
That and failure to refresh ... I had the post ready to go and I kept coming back to see if anyone found it yet and didn't refresh the page before I put it up.

Now, my mistake is forever on the blockchain.

Woe is me.

So apparently you can only reply so many times ... crypto course sounds fun - that was the subject of my senior project in my undergrad. And inwardly I really do hope there are more scavenger hunts - the problem is I get sucked in and then spend way too much time on it.

No problema. Looking forward to your next post, just hoping it's not another scavenger hunt... :)

Scavenger hunts are fun, no?

I hope the next is not a scavenger hunt either. I need to move along with the next post on ze Crypto-101 course!

I might have to do some basic logic and intro to proofs, too.