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RE: Anarchy is Coming Soon; Is Now!

in #anarchy8 years ago

Agamemnon, Leonidas, Themistocles, Philip II, Alexander, and Julius Caesar shaped the western world. Some were good leaders and some were not so good.

Anarchy means without a leader.
Show me a world which has thrived and prospered without a leader?
Doesn't exists.
Even Chimps have leaders.

What you have today in the US is a elite minority group in charge. A group of Plutocrats which is demographically disproportionate to the demographics of the major populace and therefore doesn't have the best interests of the populace at heart. A parasitic group of sociopaths blood drunk on their power trying to divide and conquer this major populace which they fear and hence are driving forth chaos and anarchy.

They control Banking, Media, Hollywood, and Wall Street.
A tight strangle hold on all of us, not to mention the
majority of brain washed sheeple.

Horrible leadership which need to be put down.

I am anti-establishment (this establishment) and I want
a decentralized form of government, but I am not a
Anarchist. That would be foolish.


Anarchy means without a ruler. Leaders do not need to practice violence. Rulers, by very definition, must.

I would be interested to hear your conception of what a "decentralized form of government is."
I have nothing against governance itself.

As long as it is non-violent, I am all for it.

Anarchy does mean without a ruler or chief. Synonyms of Anarchy include lawlessness, disorder, chaos and turmoil. Not exactly what most people want. Sadam was indeed a ruler who did use violence, but without him now, it is far worse. Anyway you slice it, where there is a Administrator/Chief/Ruler there are rules/governance.

I don't believe in centralized/federalized governance. People who are alike in their beliefs should be allowed to form local governments on the county level where the state can't interfere. Likewise the the fed can't interfere in the states business. The constitution allowed for this. Live and let live. It's these Plutocrats who won't allow this with their NWO plans. Violence, if need be, is necessary to maintain this freedom.