Diary of a Filmmaker - Tunnels of The Shadow People - 2

in #steemfilm7 years ago (edited)

This is a follow up to Tunnels of the Shadow People where I give you a sneak peak into my upcoming film project with the same name. As I explained in Theo and Vincent - My Parallels van Gogh I don't just want to share my film with you, I also feel like sharing the actual filmmaking, the creative process, with all its ministeps.

Today, I decided to share this email with you, that Ted sent to me a couple of days ago:

On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 1:11 PM, Theodore Nolan wrote:
I think an on screen discovery, that the audience experiences with you, would be a good way to introduce the glowing crystal in water. You're talking to me maybe writing something down and then either by accident (Knocked over water onto the crystal) or by experiment the crystal glows. You get excited and talk into your "phone?" to tell me about what you found. I still like the idea of walkie talkies over the phones. That alarm thing on the ones you own(ed) was a cool feature to cause panic.

Fun fact: the walkie talkies that Ted is referring to, are still on El Hierro, Canary Islands. I left them with a girl who was supposed to be an actress in our unfinished feature 'Los Ojos Rojos;;=. The idea behind it was that it would give me a reason to get back to that island. I haven't been back since March last year and might never return.

On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 3:06 AM, Theodore Nolan wrote:

Woke up at 1:27 this morning - Thought I saw a shadow person in my room...

Actually, I woke up and started thinking about a couple of things.

  1. I can film a bulk of the footage for the shadow people project. I don't want you to feel like you need to produce. This is supposed to be fun, so you can increase or decrease your activity accordingly. I'm fine with you not being in episodes or even having full episodes devoted to just your story. You choose! I'm here to grow as a filmmaker, which means making stuff I find cool and having some fun along the way.
  1. Green Screen / Shadow People - It's important that you get that larger (taller) green screen like we discussed. I'm starting to think more about the actual film process for the shadow creatures, since they're an important part of this story. Originally, I imagined that the creatures would run / walk towards us or wherever else they might go. With our budget / green screen size - This won't be the best way to have them move, since running would require a larger area of green screen. What I'm thinking is that the creatures will float/hover like ghost - This will allow our feet to remain shielded by the green screen. Our upper body should be more dynamic to bring the viewers eyes to that region of the shadow creature.

I guess this is my early morning update - Funny that this will be the time that I'll film in the future - 3 AM

  • Ted

As you can see, this guy is waking up at a crazy time. I never knew an early bird like him. In fact, I saw him waking up earlier and earlier over the years.

I don't mind though, as it's doing him a lot of good. And, besides that, we're living in a different time zone ( Ted - North Carolina, USA and Me - Portugal ). It's 5 or 6 hours later, where I'm located. Which makes us wake up around the same time, these days. As I tend to wake up around 8.

Ted is talking about him doing/ not having a problem with doing most of the work. The main reason for that, is that I have been house hunting for a long, long time. If you've seen my post from yesterday I Might Have Found My House, you will now know that things seem to be changing quickly. I'm very close to having my own place, here in Portugal. And I can tell you one thing... As soon as I'm settled in, I will start focusing a lot on filmmaking and creativity. I can't wait!

Note to Self: I really need to order a green screen one of these days.

That's it for today

I should get back to Ted, soon, to talk more story and actually answer his emails. He knows about the developments on the house hunt front though, so he will understand why my mind isn't really into story mode, lately. No matter how much I would like it to be there.



Should you maybe have redacted the email Cinvent? Or they don't mind being emailed by randoms? XD

Can't wait for you to be settled in somewhere and film making again either!

Fixed it. Ted asked me to do the same. I just couldn't help but really like his email address though ;>)

Can't wait for that myself... I'm gonna blow you all away with creativity very soon!

did you order the green screen yet!?

Nope, I might get myself one, when I'm in Holland. It's easier than getting something sent to a small town in Portugal ;>)

P.S. Don't tell Ted ;>)

The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!Hello @vincentnijman, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine.