Let's Drive Down Memory Lane: First Cars - Discussion

in #discussion7 years ago

 I've asked this before and some of you already answered, but we have many new users and I'm trying to promote discussion.  

What was your first car?  Where did you get it? How did it Make You feel? 

 *1966 Mustang this one was not mine!  The picture represents what I wanted mine to be.

Traveling down memory lane can be fun sometimes, and in many areas your first car is nearly a "coming of age" experience.  Just for fun and discussion, I want to hear about your first car.  I have put some ideas below of questions to answer, to be thought provoking,  Describe your experience with your first car.  

  • Did you buy it?  
  • How old were you when you purchased it?
  • Were you proud of it?  
  • Were you embarrassed by it?  
  • What are your memories of your first car?  
  • What happened to that first car?  
  • Did you sell it, trade it, crash it?

I will go first.

My first car was a 1966 Ford Mustang much like the one pictured above... 

Only mine wasn't in good shape, pretty, or nice.  It was white and had been backed into a tree.  It had a lot of body damage.   The lifters knocked and it burned a lot of oil.  I think I paid $400.00 dollars for it.  (It was 1984) I earned the money by babysitting and working summers at the Forest Service, and I purchased it my Senior year of high school, a friend helped me pick it out.   I was proud of my car, but only because I had big dreams of restoring it to it's former beauty.  Although, it wasn't a nice car, I was in love with that car and my dreams of making it beautiful.  I remember the sense of freedom I had when I carried those keys with me.  I didn't have to ask anyone for a ride, I could go where I wanted.  I lived in a small town, where there were no buses, and town was a few miles from my house, so transportation was always a problem.  Suddenly, on the days my car would start, I had freedom.  Although, I am not mechanically inclined,  I lived in an area where restored older cars were popular and many people were happy to help work on the car with little incentive, it was kind of a hobby.  Someone I knew, helped pound the dents out and did their best with some putty, and we spray painted it with primer, while I saved for the paint job.

My Dad fixed the mechanical issues, one weekend at a time.  I had to pay for the parts, but he volunteered his time.  Sometimes his friends would be around having a beer and they would throw their efforts in and the car progressed.  We fixed the starter, replaced the alternator, the radiator, other things I no longer remember, but the car started on most days now, it no longer dripped oil.
By this time I was commuting to a local Community College my first year of college.  One night coming home from school on a foggy night, I drove my dream car right into a large buck.  I didn't see him in the fog, until the last moment, and he and I both froze.  When the moment was over there was a dead buck and a totaled '66 Mustang.  Of course at the time I was really sad.  I also had a pretty sore neck for a couple of weeks from the whiplash. I knew it could have been worse. 

 *this picture is from pixabay, but for those of you that know deer, the buck I hit was a six point buck.  Big deer. 

 I do love the memory of my first car, and all the hopes and dreams I had for it.  I have never again owned a classic car, nor do I intend to, but that first car brought me freedom, fun, goals, and represented the beginning of being an adult.

What was your first car and what did it mean to you?


My first car was a 1984 Bronco II. She had a shiny black paint job and all red interior. Dull red. Used but taken care of. No rips in the interior, no scratches or cracks in the dashboard. You could tell someone loved that old rig before it came to me. I was a Junior in high school and I was so excited that I could drive all my friends around with me at lunch time.

My Bronco deuce has a cool story and a sad ending. Lets just say she was donated to me by my biological father who popped in and out of my life at his own convenience. This gift was I'm sure more to fill the guilt in his heart than to make me happy. However, at 16 that wasn't on my mind. I HAD A CAR! "Let's hit the road!"

