7 Eleven: My Hometown's Late-Night Oasis


It's been a while now since I last visited to this place in my very own hometown and you know what? I really missed this place because I usually go here before I started working in a corporate world.


It's not that very long time that I went here maybe just two to three months that I didn't go here and for me, I think that's been a long time since I go here at night and I love to stroll to this place, too.


This 7/11 store is one of the expensive stores but whenever the night comes, it's the only store that will stay open and all of the other stores here in my hometown were closed.


We were lucky enough that there are investors to our hometown they are willing to invest stores like this even though that our hometown is really small.


As I went to this store by myself, I walk on going there and I took the path where I usually go and this store is not that far away from this place but I will exercise myself just by walking on going here.


While entering into the store, there are a few changes that I saw but there are a couple of people that are inside the store. Oh, Before I forget, I also went here because at that time, they have a special promo or discounts a few of their products.


I usually saw their discounts or promotions in their social media page because they are connected to each other when they are having discounts but there are some of their discounted products were not available in this store.


I went around and around the place looking for the discounted products that they have on that day and this promotion of discount is only 3 days and after that, the price will become normal. There are a couple of aisle that I went and looking for some of the discounted products. Although, they have a discounted product in one aisle but they only display but there are missing discounted products that they they've put in that aisle.

So, as for me, I love to discover and go around the store looking for the missing products that I will which is this loaf of bread and this drink that is the only one remaining from its aisle.


One of the discounted products that I bought is this loaf of bread that is a gardenia mixed with the black forest and this calamansi soda juice. There are many loafs that are available in one aisle but there is only one remaining for the calamansi juice.


I bought the two of them for our snack at night for my family and I know that they also love eating this food that I bought for them and it's really good to be back again to this store.

Note: The first photo was edited in Canva





Even though 7/11's products have expensive prices compared to other convenience store, you will still buy from them since the design of the store is bright and well arranged. Not to mention they have some to-go snacks.

 3 days ago (edited) 

Whenever I travel to Thailand (I realize that you are not in Thailand but I have never been to your country) everyone talks about the late night nature of 7-11 and how it is just a part of everyone's life. As far as I know, there are zero 7-11's in Vietnam and we don't really have an equivalent.

I think the main danger of 7-11 is that almost everything they sell in there is food that is absolutely terrible for you.

7/11 us always the best choice if you have no choice haha

I also like Gardenia loaf bread in black forest flavor. I can really feel its chocolate taste. 7-11 store is a lifesaver for the night owls heheh...I also buy their items that are discounted if I need them. Here, I saw many 7-11 shops even in towns far from the city. It is really convenient because they have different types of snacks. I also like their siopao and sandwiches with iced coffee and sundae.

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Yes, 7/11 is convenient especially at night because they open 24 hours. And some areas have many branch of it.

yess its lil bit pricey in there but you knoww when we go in 7/11 we only bought icecream with my sister and then stay there for awhile while connecting to their free internet haha🥹🥹