MOVIE REVIEW: "Avengers: Endgame" (2019)

in #movie6 years ago (edited)


Game Spot

Synopsis: After Thanos eliminate half of the living creatures, the Avengers have to deal with the loss of friends and loved ones. With Tony Stark wandering lost in space without water and food, Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanov lead the resistance against the mad titan.

The loss of hope. The feeling of impotence (which mixes the idea of ​​not having done enough to win). The sadness of losing friends and family. The urge to rebuild and fight once again for what is right ... All this and more is present in the epic conclusion present in Avengers: Endgame.


It all starts exactly where the previous movie ended. The world is with 50% less of its living creatures and apparently continues with its controlled damage. Thanos finally got the reality he wanted... But until when? Well, until the remaining avengers gather and go after him to solve the problem!

Once again reunited (this time, with unexpected help), they have an ambitious and complicated plan to try, in some way, to reverse all the evil previously caused. However, in case something goes wrong, they can pay a very expensive price for this attempt to save all those who are gone.

Although the solution is kinda predictable, there are still some surprises in the script (which are not exactly twists, but reserve shocking moments) that make the course of the situation more challenging and naturally more interesting.

The Hollywood Reporter

The script follows all of Marvel's typical (and insistently annoying) comedy, but here everything is done more moderately (but still, most of them are still present at the most inappropriate times). In contrast, the dramatic approach was a daring step from the studio, which managed to create several tense moments and also other very exciting moments.

Particularly talking about the excitement of the movie, there are two of them in particular that are stop and breathe deep ... or for the most fanatical about the franchise, cry ... As actually happened in the session where I was (but no, it wasn't me... haha!). With this Marvel shows that he learned a good lesson on narrative conduct, and wisely invested a little less in the obsession for unbridled action and more in the deepening of a dramatic arc rich and full of particularities.

Time Magazine

Somehow there are some protagonists (those traditionally known)... But in general, everyone has its importance for the development of the film. The spotlights are well divided and although one or another character does not have physical action scenes, they carry a personal load that is translated into psychological conflicts that generate a lot of tension.

There is less action than usual (considering it is a Marvel film) but there are moments of battles that reach their megalomania at the climax of the third act (it is worth mentioning here that it is a battle like never seen before before). The scripts focuses on rebuilding the avengers as human beings and later as a group ... Because only after this reconstruction is there is the real chance of a victory.

Screen Rant

Directors Anthony Russo and Joe Russo come back, do a great job and with this film they show that they are more mature in the way they work and more attentive to offer the public new perceptions of visual cinematography and with that, making them appreciate the final result in an even more exciting way.

Once again, they manage to take the best from the cast (which remains very good... despite some decisions that I didn't like about the presence and screen time of some of them) and seeing all the worlds that each character represents has a touch of incredible nostalgia (and obviously, the script creates some situations to take advantage of that narrative aspect).

Talking about the technical categories, the special effects are still excellent, the photography has gotten a better job, the editing of scenes has been very categorical (sometimes even a little hokey and cheesy) and the soundtrack has kept its motivational role more evident: to thrill.


Avengers: Endgame is the culmination of a true cinematic legacy (and does it so with great honor!) that after 11 years and 22 films (some of them very good... others not so much) comes to an end or simply can be lovingly translated as a love letter open to all the fans who have followed the journey of these heroes for so many years.


WoW! Aí sim, hein? Gostei de ver que recebeu um extra prêmio!

Costumo sempre dizer que todo esforço é recompensado... de uma forma ou de outra! Parabéns!!

Demorou, mas chegou... Haha!

Valeu, dude! ;)

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Contando as moedinhas pra ir no cinema e assistir essa obra de arte :D

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Certeza que tu não vai se arrepender! xD

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Haha it's super spoiler free indeed. This is why I didn't write a full review of the movie yet. I did a general one and that's it. 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Writing a full review about this movie can bring trouble with the most fanatical fans who have not yet watched the movie because even if you tell them about possible spoilers... They'll complain, haha!

Talking about movies, did you see the movie challenge that I announced? It would be a pleasure if you participated. Here is the post (if you wanna check it out): MOVIE CHALLENGE (#01): "An Unexpected Horror Crossover" | Announcement + First Edition..

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