Ol' girl needed some love under the hood and my stepdad, Jess told me he would help me fix it up if I did the work with him. Mind you - I was a cheerleader, had a boyfriend, and a social life so that was a big commitment from me. (WHAT A BRAT!) So Jess gathered all the needed supplies and we spent lots of time fixing her up. We ripped out old smog control parts,put on a chrome easy flow air filter, pulled off valve covers and painted them yellow, replaced the thermostat,and flushed the entire cooling system. Jess says we plugged a bunch of the smog hoses with his drill bits because we had nothing else. He laughs now, "When that thing went - so did $100 in drill bits!" Overall, I don't care for pursuing a career in vehicle maintenance but it was a cool experience to do the work ourselves. Gave me a sense of pride when I put the pedal to the floor while it struggled to make it up the hills with all my friends heading to go camping. "I did the work on this myself, don't worry - she runs like a champ."

My Bronco Deuce was the reason I was able to get my first job and my first traffic infraction. I didn't have a license to drive - only a permit which has rules around who can be in the car with said inexperienced driver. Well I piled all my friends in my car and we would cruise the dirt roads around the tiny little hick town I lived in, with one cop. Who we all called Barney Fife.

Barney pulled me over going 45mph in a 20mph zone. He literally asked me if I knew that I didn't have a drivers license. "No sir, I thought I did!" (Insert face palm) Luckily, he had a crush on my mom so he followed me home and let me off with no ticket - or revoking my license!

That Bronco Deuce was responsible for a lot of fun. As soon as I got comfortable with its squirrley steering, I would smash through mud puddles and drive over dirt jumps. We had a hell of a time in that old rig.

Lots of cool memories. The last memory I have of her was when I packed SIX of my friends and all our camping gear and went to disappear in the wilderness for the weekend. On the way down from a very fun weekend, a terrible "ping pang" noise rang throughout the cab. (I found out later that it shot a rod.) My friend said, "That's not good!" The car came to a halting stop. She never drove again.

RIP Bronco Deuce

Wow, great story! After you do your introduction post you could easily turn this answer into a post. Welcome and good luck on SteemIt.

RIP Bronco Deuce! :) Thank you for sharing.

My first car was a 1992 Chevy Cheyenne. This is basically what is now called a Silverado, but I was 16 and there was no way I could afford to buy a new truck. The colors are exactly the same as the one I posted above, but that isn't my exact truck as I sold it around 2005 with over 300,000 miles on it. It still ran perfectly, the engine was clean, and it had never been in a wreck. I used to see it around town up until a couple of years ago. The guy that had bought it from me must have wrecked it, because it had some dents and scrapes that it didn't when I sold it to him. I haven't seen it in a while though, but that truck lasted over 20 years on the road with no problems. I'm currently driving a GMC version of the same truck that is about 17 years old now too. The old GM trucks seem to last forever and I'll probably never buy a new vehicle.

Cool old truck. My husband is in agreement. He drives a 2001 GMC 1/2 ton. We bought it new it has over 200k miles on it. He still loves it and it reliable and steady!

What a trip, I have the same year truck as your husband. :) Is his that champagne color too?

IT IS... That is amazing.

Boris and I used to live in NY as students and we went to a laundromat one day. I can't remember now but I think the drying cycle is like 40 minutes or something. So we walked out cross the street into a Saturn dealership . Before the clothes were dry, I had me a Saturn SC 300 coupe. I was king for a day. It was one crappy car but then ah! It was gorgeous. Got me around for many years.

LOL, did you plan on buying a car that day? Or were you just killing time while you waited for the clothes to dry? I wanted a Saturn when they first launched, but I never have owned one.

It was just killing time. We were poor students. Car was 14000 dollars on payments. It was a wild buy of my youth.

Oh yeah, it's a pleasant memory, because on my first car I made it myself without any help, though it was not new, but quite tolerable and drove well. That's such a memory :) Thanks @whatsup

Did you buy it? No was my Dad :D
How old were you when you purchased it? It was already there when i was born
Were you proud of it? No
Were you embarrassed by it? No
What are your memories of your first car? Hit it by basketball and windows broke
What happened to that first car? Gone
Did you sell it, trade it, crash it? Sold it

All I can say is that this is a very young crowd. My first car, was my brothers car. He went overseas, and I sort of took his car. it was a 1968 Plymouth Satellite Candy apple red, (I hated the color), with a 383, 4 bbl, and to top it off a Police Interceptor Automatic transmission. (it used to belong to the sheriff). Oh wait that didn't top it off, it was topless, a convertible, and it was fast. Somebody in Longview Texas is really happy.

