In all sports you have mechanical and operational output.
In regards to football, and thus kicking, mechanical output is how well you can kick in a pressure-free environment.
Operational output would be game or game-simulated kicking under pressure.
At this time of the year, all training efforts should be put in the mechanical output basket where all skill work is performed under zero pressure and at gradual speeds and difficulties.
Only once can a player master kicking variability under no pressure can they start to master it game conditions.
Use drills that incorporate a lot of different kick types and use a progressional model to reach your end point but do not be in a rush to get there.
Progress from stationary to dynamic kicking, regular to stab kicking, stationary to dynamic targets, slow to fast speed of execution as well as planned to chaos decision making drills.
Here in the United States, we love our NFL football and it is more popular and more brutal than any other organized team sport...but even WE look at the AFL and say, "now THAT'S a man's game!"
We don't hit as hard as NFL (we used to in the good old days!) but we can get you from 360 degrees