatments
Sugar tastes the same

what do you so this THIS one?

Relax. Take a seat.
Escape this reality.
Written words take me.

image source

Bookworm! Brilliant!

Ants, earwigs, squirmy worms
full of life my compost be
recycling turns


squirmy is one syllable if you say it like I do
Ants, bugs, squirmy worms
full of life my compost be
recycling turns

Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here: https://steemit.com/dustsweeper/@dustsweeper/dustsweeper-faq

Thank you so kindly,
I certainly will do that

My soul wanders!

Life away from you
I am a worm without hope
And my soul wanders


by @felixgarciap
Hello @vdux, my entry

Very creative! Thank you!!

Worms come flat or round
You can buy them by the pound
Or find them in ground

Yes, that's a rhyming haiku

Ha! You're right, it rhymes. Nice!

Thanks! =D

Let's Go Fishing

I need worms today
We need some to go fishing
I hope we catch trout


Sounds like somebody likes to fish?

A Worms Death

Death doesn't scare worm
But being bait for trout does
Please don't eat me trout



Hi @VDux, here is my entry for this weeks contest.


The worm is on the
hook, will the fish take the bait?
Yes, fried fish tonight!


Images courtesy of Pixabay.com

You made that?

No, I didn't make that plate, I forgot to copy the image sources from my post.

hello, here is my 1rst entry..

For the love of fishing!

Digged you out of earth.
So sorry I made you bait.
To fat fish in lake.
2nd entry:
Be Generous.
Throw away some greed.
For worms are the lone winners,
In life's battelfield.
by @amayphin

Both excellent! Very nicely done!

Hi @vdux! Here's my Haiku for this week:

Bite into a peach
Ewww, there's half a worm there
Where's the other half?!

Oh no! Yuck!

We use worms as bait
At the end, our flesh transforms
Into food for worms.

(This is the post I want you to resteem, sorry to bother you vdux https://steemit.com/dsound/@elbrujo/20180811t173905002z-the-journey-a-lo-fi-afternoon-with-you-chapter-9 )

Resteemed. Lovely composition. Haiku's good, too!

If you eat a worm
You are an ecosystem
In part, when you poop

When you eat a worm
Mastication is needed
Grind your worm away!

I smell a new children's book -- "When You Eat a Worm!"

You're a worthless worm
I should kick your lazy ass
For stealing her purse

Ah nice take on the theme, clever!

Here are my Entries!

DAtA 3nC0d3D
"But I am not a virus...."
PUrG1nG tH3 W1ck3D

Squiggle, wiggle worm
Here comes the earliest bird
breakfast for the chicks

Superb! How can I get people to read the instruction to make each haiku its own entry? @celsius100, nome sane? Can you back me up?

(Both of your haikus = accepted...THIS time.)

A box of worms

Consuming the flesh
Between rotten wooden boards
We all become worms

The Jungle Of The Lawn

Earthen rain soaked plains
Worms gasping for air beware
Little sparrows hunt

Oooh poetic, rhythmic...well done (as always).

Enemy worms here!
Drop that stick of dynamite...
First turn perfect win!

Steemit post:

Direct video: https://dlive.io/video/doughtaker/401e07ef-a201-11e8-aecf-0242ac110003

That is some STUFF, dough. For real. I resteemed. I always knew -- if I were ever a worm, I'd be the most useless. Just like in your game.

::stifles his tears::

Take comfort in knowing that there are a number of whales on this site, who if they were ever a worm, would be "most useless" and worse in the game.

still hurts :-(

Backstreet's back all right,
back in my head rattling.
Oh God, make it stop.

Not until you watch the whole video:

(PS what's this haiku gotta do with worms?)

There are many worms.
Worms of the earth there are, yes,
but also the ear.

As this song crawls into it!