Wow, that sounds like an amazing car! ... and a convertible.
Thank you for calling me young, SteemIt always makes me feel old. lol

What was your first car?
80's Subaru
Where did you get it?
How did it Make You feel?
EXCITED, my 1st car! :)

•Did you buy it?
More like was given from grandparents, paid $500
•How old were you when you purchased it?
•Were you proud of it?
Oh yes, washed it every week and spent tons of money decking it out!
•Were you embarrassed by it?
Not at all.
•What are your memories of your first car?
Pretty much upgraded it to look just like my favorite toy car when I was a kid. Happy memories cruising with the radio blasting!
•What happened to that first car?
Begun to break down.
•Did you sell it, trade it, crash it?
Sold it

It taught me that everything happens for a reason, stay positive!

Nice, sounds like a great first car experience! Nearly perfect. :) Thanks for joining the discussion.


This is my first car and still I am using it!
Name :- Perodua Kelisa
Year :- 2007
Made in :- Malaysia

This is the best car I ever used (I have driven a lots of cars). Never made troubles and well conditioned car. And I have no hope to sell it for any price :D


For me i have never really bought a car personally. The one i used before personally was given to me by my father. It was a "volkswagen volvo". It was really a cool car, i enjoyed it. I was quite young when i drove it, 16 year old. I was the one who thought myself how to drive, strange but true. In terms of crashing it, i have not really crashed it, but i have brushed it here and there.. Nothing really much about the volvo, it was not all that fansy but i liked it. I give it out at the end.

I had my first car when i was @ 30 years, I know it's bit late but I have to earn and buy a car for myself and I am very proud about it. My first car was a Honda Civic (2003) model. Now I am using a Nissan Tiida (2012).

  • Did you buy it? Yes
  • How old were you when you purchased it? 30
  • Were you proud of it? Absolutely yes, I earn and brought it for me
  • Were you embarrassed by it? No
  • What are your memories of your first car? Mix felling, had a wonderful time, but gives me lot of mechanical trouble
  • What happened to that first car? I sold it
  • Did you sell it, trade it, crash it? sell it for cash and brought a new one.

I love my first car a lot had wonderful memories.

First car was a 1983 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme.

It was burgundy with the matching rally rims. Had a 350 in it with a 4 barrel carburetor. No 18 yr old kid should have a fast car as their first car...lmao.

I bought it one week after I graduating high school with the money I saved working part time my junior and senior year.

I freaking loved that car and went through a rear set of tires in just the first summer as I was lighting them up with burnouts daily. (again, no 18 yr kid should have a fast car)

The car lasted me one year as the following summer I was working two full-time jobs at the same time trying to save enough for college tuition for the coming school year.

I ended up falling asleep behind the wheel and rear ended someone at a red light. Not good, I did however take the lesson of not driving when I'm extremely tired ever again.

Miss that car. Recently saw a very similar one for sale and thought about buying it but financially not the best move given I no longer have a "day job."

@whatsup - Ma'm I have no car yet :( Not a rich person I'm. But one day I'll buy a car by steem funds :) Lovely post ma'm. I'll read what others said about this too.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]


amigo #resteemia at your service

year : 2015
model : honda fit
body style : hatchback
fuel type : hybrid
now i have toyota prius 2016 version ;) nice work @whatsup

'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'

I got my first car just a few years ago. It's a really practical minivan that I got second-hand. I like it very much, it's economical, it's comfortable to drive, it's spacious, it has enough horsepower for me and it allows me and my girl to take our dog on adventures with us :)

We've already made quite a few memories with it and have traveled quite a lot. I once even damaged the transmission trying to climb a mountain hill (which this car has obviously not been designed to do). The climb also ruined the tyres, but the car got us home anyway.

