
Old toyotas are awesome , they never give much trouble . This has about 110.000 miles on it whoch isnt bad for a 32 year old car . Its still awesome to drive but i need to rebuild the differential in it soon . So i'll taking the rear axle out myself in a few days .I'll try and make a post about it

I believe it will last you a long time a great investment. I wish I was mechanically inclined as you. You have skills that can earn you some good money.

Trust me , i feel out of my depths a lot of the time . I bought this car when the price was high so ill have to wait a few years to make money on it . The ae86 is crazy expensive here because it has a major cult following

I looked them up to see how much they are on America out of curiosity. The average price is 20,000 usd Jesus man that a lot.

Yep . I could buy a new car for the price of it here easily . You really gotta loved them alot if you want to own one . I still wonder should i have bought it but there not going to get any cheaper

It’s an investment. really When you buy a new car the value drops as soon as you drive it off the lot.
I almost bought a new Dodge Challenger but I didn’t because it’s overpriced and the roads are too bad on the winter for a rear wheel drive. I bought a cheap hatchback instead lol. Because I got a lifetime warranty on the little hatchback. I hate to say this but some American car brands aren’t dependable. A lot of people around this town drive Toyota tucks.

Well that is kinda my outlook on cars to about prices . I cant say i know much about there reliability as American cars are pretty much none existent here . I know they wouldnt suit irish roads though . I use a 2000 1.4 civic as my run around which is great . I could buy nearly 50 civics for the price i bought my toyota ae86 which is mental . Thats not a lie i just worked out the maths

I bought my civic for 280 euro

I just went on the calculator and it works out 53.5 to be exact