Flower Photography - Phototalent Daily Challenge - Mystery Allium

Here is another later-season flower which I wasn't quite able to identify. It was actually growing in my back garden in southern England and was clearly part of the allium family, but that's as far as I got.


I love the texture of this flower and this close-up worked out so well despite the fact I didn't have any macro attachments yet.

Photos taken by myself in 2007 with my Pentax K100D.

Crossposted at Steem, Whaleshares and WeKu.

Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
verified author on Goodreads
find me on Twitter
also on: Whaleshares, WeKu

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That's a beautiful picture! I wish I could help with the identification, but I've got nothing.

wow, what a stunning flower photo, I have never seen one of those before! @viking-ventures

Thank you! I watched this thing grow, wondering which allium it was - and expecting a more typical allium bloom... this surprised me!

me too, know I have seen another flower I never knew existed, really awesome @viking-ventures

You' ve been selected always in support of good work

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- Ryunosuke Satoro.

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Beautiful flower, lovely

Thank you! I was stunned by it myself. :-)