Oh wow, just awesome memories! I was the only girl with four brothers. When they weren't picking on me, they were making sure I was taken care of. They all helped me buy the coolest car out there. A 1966 Pontiac Grand Prix. It was the darker green and roared like the devil himself.

I can't even tell you how powerful I felt in that car. Of course, all the boys suddenly seemed attracted to me/my car. The girls and I would head out after school down to the creek and take off our shoes and socks and wade in it. We'd catch crawdads and throw them at each other.

That car was so big, the whole crew would fit in it. No matter the number, we always squeezed em' in. The rule was nobody rode for free. That beauty guzzled gas like it was going outta style. So everyone contributed to filling up the tank, if we were lucky. I remember gas was $.35 a gallon back then.

Not sure how it was possible but my brothers seemed like they loved the car the same if not more than me. They had old Chevy's or pickup trucks. I'd let them borrow it occasionally for a date if they would fill it up and change the oil for me.

Oh, I wish I had that car today. I drove it for 14 years and traded it in for a new Camaro, which I prompted totaled.

There are some very young people in steemit.
My first car was a 1928 [yes they had been invented then] Chev, the last of the 4 cylinder models. A large box with a smaller box in front for the engine.
The first year of service in the RNZAF we were paid $4.00 a fortnight, the remainder of your pay was banked for you. The purchase price of the car was $200 which I could just afford. It was definitely a female car, it made its mind up whether it wanted to go where ever I wanted to go if it didn't want to go that was that, there was no way the car was going to start.
Most of the time it was very co-operative.
Something the youngies will never have happen, driving along at about 40 mph, towards top speed, and suddenly there is a sudden knock, knock outside the car. a quick stop, followed by a good look at everything, to find that nothing appeared to be wrong to the vastly experienced 18 year old eye. Restart and continue down the road, there is that knock again, another examination to find everything looked like it should. After 10 to 15 stops I finally found the cause to be the tread on the retreaded tyre had come unstuck for half to three-quarters of its circumference. As soon as I got any speed up it was smacking the inside of the mudguard, when I stopped it resumed it's proper position and looked ok. Out with the spare, a quick change and we were away.
Then, a retread was just glued to the outside of the beads and base of the tyre, vulcanizing hadn't come into common practice yet, and it cost more.
The car was big enough to fit a rugby team into to take them about ten miles to play the next base, there were guys on knees, somebody alongside me was doing the gear changes, but we got there and beat them.
I was posted to Fiji in December and sold the car before I left.
We would also fill it up and go to the hot springs 20 minutes away for an evening swim quite often as well.
At the time it wasn't the newest car on the road, but it wasn't the oldest either, NZ had a thing for keeping old cars going because we couldn't afford to buy new ones [or the Government put so many taxes on the import of them]

I do not have a car yet but his car was great

Mustangs make me think of Supernatural xD

I do not have a car, and I do not want to.
And so I can fight against big corporations, I do not want their shit.

My first car was a 1977 Toyota Corolla. It had a 1.8 Litre engine that put out all of 98 horsepower. It was a "hand me down" from my dad as he bought a new car in 1982. My brothers and sisters had all passed down the 1969 Mustang, until my brother totaled it before it could get to me.

Still, the car meant freedom to me. I put a loud stereo in it and took all of my friends everywhere. I remeber one summer day, we piled 9 people in it to drive out to a rock quarry to go swimming.

It definitely was not my dream car. I have had a few classics since then. A couple of 1957 Chevy pickups and currently drive a hot rod 1939 Ford Coupe.

I worry that as driverless cars become a reality, we will lose the ability to drive our old classics.

Yes, when some things cause you to remember, and if it is still a very good memory, then this thing becomes very dear to you.

Great sharing,beautiful car but a i have no car,nice discussion

Interesting story!!!