SECRET N ° 228 winged wars chapter 2.1

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Chapitre 2.1 : Les Premiers Signes de Tempête

Edmond Passereau, installé dans son appartement exigu, se levait chaque matin avec la même routine minutieuse. Il débutait sa journée en préparant un café noir et en disposant soigneusement ses jumelles, ses carnets, et son fidèle appareil photo sur une petite table en bois près de sa fenêtre. Cette fenêtre, qui donnait sur un enchevêtrement de toits, était devenue son portail vers un monde secret et fascinant. Ce matin-là, il sentit une tension particulière dans l'air. Les pigeons, d'ordinaire si prompts à vaquer à leurs occupations, semblaient en effervescence.

Edmond avait appris à lire leurs mouvements avec une précision presque scientifique. Les vols en formation, les rassemblements inhabituels sur des antennes ou les éclats de disputes bruyantes : tout cela était un langage complexe qu’il s’efforçait de décrypter. Ce jour-là, il remarqua un comportement singulier. Les Silver Feathers avaient abandonné leur perchoir habituel sur le clocher de l'église Saint-Martin et semblaient s’être déplacés vers un ancien bâtiment désaffecté, une ancienne usine de textile.

Le retraité sortit son carnet, y griffonnant des notes précises. Pourquoi ce déplacement soudain ? Était-ce une simple précaution ou y avait-il une raison plus grave ? Tandis qu’il écrivait, une volée de Black Talons survola la zone, leurs ailes sombres dessinant des ombres inquiétantes sur les murs décrépits de l’usine. Edmond les observa intensément. Il remarqua que certains d'entre eux portaient des plumes manquantes ou ébouriffées, signe évident de récentes escarmouches.

Il reporta son attention sur les Silver Feathers . Leur leader , qu’il avait surnommé "Plume d’Argent", semblait donner des ordres précis. Les pigeons s’organisaient en groupes , certains transportant des brindilles et des morceaux de fil de fer . Edmond reconnut immédiatement ces signaux : ils fortifiaient leur nouveau refuge. L’odeur d’une guerre imminente était palpable .

Chapter 2.1: The First Signs of the Storm

Edmond Passereau, settled in his cramped apartment, woke up each morning with the same meticulous routine. He started his day by preparing a black coffee and carefully arranging his binoculars, notebooks, and his trusty camera on a small wooden table near his window. This window, overlooking a tangle of rooftops, had become his gateway to a secret and fascinating world. That morning, he sensed a particular tension in the air. The pigeons, usually so quick to go about their business, seemed unusually restless.

Edmond had learned to read their movements with almost scientific precision. The formations in flight, the unusual gatherings on antennas, or the sudden bursts of noisy disputes—all of these were part of a complex language he was determined to decipher. That day, he noticed something peculiar. The Silver Feathers had abandoned their usual perch on the bell tower of Saint-Martin Church and had seemingly relocated to an old abandoned building—an old textile factory.

The retired man took out his notebook, jotting down precise notes. Why this sudden relocation? Was it merely a precaution, or was there a more serious reason behind it? As he wrote, a flock of Black Talons soared over the area, their dark wings casting ominous shadows on the crumbling walls of the factory. Edmond watched them closely. He noticed that some of them had missing or ruffled feathers—clear signs of recent skirmishes.

He turned his attention back to the Silver Feathers. Their leader, whom he had nicknamed "Silver Plume", seemed to be giving precise orders. The pigeons were organizing themselves into groups, some carrying twigs and pieces of wire. Edmond immediately recognized these signs: they were fortifying their new refuge.

The scent of an impending war was unmistakable.

17 partcipants

@anonyvoter @florenceboens @hatdogseinsei @iamchessguy ( I will have forgotten once regarding the transfers so X2 ) @ironshield @itharagaian @logen9f @longganisan @lumpiadobo @manuvert @servelle @subidu @sgcurate @tokutaro22 @tortangkahoy


The pigeon war is coming. Feathers and beaks and talons everywhere. !BBH


Did you hear about the Irish guy who was assassinated at the antique store?
It was a knick knack paddy whack.

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Merci pour les Secrets, les humains ne sont pas les seuls à se faire la guerre, et même les végétaux se font une guerre silencieuse et invisible.

oui l'idée du texte me viens d'une observation des pigeons en bas de chez moi quand je bois le café je leurs met un peu de pain et quand un pigeons qui n'est pas du groupe de mon quartier débarque il le chasse a coupe de bec et d'aile , j'en est même bagué certain que j'ai réussie a attraper pour être sûr que c'est toujours les même !HUG ! WEED


How do construction workers party?
They raise the roof.

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I used to be addicted to soap.
But I'm clean now.

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What did the tie say to the hat?
I'll hang around here while you go on ahead.

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Belle journée !

The person who invented autocorrect
should burn in hello.

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Why didn’t the mathematician travel?
He could never reach the city limit.

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If it wasn't for window blinds...
It'd be curtains for all us.

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Thank you for the SECRET


What did the grape say when it got stepped on?
Nothing. It just let out a little wine.

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@hatdogsensei, I sent you an

Thanks.Please include me. @iamchessguy


Why did the astronaut throw away his vegetarian burger?
He wanted something *meteor*.

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Bonne journée !

My roommate keeps saying that our house is haunted.
But I've lived here for last 216 years, and haven't heard anything unusual.

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Why was the painter sprinting down the street?
Because his paint was running.

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The war will be exciting


How many magicians does it take to pull a rabbit out of a hat?
One. It's a trick question.

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Merci pour les SECRET!
Bon vendredi, !ALIVE

I saw 4 guys beating up 1 guy so i stopped to help.
He had no chance against all 5 of us.

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What do you get after the animal dinner party?
Stuffed animals.

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Way to go!


Why should you never play poker in the jungle?
Too many cheetahs.

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What’s a squirrel’s favorite kind of joke?
Acorny one.

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Job interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Me: I would say my biggest weakness is listening.

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What's the difference between a well-dressed man and a tired dog?
The man wears an entire suit, the dog just pants.

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Edmond is a very focused man


What do you say to comfort a friend who's struggling with grammar?
There, their, they're.

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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen unserem Schöpfer und einer sturmerprobten alten Lehrerin?
Gott weiß alles, die alte Lehrerin weiß alles besser!

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How do you make antifreeze?
Steal her blanket.

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What is a ghosts favorite candy?
Boo boo clusters.

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What's the difference between a cat and a frog?
A cat has nine lives, but a frogs croaks every night.

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Throwing acid is wrong
in some people’s eyes.

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